499 Status Code: What It Means and How to Handle It When Web Scraping

If you‘ve spent any amount of time web scraping, you‘ve likely encountered your fair share of HTTP status codes. While the 200 OK status is always the goal, sometimes you‘ll come across other status codes that aren‘t so friendly. One of these is the pesky 499 status code.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive into exactly what the 499 status code means, why it occurs, and most importantly, how you can avoid it to keep your web scraping running smoothly. Let‘s get started!

What is a 499 Status Code?

A 499 status code indicates a "client closed request" error. It‘s a non-standard status code, meaning it‘s not part of the official HTTP specification. However, it‘s commonly used by servers running certain web application frameworks.

In most cases, a 499 error means that the client (i.e. your web scraping script) closed the connection before the server could send a response. It‘s a client-side error, as opposed to a server-side error like the infamous 500 Internal Server Error.

The 499 status is often seen in setups where NGINX is used as a reverse proxy in front of an application server like Gunicorn or uWSGI. If the client closes the connection while NGINX is still waiting for the application server to respond, NGINX will return a 499 error.

How 499 Errors Impact Web Scraping

When you‘re scraping websites, receiving a 499 status code can throw a wrench in your data extraction pipeline. Since the connection is closed prematurely, your scraper won‘t receive the full HTTP response it was expecting. This can lead to incomplete or missing data.

If you‘re not handling 499 errors in your scraping code, an encounter with this status may cause your script to break entirely. Frequent 499 errors can make scraping a particular website unreliable and inefficient.

Even if your code does handle 499 errors gracefully, getting a large number of them can slow down your scraping substantially. You may need to implement retry logic which further extends your scraping runtime.

Common Causes of 499 Errors

There are a few common scenarios that tend to trigger 499 errors when web scraping:

  1. The client timeout is too short. If you‘ve configured your scraping client to only wait a short time for the server to respond, it may give up and close the connection early resulting in a 499.

  2. The server is purposely timing out suspicious requests. Some websites may identify your scraper as a bot based on traits like header spoofing or high request rate. In an attempt to block scraping, they may deliberately delay responding to your requests, forcing a timeout.

  3. Network issues or server problems can also lead to slower-than-usual responses that exceed your client‘s patience.

Now that we understand some of the root causes, let‘s look at ways to prevent 499 errors from derailing your web scraping projects.

Tactics to Avoid 499 Errors When Web Scraping

Fortunately, there are a number of best practices and techniques you can employ to minimize 499 errors and keep your scrapers running reliably.

1. Increase Your Client Timeout

One of the simplest ways to avoid 499 errors is to increase the timeout setting in your scraping client or script. This controls how long your client will wait for the server to send a complete response before giving up and closing the connection.

If you‘re using Python‘s requests library for scraping, you can use the timeout parameter to set a higher timeout value in seconds:

import requests

response = requests.get(‘http://example.com‘, timeout=30)

Here, we‘re telling requests to wait up to 30 seconds for a response. The default is typically much shorter, around 3-5 seconds.

Keep in mind that setting an excessively long timeout can make your scraper slower overall. You‘ll need to strike a balance based on the responsiveness of the sites you‘re scraping.

2. Use Undetectable Web Drivers

Some websites use advanced bot detection techniques that look for signs of web scraping, such as missing JavaScript rendering or outdated browser versions. If your scraper is flagged as a bot, the site may deliberately delay responses to your requests, leading to timeouts and 499 errors.

To avoid detection, you can use a web driver that‘s designed to be undetectable, such as undetected-chromedriver. This library wraps Selenium‘s ChromeDriver to make automated interactions with websites harder to distinguish from real human users.

The key to success with undetectable web drivers is to configure them to closely mimic human behavior. This includes setting a realistic user agent string, viewport size, and language headers. You should also add randomized delays between actions to avoid appearing suspiciously fast.

3. Rotate IP Addresses and Use Proxies

Sending a high volume of requests from a single IP address is another common red flag for web scraping. Websites may throttle or block requests from IPs that exceed a certain rate limit.

To get around this, you can distribute your scraping requests across a pool of rotating IP addresses using proxies. Each request will originate from a different IP, making it harder for the target site to detect and block your scraper.

There are several different types of proxies you can use for web scraping:

  • Data center proxies come from cloud hosting providers and are cheapest, but most easily detected
  • Residential proxies originate from real home networks and appear more legitimate
  • Mobile proxies from cellular carriers are the most expensive but hardest to block

Using a mix of different proxy types can help balance cost and stealthiness. Always be sure to use reputable proxy providers that maintain fresh, reliable IP pools.

4. Slow Down Your Scraping Rate

Even with IP rotation, sending requests too frequently can still get your scraper blocked and lead to 499 errors. It‘s important to throttle your scraping rate to mimic human browsing patterns more closely.

A simple way to slow things down is to add a delay between each request using Python‘s time module:

import requests
import time

for url in urls:
    response = requests.get(url)
    # Process response
    time.sleep(5)  # Wait 5 seconds before the next request

You can randomize the delay to avoid appearing too predictable. For example:

import random

delay = random.uniform(1, 10)  # Random delay between 1 and 10 seconds

Some sites publish their acceptable scraping rate in their robots.txt file or terms of service. Be sure to respect these guidelines to avoid having your scraper blocked.

5. Prefer APIs Over Scraping When Possible

Many websites offer official APIs that provide structured access to their data. Using these APIs is almost always preferable to scraping the site directly.

APIs are designed to handle automated requests efficiently without the overhead of rendering full web pages. They also tend to have higher rate limits than scraping. Most importantly, using an approved API keeps you on the right side of the site‘s terms of service.

Before writing a scraper for a site, always check if they have a public API available that fits your data needs. You‘ll save a ton of headaches and potential 499 errors.

6. Use Headless Browsers for JavaScript-Heavy Sites

Some modern websites make heavy use of front-end JavaScript frameworks to render content dynamically. This can make them difficult to scrape using simple HTTP clients like Python‘s requests library, since the initial response often contains minimal HTML.

If you‘re encountering 499 errors on sites like this, you may need to use a full headless browser environment to execute the JavaScript and wait for the content to populate before extracting it. Tools like Puppeteer and Selenium allow you to automate real browser interactions.

Keep in mind that driving a headless browser for scraping is much slower than making direct HTTP requests. You‘ll want to be extra careful about your scraping rate and use appropriate delays to avoid overwhelming the site.

Handling 499 Errors in Your Scraping Code

Even with all these preventative measures in place, you may still encounter the occasional 499 error when scraping. It‘s important to handle these errors gracefully in your code to avoid crashes and data loss.

In Python, you can use a try/except block to catch 499 errors and retry the request a few times before giving up:

import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException

max_retries = 3
retry_delay = 5  # seconds

def get_with_retries(url):
    for attempt in range(max_retries):
            response = requests.get(url, timeout=30)
            if response.status_code == 200:
                return response
                print(f‘Request failed with status {response.status_code}. Retrying...‘)
        except RequestException as e:
            print(f‘Request failed with exception: {e}. Retrying...‘)

        time.sleep(retry_delay)  # Wait before retrying

    print(f‘Failed to get {url} after {max_retries} attempts. Giving up.‘)
    return None

In this code, we wrap the requests.get() call in a try block. If a RequestException is raised due to a 499 error or timeout, we catch it, wait a few seconds, and retry the request up to a maximum number of attempts.

By implementing retry logic like this, you can make your scraper more resilient to occasional 499 errors without crashing or losing data.

Monitoring and Alerting for 499 Errors

Even with robust error handling, it‘s still a good idea to monitor your web scraping infrastructure for 499 errors and other issues. If you start seeing a high rate of 499s, it could be an early warning sign that your scraper is at risk of being blocked.

There are many tools available for monitoring and alerting on web scraping issues. Some popular open-source options include:

  • Prometheus for collecting and graphing metrics from your scraping servers
  • Grafana for building dashboards to visualize scraping metrics
  • Alertmanager for configuring alerts on metrics thresholds

If you‘re using a cloud-based scraping platform like Scraping Bee, monitoring and alerting may already be included as part of the service.

By keeping a close eye on your scraping health metrics, you can proactively identify and fix issues before they cause major problems downstream.

Related Status Codes

While we‘ve been focusing on the 499 status code in this guide, there are a few related status codes you may encounter when scraping that can also disrupt your data collection:

  • 403 Forbidden: The server is refusing to fulfill the request, often because the client is not authenticated or authorized. This can happen if your scraper is detected and blocked.

  • 429 Too Many Requests: The client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time and is being rate limited by the server. Slowing down your scraping rate can help avoid this.

  • 500 Internal Server Error: A generic error message indicating something went wrong on the server side. This could be caused by a bug in the website‘s code or the server being overloaded with requests.

  • 503 Service Unavailable: The server is temporarily unable to handle the request, often due to maintenance or overload. Retrying the request after a delay can often succeed.

  • 504 Gateway Timeout: The server acting as a gateway or proxy did not receive a timely response from the upstream server. Like 499, this can happen when a reverse proxy like NGINX times out waiting for an application server.

Each of these status codes requires a slightly different handling approach in your scraping code, but the general principles of retries with exponential backoff, slowing down request rate, and using proxies or APIs can help avoid them as well.


The 499 status code can be a frustrating roadblock when web scraping, but by understanding what it means and how to prevent it, you can keep your scrapers running smoothly.

Some key takeaways from this guide:

  • 499 errors happen when the client closes the connection before receiving a complete response from the server
  • Increasing client timeouts, using undetectable web drivers, rotating IP addresses, slowing down scraping rate, and using APIs instead of scraping can all help avoid 499 errors
  • Handling 499 errors gracefully in code with retries can prevent crashes and data loss
  • Monitoring scraping metrics can proactively identify issues before they impact your data pipelines

With these techniques and best practices in your toolbelt, you‘ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most challenging web scraping projects. Happy scraping!