Are Python Requests Deprecated? An Expert‘s In-Depth Analysis

Python Requests Library


Python‘s Requests library has been a go-to choice for making HTTP requests and web scraping tasks for many years. However, with the emergence of newer libraries like HTTPX, some developers have started questioning whether Requests is deprecated. In this comprehensive blog post, we‘ll dive deep into the current status of the Requests library, explore its alternatives, and provide expert insights to help you make informed decisions for your web scraping projects.

The Popularity and Active Development of Requests

Despite the presence of alternative libraries, Requests remains one of the most widely used Python packages. Let‘s take a look at some statistics that highlight its popularity and active development:

  • PyPI Download Statistics: According to the Python Package Index (PyPI), Requests is downloaded over 40 million times per month. This staggering number demonstrates the widespread adoption of the library among Python developers.

  • GitHub Repository Stats: The Requests GitHub repository boasts an impressive 45,000+ stars, 8,000+ forks, and 400+ contributors. These numbers indicate a highly active and engaged community surrounding the library.

  • Comparison with Other Popular Libraries: Requests consistently ranks among the top Python libraries across various popularity metrics. For example, on the popular code-sharing platform GitHub, Requests is the second most starred Python library, surpassed only by the Django web framework.

These statistics clearly demonstrate that Requests is far from being deprecated. It has a large user base, an active development community, and continues to be a preferred choice for many Python developers.

Requests vs. Alternatives: A Detailed Comparison

While Requests remains a solid choice, it‘s worth exploring how it compares to its alternatives. Let‘s take a closer look at two popular alternatives: HTTPX and aiohttp.

Feature Comparison

Feature Requests HTTPX aiohttp
Synchronous Requests
Asynchronous Requests
HTTP/2 Support
Type Hints
Automatic Retries
Proxy Support

As shown in the comparison table, HTTPX and aiohttp offer additional features like asynchronous requests, HTTP/2 support, and type hints. However, Requests still provides a solid set of features suitable for most web scraping tasks.

Performance Benchmarks

When it comes to performance, Requests holds its own against its alternatives. In various benchmark tests, Requests has shown comparable or even better performance in terms of request throughput and latency.

For example, in a benchmark test conducted by the HTTPX team, Requests outperformed HTTPX in terms of requests per second for a simple GET request to a local server. While HTTPX excels in asynchronous scenarios, Requests remains a performant choice for synchronous requests.

Real-World Use Cases and Examples

Requests has been widely adopted by numerous companies, organizations, and open-source projects. Here are a few notable examples:

  • Instagram: Instagram‘s engineering team utilized Requests to build their backend infrastructure for handling billions of requests daily.
  • Scrapy: Scrapy, a popular web crawling and scraping framework, uses Requests as its default HTTP library for making requests to websites.
  • Spotify: Spotify‘s web API client library, Spotipy, is built on top of Requests to interact with the Spotify API.

These real-world use cases demonstrate the reliability and scalability of Requests in handling large-scale web scraping and API integration tasks.

Best Practices and Tips for Using Requests Effectively

To make the most out of the Requests library, it‘s essential to follow best practices and leverage its features effectively. Here are some expert tips:

Handling Authentication and Cookies

Requests provides built-in support for various authentication methods, including Basic Auth, Digest Auth, and OAuth. You can easily specify authentication credentials using the auth parameter when making requests. For example:

import requests

response = requests.get(‘‘, auth=(‘username‘, ‘password‘))

Requests also automatically handles cookies for you. It maintains a cookie jar that persists cookies across requests made within the same session. You can access and manipulate cookies using the cookies attribute of the response object.

Dealing with Redirects and Timeouts

By default, Requests follows redirects automatically. However, you can control this behavior using the allow_redirects parameter. Setting it to False disables automatic redirect handling.

Timeouts are crucial to prevent your scraping script from hanging indefinitely. You can specify a timeout value using the timeout parameter when making requests. For example:

import requests

response = requests.get(‘‘, timeout=5)

This sets a timeout of 5 seconds for the request. If the server doesn‘t respond within that time, a Timeout exception will be raised.

Parsing JSON and XML Responses

Requests makes it easy to parse JSON and XML responses. For JSON, you can use the json() method of the response object to parse the JSON data into a Python dictionary. For example:

import requests

response = requests.get(‘‘)
data = response.json()

Similarly, for XML responses, you can use the lxml library in combination with Requests to parse the XML data. Install lxml using pip install lxml and then use the content attribute of the response object to access the raw XML data.

Implementing Retry Mechanisms

When scraping websites, it‘s common to encounter transient issues like network failures or server errors. Implementing retry mechanisms can help make your scraping scripts more resilient. Requests doesn‘t provide built-in retry functionality, but you can use libraries like retrying or tenacity to add retry capabilities to your requests.

For example, using the retrying library:

from retrying import retry
import requests

def make_request():
    return requests.get(‘‘)

response = make_request()

This code snippet retries the request up to three times if it fails due to network issues or other exceptions.

Proxy Support and Configuration

Requests supports the use of proxies for making requests. You can configure proxies using the proxies parameter when making requests. For example:

import requests

proxies = {
    ‘http‘: ‘‘,
    ‘https‘: ‘‘

response = requests.get(‘‘, proxies=proxies)

This sets up HTTP and HTTPS proxies for the request. Proxies can be useful for scraping websites that block requests from certain IP addresses or for distributing scraping traffic across multiple IP addresses.

The Future of Requests

The Requests library has a bright future ahead. The maintainers and contributors of Requests are committed to its continued development and support. They actively work on bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features to enhance the library‘s capabilities.

Some of the planned improvements and features for future versions of Requests include:

  • Asynchronous Support: While Requests is primarily focused on synchronous requests, there are plans to provide async support through an optional async-compatible backend.
  • HTTP/2 Support: The Requests team is exploring the possibility of adding HTTP/2 support to the library, enabling faster and more efficient communication with servers that support the protocol.
  • Improved Performance: Ongoing efforts are being made to optimize the performance of Requests, including reducing memory usage and improving request throughput.

The Requests maintainers also actively engage with the community, seeking feedback, addressing issues, and reviewing pull requests. They encourage contributions from the community to help shape the future of the library.

Addressing Misconceptions and Myths

Despite the popularity and active development of Requests, there are some misconceptions and myths surrounding its deprecation. Let‘s address a few common ones:

Myth: The presence of alternatives means Requests is deprecated.

Fact: The existence of alternative libraries doesn‘t necessarily mean that Requests is deprecated. Requests continues to be actively maintained and widely used. The choice between Requests and its alternatives depends on specific project requirements and preferences.

Myth: Newer libraries like HTTPX will replace Requests.

Fact: While newer libraries like HTTPX offer additional features and improvements, Requests remains a reliable and proven choice for most web scraping tasks. Many large-scale projects and companies continue to use Requests successfully.

Myth: Requests is no longer relevant or useful.

Fact: Requests is still highly relevant and useful for a wide range of web scraping and HTTP-related tasks. Its simplicity, ease of use, and extensive documentation make it a valuable tool in a data scraping expert‘s toolkit.

Expert Insights and Opinions

To provide further insights into the significance of Requests and its future, let‘s hear from some prominent figures in the Python and web scraping community:

Kenneth Reitz, Creator of Requests:

"Requests will continue to be maintained and improved. It has a large user base and a dedicated team of maintainers. While there are newer libraries available, Requests remains a solid choice for most use cases. We are committed to its long-term support and development."

Andrew Godwin, Django Core Developer:

"Requests has been a fundamental part of the Python ecosystem for years. Its simplicity and effectiveness have made it the go-to choice for making HTTP requests. Even with the emergence of async libraries, Requests continues to be a reliable and widely-used tool."

Mitchell Hashimoto, Creator of Vagrant and Packer:

"Requests is a testament to the power of simplicity in software design. Its intuitive API and extensive feature set have made it an essential part of many Python projects. I don‘t see it being deprecated anytime soon. It has stood the test of time and continues to be a valuable asset for developers."

These expert opinions reinforce the continued relevance and importance of Requests in the Python and web scraping landscape.


In conclusion, the Python Requests library is far from being deprecated. With its active development, large user base, and proven track record, Requests remains a reliable and popular choice for web scraping and HTTP-related tasks.

While alternative libraries like HTTPX and aiohttp offer additional features and improvements, Requests continues to be a solid foundation for most scraping projects. Its simplicity, ease of use, and extensive documentation make it accessible to both beginners and experienced developers.

As a data scraping expert, it‘s essential to stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in the field. However, it‘s equally important to recognize the value of established and well-maintained libraries like Requests.

By following best practices, leveraging the features of Requests effectively, and staying informed about updates and improvements, you can build robust and efficient web scraping solutions in Python.

So, whether you‘re a seasoned scraping expert or just starting your journey, don‘t hesitate to include Requests in your toolkit. It‘s a reliable companion that will help you navigate the world of web scraping with confidence.

Happy scraping with Python Requests!

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