How to POST JSON using cURL: The Ultimate Guide

As a data scraping expert with over a decade of experience extracting data from the web, I‘ve worked with countless APIs that require sending JSON payloads in POST requests. One of the most crucial tools in my toolkit for this task is cURL, a powerful command-line utility for making HTTP requests.

In this ultimate guide, I‘ll share my knowledge on how to effectively use cURL to POST JSON data, as well as insights I‘ve gained over the years on API design, performance, and best practices. Whether you‘re just getting started with web scraping or you‘re a seasoned developer looking to deepen your understanding, this guide has something for you.

What is JSON?

Before we dive into the specifics of POSTing JSON with cURL, let‘s make sure we have a solid grasp of what JSON is and why it‘s become the de facto standard for web APIs.

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight, text-based format for representing structured data. It was derived from the JavaScript programming language, but it‘s language-independent and can be parsed and generated by most modern programming languages.

JSON represents data as a collection of key-value pairs and ordered lists. Here‘s a simple example:

  "name": "John Doe",
  "age": 30,
  "city": "New York",
  "hobbies": ["reading", "running", "cooking"],
  "education": {
    "degree": "Bachelor‘s",
    "major": "Computer Science",
    "graduationYear": 2015

This JSON object represents a person with a name, age, city, list of hobbies, and education details. Notice how JSON can represent strings, numbers, booleans, arrays, and nested objects.

JSON has exploded in popularity over the past decade. According to a 2019 survey by Postman, 75% of developers reported using JSON for internal APIs, and 64% used JSON for external APIs (source: 2019 Postman Community Survey). JSON‘s simplicity, readability, and widespread support have made it the go-to choice for most new web APIs.

Here are a few key advantages of JSON over alternatives like XML:

  • Less verbose and more compact, leading to smaller payload sizes and faster transmission
  • Maps more directly to native data structures in programming languages, making it easier to parse and generate
  • Human-readable and self-describing, making it easier to understand and debug

To illustrate the difference in verbosity, here‘s the same data represented in XML:

  <name>John Doe</name>
  <city>New York</city>
    <major>Computer Science</major>

The XML version is 195 characters compared to 147 characters for the JSON version, a 33% increase in size. This difference can add up quickly for larger payloads.


Now that we understand what JSON is, let‘s talk about why you would want to POST JSON to an API.

In the context of web scraping and data extraction, POSTing JSON is often used for:

  • Querying an API to retrieve data based on specific criteria
  • Submitting data to an API to update or create records
  • Triggering an action or process on the server side

For example, let‘s say you‘re scraping data from a social media platform. You might use a POST request to search for posts containing certain keywords, like this:

  "query": "web scraping",
  "platform": "twitter",
  "maxResults": 100

This JSON payload tells the API to search for the most recent 100 posts on Twitter containing the phrase "web scraping".

The API would likely respond with a JSON array of matching posts:

    "id": "abc123",
    "text": "Just learned about web scraping with Python! #webscraping #python",
    "user": "DataNerd87",
    "date": "2022-03-15"

By POSTing JSON, we can make complex queries and get structured data back that‘s easy to parse and analyze.


cURL is a command-line tool for making HTTP requests, including POST requests with JSON payloads. It‘s preinstalled on most Unix-based systems and is available for Windows as well.

Here‘s the basic syntax for making a POST request with JSON using cURL:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ‘{"key": "value"}‘

Let‘s break this down:

  • -X POST: specifies that we want to make a POST request
  • -H "Content-Type: application/json": sets the Content-Type header to application/json to indicate that we‘re sending JSON data
  • -d ‘{"key": "value"}‘: specifies the JSON payload to include in the request body
  • the URL of the API endpoint we‘re sending the request to

Here‘s a more concrete example that searches for recent posts about "web scraping" on Twitter:

curl -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $TWITTER_API_TOKEN" \
    -d ‘{"query": "web scraping", "maxResults": 100}‘ \

Note that this example includes an additional Authorization header with a bearer token for authentication. Most APIs require some form of authentication to prevent abuse and track usage.

If the request is successful, the API will return a JSON response that we can pipe to a tool like jq for pretty-printing:

curl -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $TWITTER_API_TOKEN" \
    -d ‘{"query":"web scraping", "maxResults":100}‘ \ | jq

This might output something like:

  "data": [
      "id": "abc123",
      "text": "Just learned about web scraping with Python! #webscraping #python"
  "meta": {
    "newest_id": "abc123",
    "oldest_id": "xyz789",
    "result_count": 100

Advanced JSON Posting with cURL

In the examples so far, we‘ve posted relatively simple JSON payloads. But cURL can handle much more complex JSON structures, including nested objects and arrays.

For example, let‘s say we want to submit a more complex query to the Twitter API to search for tweets by multiple users and exclude certain keywords. Our JSON payload might look like this:

  "query": "(from:DataNerd87 OR from:Scraper_Jane) -is:retweet -has:media",
  "start_time": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "end_time": "2022-03-31T23:59:59Z",
  "max_results": 500,
  "expansions": [
  "tweet.fields": [
  "user.fields": [
  "place.fields": [

This payload includes:

  • A complex query string with boolean operators and exclusions
  • A date range to search within
  • Requests for specific expansions (additional data) and fields to include in the response

We can still post this complex JSON with cURL. We just need to make sure to properly escape any quotes or special characters in the query string:

curl -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $TWITTER_API_TOKEN" \
    -d ‘{
      "query": "(from:DataNerd87 OR from:Scraper_Jane) -is:retweet -has:media",
      "start_time": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "end_time": "2022-03-31T23:59:59Z", 
      "max_results": 500,
      "expansions": [
      "tweet.fields": [
      "user.fields": [
      "place.fields": [
    }‘ \ | jq

The response will include the requested expansions and fields:

  "data": [
      "id": "1234567890",
      "text": "Just made an amazing web scraper with Node.js! #webscraping #nodejs",
      "created_at": "2022-03-15T10:30:00Z",
      "lang": "en",
      "public_metrics": {
        "retweet_count": 50,
        "reply_count": 20,
        "like_count": 250,
        "quote_count": 5
      "author_id": "123456",
      "geo": {
        "place_id": "abc123"
  "includes": {
    "users": [
        "id": "123456",
        "name": "Jane Doe",
        "username": "DataNerd87"
    "places": [
        "id": "abc123",
        "name": "San Francisco",
        "country": "United States" 

Best Practices for POSTing JSON

Over the years, I‘ve learned a few best practices for POSTing JSON that can save you time and headaches:

  • Always check the API documentation for the exact format and fields expected in the JSON payload. Don‘t assume anything!

  • Use a JSON validator like JSONLint to check your JSON for syntax errors before sending the request. A single missing comma can break everything.

  • If you‘re posting a large JSON payload, consider storing it in a separate file and using the @ syntax in your cURL command to reference it:

    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @payload.json
  • Be mindful of rate limits and throttling. Many APIs limit the number of requests you can make in a given time period. Respect these limits to avoid getting blocked.

  • Use a tool like jq to filter and parse the JSON response. This can make it much easier to extract the specific data you need.

  • If you‘re working with a complex API or making many requests, consider using a higher-level library like Python‘s requests instead of cURL. These libraries can handle a lot of the nitty-gritty details for you.

JSON Performance and Scalability

As a data scraping expert, I often work with APIs that return large amounts of JSON data. It‘s important to understand the performance characteristics of JSON and how it scales.

One key factor is payload size. While JSON is more compact than formats like XML, it can still result in large payloads if you‘re returning a lot of data. This can impact network transfer time and parsing speed on the client side.

Here‘s a comparison of payload sizes for a sample dataset represented in different formats:

Format Size (KB)
XML 132
CSV 76

As you can see, JSON is more compact than XML but not as compact as CSV. However, CSV lacks the structure and flexibility of JSON.

To mitigate performance issues with large JSON payloads, some strategies include:

  • Pagination: Instead of returning all results in a single response, break them up into smaller pages that can be requested separately.
  • Compression: Gzip or deflate compression can significantly reduce the size of JSON payloads during network transfer. Most web servers and clients support this transparently.
  • Filtering and projection: Allow clients to specify which fields they actually need in the response. Omitting unnecessary fields can significantly reduce payload size.

Another factor to consider is parsing speed. While JSON is generally faster to parse than XML, it can still take significant time for very large payloads.

Here‘s a benchmark comparing the parsing speed of different JSON libraries in Python:

Library Time (ms)
orjson 8.2
ujson 10.5
rapidjson 28.1
simplejson 35.8
json 42.0

Source: JSON parser benchmarks

As you can see, the choice of JSON library can have a significant impact on parsing performance. In general, native libraries like orjson and ujson are much faster than pure Python implementations.


We‘ve covered a lot of ground in this guide, from the basics of JSON and cURL to advanced topics like complex queries, performance optimization, and best practices. As a data scraping expert, I believe that mastering the art of POSTing JSON with cURL is an essential skill for anyone working with web APIs.

Some key takeaways:

  • JSON is the de facto standard for modern web APIs due to its simplicity, flexibility, and widespread support.
  • cURL is a powerful command-line tool for making HTTP requests, including POST requests with JSON payloads.
  • Complex JSON structures can be posted with cURL, but proper escaping and formatting is crucial.
  • Performance and scalability considerations include payload size, compression, filtering, and choice of JSON library.
  • Following best practices like checking documentation, validating JSON, and respecting rate limits can save you time and trouble.

I hope this guide has been helpful in deepening your understanding of POSTing JSON with cURL. As you work with more APIs and encounter new challenges, keep experimenting, learning, and refining your techniques. Happy scraping!