How to Save and Load Cookies in Selenium: The Ultimate Guide

Selenium is a powerful tool for automating web browsers and scraping websites. One handy feature is the ability to save and load cookies across sessions. Cookies are small pieces of data stored by websites in your browser to keep you logged in, persist settings, and more.

By saving cookies in Selenium, you can log into a site once, save the cookies, and load them again later to pick up where you left off – no need to login again. This can make your web scraping faster and more efficient.

In this guide, you‘ll learn how to save and load cookies in Selenium step-by-step, with full code examples. I‘ll also share best practices and troubleshooting tips to make working with cookies a breeze. Let‘s dive in!

Saving Cookies in Selenium

First, let‘s cover how to save cookies in Selenium. We‘ll use the get_cookies() method to retrieve cookies from the current session, and the pickle library to serialize them to a file.

Here are the steps:

  1. Import the required libraries:

    from selenium import webdriver
    import pickle
  2. Set up your Selenium web driver and navigate to the page you want to save cookies from. For example:

    driver = webdriver.Chrome()

3. After the page is loaded and you‘re logged in, use `get_cookies()` to retrieve all cookies from the current session:
cookies = driver.get_cookies()
  1. Use pickle.dump() to serialize the cookie objects and save them to a file:
    pickle.dump(cookies, open("cookies.pkl", "wb")) 

That‘s it! You‘ve now saved the cookies to a file called "cookies.pkl" using pickle. The "wb" mode opens the file for writing in binary mode.

Here‘s the full code putting it all together:

from selenium import webdriver
import pickle

driver = webdriver.Chrome()

# Fill out login form and submit
username = driver.find_element_by_name("user")  
password = driver.find_element_by_name("pass")

# Save cookies to file
cookies = driver.get_cookies()
pickle.dump(cookies, open("cookies.pkl", "wb"))


Loading Cookies in Selenium

Now that you‘ve saved cookies, let‘s see how to load them in a new Selenium session. This allows you to pick up where you left off without logging in again.

Here are the steps to load cookies:

  1. Import the required libraries:

    from selenium import webdriver
    import pickle  
  2. Load the saved cookies from the pickle file:

    cookies = pickle.load(open("cookies.pkl", "rb"))
  3. Set up your Selenium web driver and navigate to the domain where you want to load the cookies. This should be the same domain you saved them from:

    driver = webdriver.Chrome()
  4. Iterate through the cookies and use the add_cookie() method to set them in the current session:

    for cookie in cookies:
  5. Refresh the page to ensure the loaded cookies take effect:


You should now be logged in and able to continue interacting with the site!

Here‘s the complete code for loading cookies:

from selenium import webdriver 
import pickle

# Load cookies from file 
cookies = pickle.load(open("cookies.pkl", "rb"))

driver = webdriver.Chrome()  

# Add cookies to current session
for cookie in cookies:

# Continue interacting with the site
# ...

Understanding Pickle

In the examples above, we used the pickle library to save and load cookies. But what exactly is pickle and how does it work?

Pickle is a standard Python library that allows you to serialize and deserialize Python object structures. Serialization means converting objects into a byte stream for storage or transmission. Deserialization is the reverse – converting the byte stream back into objects.

The Selenium WebDriver stores cookies as dictionaries with various attributes like name, value, domain, path, expiration date, etc. When you use get_cookies(), it returns a list of these cookie dictionaries.

Pickle can serialize these complex cookie objects into a byte stream and save it to a file using pickle.dump(). Later, you can load the serialized cookies from the file using pickle.load() and cast them back into cookie dictionaries that Selenium can use.

Pickle is convenient because it lets you save and restore complicated objects without needing to write your own custom serialization logic. However, only load pickle files from trusted sources, as loading malicious pickles can execute arbitrary code.

Best Practices for Saving and Loading Cookies

Here are some tips and best practices to keep in mind when working with cookies in Selenium:

  • Choose a descriptive filename for your cookie files, including the site name and timestamp. For example: "example_com_cookies_2023-01-01.pkl".
  • Store cookie files securely and avoid committing them to public repositories. Cookies can contain sensitive session data and personal identifiers.
  • Save fresh cookies periodically, especially if you‘ll be running long scraping sessions. Many sites rotate session tokens or expire cookies after some time.
  • Only load cookies for the same domain they originated from to avoid cross-site errors. Initialize a separate web driver for each domain.
  • When loading cookies, navigate to the domain first before adding the cookies. Some cookies specify paths and may not be valid at the root path.
  • Test your code with cookies disabled to ensure you‘re not overly dependent on them. Sites may change their cookie policies without warning.
  • Consider other ways to persist sessions beyond cookies, such as using a session ID in URLs or injecting authentication tokens in headers. Cookies are just one approach.

Troubleshooting Common Cookie Issues

Saving and loading cookies sounds straightforward, but sometimes things don‘t work as expected. Here are a few common issues and how to resolve them:

  • Cookies not saving: Make sure you‘re calling get_cookies() after the cookies have been set by the site. Wait for page loads and post-login redirects before grabbing cookies.

  • Cookies not loading: Double-check that you‘re loading cookies for the same domain you saved them from. Add cookies before navigating if possible. Call refresh() after setting cookies.

  • Stale cookies: If loading cookies isn‘t keeping you logged in, the site may have invalidated them. Save fresh cookies and try again.

  • Pickle errors: Ensure you open pickle files in the correct binary modes – "wb" for writing, "rb" for reading. Don‘t mix pickles from different Python versions.

Cookies and the Web Scraping Workflow

Saving and loading cookies is a useful technique within the broader web scraping workflow using Selenium. A typical workflow might look like:

  1. Log into the target site and save cookies
  2. Scrape initial data
  3. Load cookies in a new session
  4. Scrape additional pages that require being logged in
  5. Process and store scraped data
  6. Repeat from step 3 as needed, periodically updating cookies

By saving and restoring cookies, you can avoid having to log in repeatedly and maintain a consistent session state. This can make your scraper more efficient and less likely to hit rate limits or CAPTCHAs.

Selenium is a versatile tool for realistic web scraping, and working with cookies is an important skill to master. You can use it in combination with other libraries like Beautiful Soup or Pandas for a powerful scraping pipeline.


In this guide, you learned how to save and load cookies in Selenium using Python. We walked through practical code examples and covered best practices for handling cookies effectively.

To recap, saving cookies involves:

  1. Logging into the site with Selenium
  2. Calling get_cookies() and pickle.dump() to serialize cookies to a file

Loading cookies involves:

  1. Using pickle.load() to deserialize cookies from the file
  2. Navigating to the right domain
  3. Adding cookies with add_cookie() and refreshing

With this knowledge, you can persist sessions across Selenium instances, making your web scraper faster and more resilient. You‘re now equipped with a valuable tool for your web scraping projects!

What creative ways will you use Selenium and cookies in your own scraping workflows? The possibilities are endless. Happy scraping!