Which Python library is used for web scraping?

Which Python library is used for web scraping? The short answer is that there are several great options, but the most popular and widely used libraries are:

  1. Requests – for making HTTP requests to fetch web pages
  2. Beautiful Soup – for parsing and extracting data from HTML/XML
  3. Scrapy – for building web crawlers and spiders
  4. Selenium – for automating interaction with live web pages

In this article, we‘ll dive into the key features of each of these libraries, explain their pros and cons, and show examples of how to use them for common web scraping tasks. By the end, you‘ll have a solid understanding of the best Python libraries for web scraping so you can choose the right tool for your project.

But first, let‘s make sure we understand what web scraping is and why Python is such a great language for it.

What is Web Scraping?

Web scraping is the process of automatically extracting data and content from websites. Essentially, a web scraping program will send a request to a target website, download the response containing the site‘s HTML code, and then parse that HTML to pull out the desired information. The data can then be saved to a file or database for further analysis.

Some common uses of web scraping include:

  • Gathering business intelligence on competitors
  • Collecting product details, prices, and reviews from ecommerce sites
  • Pulling posts and stats from social media
  • Monitoring news sites and blogs for mentions of certain topics
  • Aggregating job listings, real estate postings, or other classifieds
  • Building datasets for machine learning projects

Why Use Python for Web Scraping?

While web pages can be scraped using just about any programming language, Python has become the go-to choice for most scraping projects. There are a few key reasons for this:

  1. Python is easy to learn and understand, even for those new to programming. Its syntax is simple and readable, making it faster to develop scrapers.

  2. The Python community has created many open source libraries specifically for web scraping. These tools greatly simplify and speed up building scrapers.

  3. Python is a versatile, general purpose language. The same Python scraper code can easily be extended with database integration, data analysis, machine learning, and more.

  4. Python is cross-platform and runs on any operating system. Web scrapers built with Python can be deployed and run anywhere.

In short, Python and its many web scraping libraries make it easy to get started with web scraping and scale up to more advanced projects. Now let‘s take a closer look at the most popular of these libraries.

Requests Library

The foundation of any web scraper is the ability to fetch the HTML source code of web pages. The Requests library provides a simple, human-friendly way to make HTTP requests from Python.

First install Requests with pip:

pip install requests

Then making a GET request to retrieve a web page is as easy as:

import requests

url = ‘https://www.example.com‘
response = requests.get(url)


This code sends a GET request to the specified URL. The Response object returned provides the status code, headers, and HTML content of the page. Requests also supports POST requests, authentication, sessions, cookies, proxies, and just about every other feature you might need to scrape websites.

However, Requests alone is pretty bare bones. It retrieves HTML but doesn‘t provide any way to parse and extract data from it. For that, you‘ll need to combine Requests with a parsing library like Beautiful Soup.

Beautiful Soup Library

Beautiful Soup is a Python library for extracting data from HTML and XML files. It allows you to parse a document and extract just the parts you care about using simple, Pythonic idioms.

Install Beautiful Soup 4 with:

pip install beautifulsoup4

Then here‘s an example of using it to parse an HTML document and find specific elements:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

html_doc = """
    <head><title>Example Page</title></head>
        <h2>A Header</h2>
        <p>A paragraph</p>
        <p>Another paragraph</p>

soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, ‘html.parser‘)


for p in soup.find_all(‘p‘):

This prints the inner text of the <title> element and then finds all <p> elements and prints their inner text. You can search a parsed document by element type, class, id, or any other attribute. Beautiful soup supports navigating up, down, and sideways in the document tree to find the elements you need.

Beautiful Soup is the most popular Python library for parsing HTML and a great choice for simple to moderately complex web scraping jobs. For very large scraping jobs, however, you‘ll likely want to use a framework like Scrapy.

Scrapy Library

Scrapy is a web crawling framework designed specifically for scraping large amounts of data from multiple pages. It provides a complete ecosystem of tools for building robust, scalable web scrapers.

Some key features of Scrapy include:

  • Built-in support for selecting and extracting data using CSS selectors and XPath expressions
  • An interactive shell for trying out CSS and XPath expressions on a live page
  • Ability to crawl sites by recursively following links
  • Built-in support for generating feed exports in multiple formats (JSON, CSV, XML)
  • Middleware for handling cookies, authentication, compression, and more
  • Plugins and extensions for functionality like crawl stats, throttling, and cache management

As a framework, Scrapy has a steeper learning curve than standalone libraries like Requests and Beautiful Soup. But for large, ongoing projects, it can dramatically accelerate development.

Here‘s a simple example of a Scrapy spider that follows links to extract article titles from a news site:

import scrapy

class NewsSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "news"
    start_urls = [‘http://news.example.com‘]

    def parse(self, response):
        for article_link in response.css(‘a.article-link‘):
            yield response.follow(article_link, self.parse_article)

    def parse_article(self, response):
        yield {
            ‘title‘: response.css(‘h1.title::text‘).get(), 
            ‘url‘: response.url

When run, this spider will start on the homepage, find all links with the article-link class, follow them to each article page, and extract the article title and URL. Additional rules could be added to filter links, paginate through archives, restrict the crawl to certain sections of the site, and more.

Selenium Library

The web scraping libraries we‘ve looked at so far work great for scraping static web pages, but an increasing number of sites generate content dynamically with JavaScript. To scrape these types of single-page apps, you‘ll need a tool for executing JavaScript code in a headless browser. This is where Selenium comes in.

Selenium is an automated testing framework used for testing web applications, but it‘s also very useful for web scraping. It allows you to automate interactions with live, rendered web pages in a real browser window.

Here‘s an example of using Selenium to scrape content from a page with infinite scroll:

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC

driver = webdriver.Chrome()

while True:
        # Find and click the "Load More" button
        load_more = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(
            EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.CLASS_NAME, "load-more"))
        # No more "Load More" button, so we‘ve reached the end

# Get all the loaded items
items = driver.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, ‘item‘)

for item in items:


This code launches a Chrome browser window, navigates to a page with a "Load More" button that triggers infinite scrolling, clicks the button repeatedly until it‘s no longer found, and then extracts the text of all items that have been loaded.

Selenium is the go-to tool for scraping dynamic pages and SPAs, though it‘s generally slower than using a standard HTTP library since it has to load all resources for each page. It‘s also a much heavier solution, requiring a browser driver executable to be installed in addition to the Python library.

Other Python Web Scraping Libraries

While Requests, Beautiful Soup, Scrapy, and Selenium are the most popular Python web scraping libraries, there are countless others that may be useful depending on your specific needs and constraints. Some other libraries worth mentioning:

  • LXML – A fast and feature-rich parsing library that can handle broken HTML better than Beautiful Soup, though it has a steeper learning curve.
  • Pandas – A data analysis library that includes a convenient read_html() function for extracting tables from HTML into DataFrames.
  • MechanicalSoup – A young but promising library that combines Requests, BeautifulSoup, and browser automation into a single convenient package.

These are just a handful of the many open source Python web scraping libraries out there. When evaluating different options, look for ones that are actively maintained, well-documented, and widely adopted by the developer community.

Web Scraping Best Practices

Regardless of which Python web scraping library you use, there are some best practices you should follow to build reliable scrapers that are considerate of the sites you‘re scraping.

  1. Always check a site‘s terms of service and robots.txt before scraping. Many sites prohibit scraping in their TOS. Robots.txt defines which pages are allowed to be scraped.

  2. Limit the rate at which you send requests. Sending too many requests too quickly is a common reason for scrapers getting blocked. Add delays between requests and avoid scraping a site too aggressively.

  3. Use caching to avoid re-downloading unchanged pages. This reduces the number of requests you have to make and lightens the load on the server.

  4. Set a descriptive, unique User Agent identifying your scraper. This allows site owners to contact you if there‘s an issue with your scraper. Don‘t masquerade as a browser.

  5. Use rotating proxies and IP addresses, especially when scraping large amounts of data. Sending all your requests from one IP is an easy way to get blocked.

  6. Render JavaScript sparingly. Only use a tool like Selenium to render dynamic content when absolutely necessary as it‘s much slower than standard HTTP requests.

Following these best practices will help keep your web scrapers running smoothly and ensure you‘re being a good citizen of the web!

Choosing the Right Python Web Scraping Library

As we‘ve seen, Python offers a variety of libraries for web scraping, each with its own strengths and use cases. Here‘s a quick summary to help you decide which library is right for your project:

  • Requests excels at simplicity for basic HTTP requests, but doesn‘t include parsing functionality. Best for cases where you need to fetch pages but will parse the content with another tool.

  • Beautiful Soup is the go-to for parsing and navigating HTML documents. It combines well with Requests or on its own to extract data from static web pages. Best for small to medium scraping tasks.

  • Scrapy is a complete framework for building web crawlers that follow links and extract data from multiple pages. Best for large scraping jobs and cases where you need to crawl an entire site or manage complex crawling logic.

  • Selenium allows you to automate a live browser to interact with dynamic pages and render JavaScript. Best for scraping single-page apps and pages that require login or other interactions to load the desired content.

  • If you have more specialized needs, look into other Python web scraping libraries like LXML for performance, Pandas for extracting tables, or MechanicalSoup for an all-in-one solution.

The best Python web scraping library is the one that most closely fits your use case, so don‘t be afraid to try a few to see what works best!

Additional Resources

Want to learn more about web scraping with Python? Here are some additional resources to continue your learning:

With these resources and the information in this article, you‘re well on your way to becoming a master of web scraping with Python. So pick a library, find some pages to scrape, and happy scraping!