How to Fix the MissingSchema Error in Python Requests

If you‘re a Python developer working with the popular requests library to send HTTP requests, you may have encountered the dreaded MissingSchema exception. This error can be confusing and frustrating, especially for those new to web scraping or interacting with APIs. In this in-depth guide, we‘ll dive into what causes the MissingSchema error, how to fix it, and cover some best practices for exception handling with requests.

Understanding the MissingSchema Error

The MissingSchema error occurs when you attempt to send a request using an improperly formatted URL that is missing the scheme portion (e.g. http:// or https://). For example, the following code would raise a MissingSchema exception:

import requests

url = ‘‘  # Missing scheme (http:// or https://)
response = requests.get(url)

When you execute this code, you‘ll see an error message like:

requests.exceptions.MissingSchema: Invalid URL ‘‘: No scheme supplied. Perhaps you meant

The error message gives you a clue about what‘s wrong – the URL is missing the scheme portion. URLs must start with a scheme like http:// or https:// followed by the domain name.

Fixing URLs Without a Scheme

The simplest way to fix a MissingSchema error is to make sure your URL includes the scheme portion. In most cases, you‘ll want to use https:// for secure connections, but http:// can be used for unencrypted connections.

Here‘s the corrected version of the previous code example:

import requests

url = ‘‘  # Include scheme
response = requests.get(url)
print(response.status_code)  # 200

By adding https:// to the beginning of the URL, the MissingSchema error is resolved and the request succeeds, printing a 200 status code.

Handling Relative URLs with urljoin()

In some cases, you may need to work with relative URLs, especially when scraping websites. A relative URL doesn‘t include the scheme or domain, only the path portion. For example, /about is a relative URL.

To properly handle relative URLs, you can use the urljoin() function from the urllib.parse module in Python‘s standard library. urljoin() intelligently joins a base URL with another URL, which is helpful for constructing absolute URLs from relative ones.

Here‘s an example:

from urllib.parse import urljoin
import requests

base_url = ‘‘  
relative_url = ‘/about‘

absolute_url = urljoin(base_url, relative_url)
print(absolute_url)  #

response = requests.get(absolute_url)
print(response.status_code)  # 200

In this code, urljoin() is used to join the base_url with the relative_url to create a properly formatted absolute URL. The MissingSchema error is avoided and the request succeeds.

Note that urljoin() is smart enough to handle variations in the URLs. For example:

urljoin(‘‘, ‘about‘)  #
urljoin(‘‘, ‘/about‘)  # 
urljoin(‘‘, ‘about‘)  #
urljoin(‘‘, ‘/about‘)  #

In each case, urljoin() handles the joining of the URLs correctly, making it a valuable tool for working with URLs in requests.

Requests Exception Handling Best Practices

When using the requests library, it‘s important to use proper exception handling to gracefully deal with errors that may occur. The MissingSchema error is just one of several exceptions that requests can raise.

Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Wrap requests in try/except blocks to catch and handle exceptions
  • Catch specific exceptions like MissingSchema, ConnectionError, Timeout, etc. for more granular error handling
  • Use the raise_for_status() method to raise an exception for 4xx and 5xx HTTP status codes
  • Provide useful error messages to help with debugging
  • Implement retries for failed requests using libraries like requests-retry or tenacity
  • Use Session objects to persist parameters across requests and improve performance

Here‘s an example demonstrating some of these practices:

import requests
from requests.exceptions import MissingSchema, ConnectionError, Timeout

def make_request(url):
        response = requests.get(url)
        response.raise_for_status()  # Raises stored HTTPError, if one occurred
    except MissingSchema as e:
        print(f‘Invalid URL {url!r}: {e}‘)
    except (ConnectionError, Timeout) as e:
        print(f‘Error occurred while requesting {url!r}: {e}‘)
        return response

url = ‘‘
response = make_request(url)
if response:

This code defines a make_request() function that sends a GET request to the provided URL. The request is wrapped in a try/except block to catch specific exceptions. If a MissingSchema exception occurs, an informative error message is printed. The same happens for ConnectionError and Timeout exceptions, which can occur if there are network issues or the server is unresponsive.

The raise_for_status() method is used to raise an exception for 4xx and 5xx HTTP status codes, providing automatic error handling for invalid requests.

If no exceptions occur, the response is returned. The code checks if a response was returned before attempting to access its content, ensuring that only valid responses are processed.

By using exception handling, your code becomes more resilient to errors and provides better feedback to assist with debugging issues like the MissingSchema error.

Other Common Requests Exceptions

In addition to MissingSchema, there are several other exceptions that you may encounter when working with requests:

  • ConnectionError: Raised when a connection to the server cannot be established.
  • Timeout: Raised when a request times out without receiving a response from the server.
  • SSLError: Raised when an SSL certificate verification fails or other SSL issues occur.
  • HTTPError: Raised when an HTTP request returns a 4xx or 5xx status code, indicating a client error or server error.
  • TooManyRedirects: Raised when a request exceeds the maximum number of redirects allowed.

Each of these exceptions can be caught and handled separately in a try/except block, allowing for fine-grained control over error handling.

For example, here‘s how you might handle a Timeout exception:

import requests
from requests.exceptions import Timeout

    response = requests.get(‘‘, timeout=5)
except Timeout as e:
    print(f‘Request timed out: {e}‘)

In this code, a timeout of 5 seconds is set using the timeout parameter. If the request doesn‘t receive a response within 5 seconds, a Timeout exception is raised and caught in the except block, where an error message is printed.

What is Requests Used for in Python?

The requests library is a popular third-party library in Python used for making HTTP requests. It provides a simple and intuitive interface for sending requests and handling responses, making it a go-to choice for tasks like web scraping, interacting with APIs, and automating interactions with websites.

Some common use cases for requests include:

  • Sending GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and other HTTP requests
  • Retrieving data from APIs and parsing JSON or XML responses
  • Scraping websites and extracting data from HTML pages
  • Automating form submissions and user interactions with websites
  • Downloading files and images from URLs
  • Authenticating with servers and handling cookies and sessions

Requests simplifies many of the complexities involved in making HTTP requests, such as handling redirects, cookies, authentication, and more. It provides a high-level, user-friendly API that abstracts away the low-level details of working with raw HTTP requests and responses.

Here‘s a simple example demonstrating how to make a GET request using requests:

import requests

response = requests.get(‘‘)
data = response.json()

This code sends a GET request to the specified URL and retrieves the response. If the response contains JSON data, it can be easily accessed using the json() method, which parses the JSON and returns a Python dictionary.

Requests is widely used and has a large and active community, which means there are plenty of resources, tutorials, and extensions available to help you make the most of the library.


The MissingSchema error is a common issue when working with URLs in the requests library. By understanding what causes this error and how to properly format URLs with the scheme portion, you can avoid and fix MissingSchema exceptions in your code.

Remember to use urljoin() from urllib.parse to handle relative URLs, and always wrap your requests in try/except blocks to catch and handle exceptions gracefully. By following best practices for exception handling, your code will be more robust and easier to debug.

Requests is a powerful and popular library for making HTTP requests in Python, used for a wide range of tasks from web scraping to API interactions. With a simple and intuitive API, it streamlines the process of working with HTTP requests and responses.

By mastering the requests library and understanding how to handle common exceptions like MissingSchema, you‘ll be well-equipped to tackle a variety of web scraping and API integration tasks in your Python projects.