A Web Scraping Expert‘s Guide to Getting URL File Types in Python

When writing a web scraper or crawler in Python, one important piece of information to have is the file type of the URLs you are working with. Knowing whether a URL points to an HTML webpage, an image, a PDF document, or some other file type is crucial for effectively parsing and processing the data.

Consider some of the reasons why file type matters in web scraping:

  • Parsing: Different file types require different parsing methods. An HTML page would be parsed using a library like BeautifulSoup or lxml to extract the relevant data. A JSON response would be parsed using the json module. Knowing the file type tells you how to extract the data you need.

  • Performance: Web scraping often involves downloading and processing a large number of files. You wouldn‘t want to waste time and bandwidth downloading a large video or executable file if your goal is just to extract text data. Checking the file type allows you to skip irrelevant files and focus on the ones that matter for your project.

  • Usability: Some file types may not be useful at all for web scraping. For example, compressed archive files like .zip or .tar would need to be decompressed to get to the actual content. Executables like .exe are not readable data files at all. Being able to detect these file types allows you to filter them out.

So it‘s clear that getting the file type of a URL is an important capability for a web scraping tool. Luckily, Python provides several ways to determine the file type of a URL. In this guide, we‘ll dive deep into three methods:

  1. Using the built-in mimetypes module
  2. Making an HTTP HEAD request with the requests library
  3. Making an HTTP GET request with urllib

We‘ll walk through detailed code examples for each approach, discuss edge cases and best practices, and see how to put it all together into a complete URL file type checker script.

By the end of this expert guide, you‘ll have a robust toolkit for getting the file type of any URL in your Python web scraping projects. Let‘s get started!

Method 1: Using the mimetypes module

Python‘s standard library includes a module called mimetypes for working with MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) types, which are standard identifiers used to indicate the type of data in a file. The mimetypes module can guess the MIME type of a file based on its file extension.

Here‘s a basic example of using mimetypes to guess the file type of a URL:

import mimetypes

url = ‘http://example.com/path/to/file.pdf‘
mime_type, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(url)

print(mime_type)  # ‘application/pdf‘

The guess_type() function takes a filename or URL and returns a tuple with two elements:

  1. The guessed MIME type (e.g. ‘application/pdf‘, ‘image/jpeg‘, etc.)
  2. The encoding, if known (usually None)

In this case, mimetypes is able to identify the ‘.pdf‘ extension and return the corresponding MIME type of ‘application/pdf‘.

If the URL does not have a file extension, or has an unknown extension, mimetypes will not be able to guess the type:

url = ‘http://example.com/path/to/file‘
mime_type, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(url)

print(mime_type)  # None

The mimetypes approach is quick and easy, as it just looks at the URL string itself and doesn‘t make any network requests. However, it has some significant limitations:

  • It relies on the URL having a recognizable file extension. Many URLs for web pages and web APIs do not include an extension.
  • The file extension in the URL is not always reliable. A URL ending in ‘.html‘ could actually return a JSON response or a PDF file. The true file type can only be known by looking at the HTTP headers in the response.

So while mimetypes can be a useful first check, it is not sufficient on its own for reliably getting the file type of a URL. For that, we need to actually make an HTTP request and inspect the response headers.

Method 2: Making a HEAD request with requests

The most reliable way to get the file type of a URL is to make an HTTP HEAD request and look at the Content-Type header in the response. A HEAD request is just like a GET request, except it asks the server to return only the response headers, not the full response body.

To make a HEAD request in Python, we can use the popular requests library. First install it with pip:

pip install requests

Then use the head() method to make a HEAD request to a URL:

import requests

url = ‘http://example.com/path/to/file‘
response = requests.head(url)

print(response.headers[‘Content-Type‘])  # ‘application/pdf‘

The head() function sends a HEAD request to the specified URL and returns a Response object. The response headers are available in the .headers attribute, which acts like a Python dictionary. Here we access the Content-Type header to get the MIME type of the response.

The Content-Type header returned by the server is the authoritative indicator of the file type. It tells us the actual type of data returned, regardless of what the file extension in the URL might imply.

For example, consider a URL like http://example.com/path/to/data.php. Even though the URL ends in ‘.php‘, which suggests a PHP script, the actual response could be anything. Making a HEAD request allows us to check:

url = ‘http://example.com/path/to/data.php‘
response = requests.head(url)

print(response.headers[‘Content-Type‘])  # ‘application/json‘

In this case, the Content-Type is ‘application/json‘, indicating that this URL returns JSON data, not a PHP webpage.

There are a couple of edge cases to be aware of when using HEAD requests to get the file type:

  1. Some servers may not support HEAD requests, in which case you‘ll get an error like 405 Method Not Allowed. In this case, you can fall back to making a GET request and just looking at the headers, without downloading the full body.

  2. The server may return a generic, non-specific Content-Type like ‘application/octet-stream‘ or ‘text/plain‘. These types just mean "binary file" and "plain text" respectively, and don‘t tell you the specific file type.

To handle these cases, we can modify our HEAD request code:

import requests

url = ‘http://example.com/path/to/file‘

    response = requests.head(url)
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
    if e.response.status_code == 405:
        # If HEAD is not allowed, try GET
        response = requests.get(url, stream=True)

content_type = response.headers.get(‘Content-Type‘, ‘‘).lower()

if ‘octet-stream‘ in content_type:
    content_type = ‘application/octet-stream‘
elif ‘plain‘ in content_type:
    content_type = ‘text/plain‘

print(f‘File type: {content_type}‘)

This code does several things:

  • Wraps the head() request in a try/except block to catch 405 Method Not Allowed errors. If encountered, it tries a GET request instead, passing stream=True to avoid downloading the response body, and then closes the response to release the connection.

  • Uses the .get() method to safely access the Content-Type header, providing a default value of an empty string if the header is missing for some reason. It also converts the type to lowercase for easier comparison.

  • Checks for generic types like ‘octet-stream‘ and ‘plain‘ in the Content-Type, and "normalizes" them to standard MIME types.

With these improvements, our HEAD request approach is now quite robust. It can handle servers that don‘t allow HEAD, missing headers, and generic content types.

Method 3: Making a GET request with urllib

An alternative to using the requests library is to use the built-in urllib module. urllib provides a more low-level interface for making HTTP requests.

Here‘s how to make a GET request and check the Content-Type header using urllib:

from urllib.request import urlopen, Request
from urllib.error import HTTPError

url = ‘http://example.com/path/to/file‘

    with urlopen(Request(url, method=‘HEAD‘)) as response:
        content_type = response.headers.get(‘Content-Type‘, ‘‘).lower()
except HTTPError as e:
    if e.code == 405:  # HEAD not allowed
        with urlopen(url) as response:
            content_type = response.headers.get(‘Content-Type‘, ‘‘).lower()

if ‘octet-stream‘ in content_type:
    content_type = ‘application/octet-stream‘
elif ‘plain‘ in content_type:
    content_type = ‘text/plain‘

print(f‘File type: {content_type}‘)

This code follows the same basic pattern as the requests version. It:

  • Attempts to make a HEAD request by passing method=‘HEAD‘ to the Request constructor.
  • Wraps the request in a try/except block to handle 405 Method Not Allowed errors, falling back to a GET request if needed.
  • Accesses the Content-Type header from the headers attribute of the response object, with a default value and lowercase conversion.
  • Checks for generic ‘octet-stream‘ and ‘plain‘ types and normalizes them.

One additional thing this code does is use a with statement to automatically close the response object and release the network connection when done.

The urllib approach is a bit more verbose than requests, but it has the advantage of not requiring any third-party dependencies, as urllib is part of the Python standard library.

Comparing file types

Once you‘ve determined the file type of a URL, you‘ll often want to take different actions based on the type. For example, you might want to parse HTML files with BeautifulSoup, JSON data with the json module, and save image files to disk.

Here‘s a sketch of what that might look like:

import json
from urllib.request import urlopen

def get_file_type(url):
    # Function to get file type using one of the methods above

def process_url(url):
    file_type = get_file_type(url)

    if ‘html‘ in file_type:
        # Parse HTML with BeautifulSoup
        soup = BeautifulSoup(urlopen(url), ‘html.parser‘)
        # Extract relevant data from HTML
    elif ‘json‘ in file_type:
        # Parse JSON data
        data = json.load(urlopen(url))
        # Process JSON data
    elif ‘image‘ in file_type:
        # Download and save image file
        with open(‘image.jpg‘, ‘wb‘) as f:
        print(f‘Skipping unrecognized file type: {file_type}‘)

This process_url function takes a URL, gets its file type, and then takes different actions depending on the type. It parses HTML with BeautifulSoup, JSON with the json module, downloads image files, and skips URLs with unrecognized file types.

Of course, the specific actions you take will depend on your web scraping goals. The key point is that checking the file type first allows you to handle different types of content in the most appropriate way.

Putting it all together

Let‘s finish by combining everything we‘ve learned into a complete command-line tool for checking the file type of a URL. Here‘s the code:

import sys
import mimetypes
from urllib.request import urlopen, Request
from urllib.error import HTTPError

def get_file_type(url):
    """Guess file type from URL extension, or HEAD/GET request if needed."""
    mime_type, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(url)
    if mime_type:
        return mime_type

        with urlopen(Request(url, method=‘HEAD‘)) as response:
            return response.headers.get(‘Content-Type‘, ‘application/octet-stream‘)
    except HTTPError as e:
        if e.code == 405:  # HEAD not allowed, try GET
            with urlopen(url) as response:
                return response.headers.get(‘Content-Type‘, ‘application/octet-stream‘)

if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print(f‘Usage: {sys.argv[0]} <url>‘)

    url = sys.argv[1]
    file_type = get_file_type(url)
    print(f‘File type of {url}: {file_type}‘)

To use this tool, save the code to a file like filetype.py, and then run it from the command line, passing a URL as an argument:

$ python filetype.py http://example.com/path/to/file.pdf
File type of http://example.com/path/to/file.pdf: application/pdf

$ python filetype.py http://example.com/api/data.json
File type of http://example.com/api/data.json: application/json

The get_file_type function encapsulates our multi-step file type checking process:

  1. First it tries to guess the type from the URL using mimetypes.
  2. If that fails, it tries a HEAD request and looks at the Content-Type header.
  3. If the server doesn‘t allow HEAD, it falls back to a GET request.
  4. If all else fails, it assumes a generic ‘application/octet-stream‘ type.

The __main__ block handles command-line arguments, calling get_file_type with the provided URL and printing the result.

And there you have it – a robust, command-line tool for checking the file type of a URL, built using the techniques and best practices we‘ve covered in this guide.


In this in-depth guide, we‘ve explored several methods for determining the file type of a URL in Python, including:

  • Using the built-in mimetypes module to guess based on the file extension
  • Making a HEAD request with the requests library to check the Content-Type header
  • Making a GET request with the urllib module as a fallback

We‘ve seen how to handle a variety of edge cases, such as servers that don‘t allow HEAD requests, missing headers, and generic content types.

We‘ve also looked at how to use the file type information to guide further processing, such as parsing HTML, JSON, and downloading files. And we‘ve put everything together into a practical command-line tool you can use in your own projects.

Checking the file type of URLs is a small but important part of many web scraping and data processing pipelines. With the techniques covered in this guide, you‘re well-equipped to handle this task effectively in your Python code.

Of course, there‘s always more to learn. Some additional topics you may want to explore include:

  • Using the python-magic library for more advanced file type detection based on file signatures
  • Exploring the urllib.robotparser module for checking robots.txt files
  • Learning more advanced techniques with requests and urllib, such as handling cookies, authentication, and proxies

I hope this guide has been a valuable resource for you. Now go forth and scrape responsibly!