Cloudflare Error 1015: What It Is and 10 Tips to Avoid It

If you‘ve ever attempted to scrape a website protected by Cloudflare, you may have run into the dreaded Error 1015 along with an ominous message: "You are being rate limited." This can put an abrupt end to your web scraping project. But what exactly is Cloudflare Error 1015, what causes it, and most importantly, how can you avoid it to keep your scrapers running smoothly?

In this in-depth guide, we‘ll cover everything you need to know about Cloudflare Error 1015. I‘ll explain what it is, how Cloudflare‘s rate limiting works, and share 10 proven tips to prevent hitting rate limits and triggering the 1015 error. As an experienced web scraper who‘s extracted data from numerous Cloudflare-enabled sites, I‘ve learned these lessons firsthand. Armed with this knowledge, you‘ll be able to scrape Cloudflare websites reliably without getting blocked.

What is Cloudflare Error 1015?

Cloudflare Error 1015 is a rate limiting error returned by the Cloudflare edge network when the number of HTTP requests sent from an IP address exceeds a predefined threshold set by the website owner. It‘s a defense mechanism built into Cloudflare to protect origin web servers from excessive traffic, DDoS attacks, bots, and abuse.

When a rate limit rule is triggered, Cloudflare will start responding with a 429 "Too Many Requests" status code and a 1015 error for subsequent requests from that IP. The full error message usually looks something like this:

1015 ERROR
The owner of this website ( has banned your IP address (#.#.#.#)
Requests from this IP address have exceeded the rate limit.

Cloudflare Error 1015 is often encountered by web scrapers, as scraping tends to send requests at a much higher frequency than a regular user. Even well-behaved scrapers that respect robots.txt and follow ethical practices can inadvertently trigger rate limits if not properly tuned.

How Cloudflare Rate Limiting Works

Cloudflare provides web properties powerful and customizable rate limiting options to mitigate abusive or excessive requests. Administrators can set thresholds and burst sizes on a per-path, per-domain, or global basis. There are three main types of rate limits:

  1. Requests per second (e.g. allow 50 requests/second)
  2. Number of concurrent connections (e.g. allow 100 simultaneous connections)
  3. CPU time (e.g. allow 1000ms of origin CPU time per minute)

By default, rate limits are enforced by IP address. So if multiple requests originate from the same IP in a short timeframe that exceeds the configured limit, Cloudflare will return a 429 status code and Error 1015.

It‘s important to note that rate limits apply to the total number of requests, regardless of the specific URLs being accessed or if the requests use different protocols like HTTP and HTTPS. Also, Cloudflare Pro, Business, and Enterprise customers have access to more advanced rate limiting features compared to the free tier.

Common Web Scraping Activities That Trigger Error 1015

Now that we understand what Error 1015 is and how rate limiting works, let‘s look at some common web scraping practices that can get you rate limited by Cloudflare:

  1. Sending a large number of requests from a single IP address in a short period of time
  2. Scraping many pages simultaneously using multithreading/multiprocessing
  3. Not including sufficient delays/throttling between requests
  4. Repeatedly hitting a specific URL endpoint
  5. Using an IP address that has already been flagged for suspicious activity
  6. Not respecting robots.txt rules that prohibit scraping of certain pages
  7. Accessing a site significantly more often than a normal user would
  8. Sending requests with a frequency that approaches DDoS attack levels

Even a relatively low request rate can eat through Cloudflare‘s default rate limits pretty quickly. So as a web scraper, you need to be proactive and take steps to avoid hitting these limits in the first place.

10 Tips to Avoid Cloudflare Error 1015

Here are 10 tips I recommend to avoid encountering Cloudflare‘s 1015 rate limiting error while scraping websites:

  1. Throttle your requests. Implement delays between requests to mimic human browsing behavior. A good rule of thumb is to wait at least 5-10 seconds between page loads. You can randomize the delay a bit to appear more organic. Use Python‘s time.sleep() function to pause execution.

  2. Rotate your IP addresses. Distribute scraping requests across many different IP addresses so no single IP exceeds the rate limit. You can use your own pool of proxies or subscribe to a paid proxy service that provides a large, diverse set of IPs. Rotating IPs is the single most effective way to avoid rate limiting.

  3. Use a reputable proxy provider. Free public proxies often have terrible performance and many are already blocked by Cloudflare. Instead, use a premium proxy service that specializes in web scraping. They will maintain clean IP pools and handle proxy rotation for you. I recommend providers like Bright Data, Oxylabs, and Blazing SEO.

  4. Respect robots.txt. Cloudflare customers can use robots.txt to explicitly disallow bots from scraping certain pages. While not a panacea, respecting robots.txt will keep you out of trouble on most sites. Check for a robots.txt file at the root domain (e.g. and parse it to determine which URLs are off-limits. Python‘s RobotFileParser class makes this easy.

  5. Spread requests evenly. If you need to scrape a specific page many times (e.g. to monitor for changes), avoid concentrating all your requests in a short time window. Instead, space them out evenly over a longer period. For example, checking a page every 5 minutes for an hour is less likely to trigger rate limiting than hitting it 12 times in the first minute.

  6. Limit concurrent requests. Avoid the temptation to spawn a huge number of simultaneous connections in order to scrape a site faster. Cloudflare will quickly flag this as suspicious. Instead, restrict your scraper to a low number of concurrent threads/processes (e.g. 2-4) and throttle each one. Slow and steady wins the race.

  7. Don‘t hit URL endpoints excessively. Be especially careful when scraping specific URL endpoints like API routes, form submission handlers, or search result pages. These are more likely to have strict rate limits than general content pages. Spread requests to sensitive endpoints over a longer timeframe.

  8. Use a headless browser. Tools like Playwright, Puppeteer, and Selenium allow you to simulate organic human traffic by loading pages in a real web browser. Cloudflare has a harder time distinguishing this from regular visitors. The tradeoff is slower performance, so you‘ll still need to throttle requests and rotate IPs.

  9. Avoid suspicious activity. Don‘t draw undue attention to your scraper by doing things a normal user wouldn‘t, like repeatedly logging in and out, entering invalid data in forms, or recursively crawling the entire site. The more you behave like a regular visitor, the less likely you are to hit rate limits.

  10. Monitor your scraper. Keep a close eye on your web scraping tools and scripts. Log each request and watch for any 429 errors. Have an alert system in place to notify you immediately if a request gets rate limited. The sooner you can detect and rectify rate limiting issues, the less likely you are to get your IP addresses banned entirely.

Putting It All Together

Here‘s a Python code snippet demonstrating how you might implement request throttling and IP rotation in a web scraper to avoid Cloudflare rate limits:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from time import sleep
from random import choice

    "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.82 Safari/537.36",
    "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_4_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1",
    "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:86.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/86.0",

    {"http": "", "https": ""},
    {"http": "", "https": ""},
    {"http": "", "https": ""},

def get_page(url):
    proxy = choice(PROXIES)
    headers = {"User-Agent": choice(USER_AGENTS)}

        r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, proxies=proxy, timeout=10)
        if r.status_code == 200:
            return BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser") 
            print(f"Request failed with status {r.status_code}")
        print("Request failed")

    return None

# Throttle requests and rotate IP for each one
for url in urls:
    soup = get_page(url)
    if soup:
        # Parse HTML here

    sleep(5 + (random() * 5))  # Wait 5-10 seconds between requests

This script makes use of the popular Requests and BeautifulSoup libraries to fetch and parse web pages. The get_page function chooses a random proxy and user agent for each request. If the request succeeds, it returns a BeautifulSoup object for HTML parsing. Otherwise, it prints an error message.

The main scraping loop processes a list of target URLs. For each one, it calls get_page, parses the resulting HTML, and then sleeps for a random interval between 5 and 10 seconds before moving on to the next URL.

Of course, this is just a simplified example. A real production scraper would need to be more robust, with error handling, retries, logging, and so on. But it illustrates the key concepts of throttling and rotating requests to avoid triggering Cloudflare‘s rate limits.

Cloudflare Rate Limiting and Web Scraping Ethics

It‘s worth noting that web scraping, in general, exists in a legal and ethical gray area. Although scraping publicly accessible data is often permitted, many website owners consider it an unwelcome intrusion. Cloudflare‘s rate limiting mechanisms exist to protect sites from abuse, after all.

As an ethical web scraper, you have a responsibility to be a good netizen and minimize your impact on the sites you scrape. This means not only respecting robots.txt and avoiding aggressive scraping, but also considering the purpose and intent of your scraping activities.

Are you collecting data for a legitimate business purpose or research project? Or are you attempting to gain an unfair competitive advantage or access private user data? The former is generally above board, while the latter is unethical and potentially illegal.

Some key ethical principles to follow:

  • Don‘t scrape non-public user data
  • Don‘t overload sites with requests
  • Respect robots.txt directives
  • Identify your scraper with a descriptive user agent
  • Consider asking permission for large/sustained scraping projects

At the end of the day, Cloudflare‘s rate limiting is there for a reason. As a web scraper, your goal should be to work within those limits as much as possible. Only bypass them if absolutely necessary for your project and only after careful consideration of the potential impacts.

Alternatives When You Can‘t Avoid Error 1015

In some cases, you may find that despite your best efforts you‘re unable to scrape a particular Cloudflare-protected website without hitting rate limits. When this happens, you have a few options:

  1. Use a web scraping API. Services like ScrapingBee and ParseHub offer APIs that handle Cloudflare bypassing for you. You simply send them the target URL and they return the HTML content. This is often the simplest solution, although it can be pricey for large scraping jobs.

  2. Outsource to human workers. If a site is so heavily protected that even automated tools can‘t scrape it reliably, you may need to fall back on manual data collection using services like Amazon‘s Mechanical Turk. This is obviously much slower and more expensive than web scraping.

  3. Contact the site owner. In some cases, it may be possible to reach an arrangement with the owner of the target website to get access to the data you need without scraping. Many sites offer paid API access or data export tools that obviate the need for scraping entirely. It never hurts to ask.

  4. Reevaluate the feasibility of your project. Sometimes, the juice simply isn‘t worth the squeeze. If you‘ve tried every trick in the book and still can‘t scrape a site without getting rate limited, it may be time to reconsider whether the data is truly essential for your project. Some websites simply aren‘t worth the effort required to scrape them.


Cloudflare Error 1015 is a common stumbling block for web scrapers, but with the right approach it‘s entirely possible to avoid. By throttling your requests, rotating IP addresses, and generally keeping a low profile, you can extract the data you need without triggering Cloudflare‘s rate limits.

Of course, this is just one small part of being an effective and ethical web scraper. As you dive deeper into this world, you‘ll encounter many other challenges, from CAPTCHAs and JavaScript rendering to bot detection algorithms and legal restrictions.

But armed with the tips and techniques outlined in this guide, you‘ll be well-equipped to handle Cloudflare rate limiting and keep your web scraping projects running smoothly. Just remember to always scraped responsibly and consider the impact of your actions. Happy scraping!