Stay Anonymous Online: How to Use ProxyChains and Tor to Obscure Your Digital Footprint

Have you ever felt uneasy about how much of your personal data is being tracked and monetized without your knowledge? Or wondered if anonymous threat actors could access your private information? I certainly have. In an age of rampant cybercrime, privacy breaches and unauthorized surveillance, protecting our anonymity online is more vital than ever.

Fortunately, as security-conscious Linux users, we have robust tools like ProxyChains and Tor to prevent outsiders from snooping on what we do online. By obscuring your digital footprint, you can browse the web, communicate and share content without fear of profiling or targeting by advertisers, criminals or other malicious actors.

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll showcase how leveraging ProxyChains and Tor anonymizes internet traffic from your Linux system. I’ll also provide tips to enhance your privacy protections further when conducting sensitive activities online. Let’s dive in!

Why Anonymity Matters in Today’s Digital World

Before examining the tools themselves, it’s worth emphasizing why masking your online identity has become so crucial:

  • Corporate Tracking for Profit – Your personal information has become an enormously valuable commodity. Over $227 billion is spent annually monetizing consumer data.

  • Rising Cybercrime41% of global data breaches now target individuals according to Verizon‘s 2022 DBIR. Identity theft and fraud are rampant.

  • Questionable Government Surveillance – Models like PRISM exemplify the murky "collect it all" mentality of state agencies. Just 11 intelligence services secretly gathered private records of Britons for years.

Clearly systemic threats to privacy exist all around us. Now let‘s explore tools that restore personal control over what you share.

Introduction to ProxyChains

ProxyChains functions as an intermediary layer that routes internet traffic destined for public networks through a configured proxy or chain of proxy servers instead. This conceals the originating IP address and system from external observers.

Some noteworthy capabilities provided by ProxyChains:

  • Works with nearly any Linux network client or tool like web browsers, nmap, netcat, etc.
  • Supports chaining various proxy types including SOCKS, HTTP and HTTPS proxies
  • Can mix different proxies for improved anonymity and failover
  • Proxy order randomizes each connection preventing tracking over time
  • Integrates anonymity networks like Tor and I2P as proxy destinations

Out of the box, ProxyChains leverages the Tor network for routing traffic by default. But as the name suggests, chaining together multiple proxy hops amplifies privacy even more.

Now let‘s examine Tor itself and why it‘s so vital for enabling anonymous communication.

Understanding Tor – The Onion Router

The Tor network, comprised of over 7000 volunteer nodes spanning 6 continents, serves as the world‘s largest overlay network for facilitating anonymous communication. The unique "onion routing" approach shields your identity by encrypting traffic and randomly bouncing it through at least three Tor nodes before reaching its ultimate destination.

Key attributes provided by the Tor network itself:

  • Entirely run by the non-profit Tor Project promoting online privacy
  • Traffic encrypted and re-routed three times across global network of volunteer relays
    -Perfect forward secrecy ensures past communications cannot be traced if single relay compromised in future
  • No logs or tracking of source/destination information that could identify users
  • Can access normal internet sites through exit nodes or Tor‘s .onion services

Tor essentially creates a private tunnel through the public internet where no observer can see both ends of the communication path – only the relay entry/exit points which have no relation to the actual user.

Now let‘s get ProxyChains and Tor running on your Linux system!

Step-by-Step Guide to Setup Anonymizing ProxyChains

Installing and configuring ProxyChains with Tor takes just a few quick terminal commands. Here‘s what to do:

First install the ProxyChains and Tor services:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install proxychains tor

Verify they are properly set up:

proxychains --version # Should return version info 
service tor status # Check if Tor service is running

Then edit ProxyChains‘ configuration file with sudo privileges to explicitly add Tor as the proxy target:

sudo nano /etc/proxychains.conf  
# Add "socks5 9050" to bottom of file, save changes

Finally, initiate the Tor service so a connection is established:

sudo service tor start

Once completed, any TCP-based application can have its traffic routed through Tor when invoked with the proxychains command prefix:

proxychains firefox

The traffic enters the Tor network before reaching its ultimate destination, preventing the real originating IP address from being exposed!

Anonymizing Common Linux Applications via ProxyChains

ProxyChains makes it simple to mask your true identity across a diverse range of internet activities including:

Web Browsing – Surf sites without local DNS or IP leaks exposing you:

proxychains firefox

Network Scans – Reconnaissance without revealing your system‘s location:

proxychains nmap -sn

Web App Testing – Probe sites safely without attribution or blacklisting:

proxychains sqlmap -u "" 

General Internet Use – Any traffic routed through Tor is protected:

proxychains transmission-cli # Torrent privately 
proxychains IRCclient # Chat anonymously

Note the traffic speed will be slower due to routing through Tor relays. But the anonymity tradeoff is absolutely worth it for many threat models.

Going Further – Advanced Anonymity Tactics

While ProxyChains + Tor alone provide robust identity protection for common scenarios like web access, more extreme tactics may be necessary for high-risk activities like security research or whistleblowing.

Some options for enhancing anonymity depth:

  • Chain additional proxies before traffic enters Tor network
  • Tunnel Tor over VPN connections to prevent Tor entry guard discovery
  • Leverage VPN provider with mandatory no-logging policies and bitcoin payment options
  • Access Tor through bridge relays to bypass filtering and censorship
  • Use I2P network in addition to Tor relays for extra hop
  • Employ hardening like application firewalls, encryption overlays

Of course some speed/convenience tradeoffs exist. But combining the appropriate tools can prove very effective in extremely adversarial contexts.


ProxyChains coupled with the vast Tor network provide Linux users an unparalleled level of anonymity configurable for diverse online activities. Masking your digital footprint is vital for guarding not only personal privacy but also journalistic protections, secure communication channels and pillars of human liberty. I hope this guide gave you a comprehensive overview for getting started.

Stay safe out there and browse freely!