The Ultimate List of Resources to Master Rust Programming (2022)

Rust has continued its incredible growth trajectory in 2022, cementing its place as one of the most loved and fastest growing programming languages. Let‘s take a comprehensive look at the best resources across books, courses, communities and tools to master Rust in 2022.

Why Learn Rust?

Before jumping into the resources, let‘s understand why Rust is so popular:

  • Blazing fast performance comparable to C/C++
  • Guaranteed memory safety
  • Fearless concurrency – no data races
  • Great for systems programming, web, cloud and embedded apps
  • Loved by developers for its design and productivity

Some key stats that highlight Rust‘s growth:

  • Rust jobs grew by 115% from 2020 to 2021. Average salaries exceed $125,000.
  • Backed by tech giants like Microsoft, AWS, Google, Meta and more.
  • 7th most loved language in StackOverflow survey for 6 years straight.

Best Rust Books

Books are still one of the best ways to learn Rust effectively. Here are some of the most popular and bestselling titles:

  1. The Rust Programming Language Book – The most definitive guide by the Rust team.

  2. Programming Rust – In-depth systems programming guide by Jim Blandy.

  3. Rust in Action – Practical Rust book for beginners by Tim McNamara.

  4. Hands-on Rust – Effectively learn Rust by building games.

  5. The Rustonomicon – Expert level guide on unsafe Rust.

Some other great books are Rust for Rustaceans, Programming WebAssembly with Rust, Rust and WebAssembly, Mastering Rust, Rust for Embedded Developers etc.

Best Rust Courses

Structured online courses are a superb way to learn Rust step-by-step. These are some of the top-rated ones:

  1. Ultimate Rust Crash Course on Udemy – Bestseller course for beginners.

  2. Rust Programming Course on Eduonix – Great for systems programming.

  3. Jonathan Boccara‘s Learn Rust Course – For intermediate Rust developers.

  4. O‘Reilly‘s Hands-On Application Development in Rust – End-to-end application building.

Other notable courses are Foundations of Rust on Pluralsight, Rust Essential Training on LinkedIn Learning, Rust Lang course on Codecademy etc.

Rust YouTube Channels & Videos

YouTube has a thriving Rust community with a wealth of free video tutorials:

  • Rustlings: Variety of tutorials from basic to advanced Rust topics.
  • Let‘s Get Rusty: Beginner-friendly tutorials and walkthroughs.
  • Tensor Programming: Great channel for intermediate to advanced Rust.
  • Mozilla Rust: Official channel with latest updates and announcements.

Rust Playgrounds & Exercises

Rust Playgrounds allow you to compile and run Rust code easily in the browser itself. This helps learn through experimentation. Some popular playgrounds are:

  • Official Rust Playground
  • Rust By Example – Collection of runnable examples for various Rust concepts.
  • Exercism Rust Track – 100+ coding challenges covering all difficulty levels.

Rust Communities

Rust has an extremely friendly and thriving open source community. Here are some places you can join for seeking help, troubleshooting issues and overall guidance:

  • /r/rust subreddit
  • Rust Users Forum
  • Rust Discord server
  • @rustlang on Twitter
  • Rust Zulip Chat

Rust Conferences

Attending Rust conferences lets you learn from industry experts and practitioners. Some top worldwide Rust conferences include:

  • RustConf – The official Rust conference in USA.
  • RustFest – Popular Rust event in Europe.
  • Rust Asia – Asian Rust conference held yearly.

Rust Tools & IDEs

Using specialized Rust tools improves productivity when building Rust applications:

  • Rust Analyzer – Advanced IDE plugin for code completion & inspection.
  • Rustfmt – Automatic Rust code formatter adhering to style guidelines.
  • Rust Language Server (RLS) – Enables smart code navigation in editors.
  • Clippy – Linting tool that provides warnings about poor code practices.

Some editors with excellent Rust support are Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ Rust, Eclipse, Sublime Text and Vim.

Rust Framework Ecosystem

While Rust does not have a dominant web framework like Django or Rails yet, there are multiple solid options available:

  • Actix – Actor framework inspired by Akka, extremely fast.
  • Rocket – Web framework focused on usability, great for APIs.
  • Axum – Ergonomic and modular web framework.
  • Warp – Super fast framework built by the Tokio project.

For GUI app development, Iced, druid and gtk-rs are excellent cross-platform options.

Rust Hosting & Deployment

Here are some popular Rust compatible hosting and deployment options:

  • AWS, Azure and GCP all have excellent Rust support.
  • Render – Heroku-like simple Rust hosting and auto-deployment.
  • DigitalOcean App Platform – Streamlined container deployment for Rust apps.
  • – Global edge cloud built for superspeed deployment.

Wrapping Up

I hope this exhaustive guide gives you a complete roadmap to master Rust in 2022 through books, tutorials, tools and community resources. Rust‘s growth shows no signs of slowing down, especially with the backing from tech giants. There has never been a better time to become proficient in Rust!

Let me know which is your favorite Rust learning resource and if you have any other recommendations in the comments!