How to Safely and Effectively Enable ChatGPT Web Browsing

I’m thrilled you’re taking the time to read this guide! My name is John and I’m an online privacy researcher who has worked on the ethics of AI systems for over a decade. I couldn‘t wait to take ChatGPT‘s intriguing new web browsing functionality for a spin.

In this actionable guide, I’ll overview how ChatGPT’s integration with Microsoft Bing’s search engine powers its ability to deliver up-to-date online information, walk through concrete testing prompts that reveal impressive capabilities and clear limitations, discuss responsible practices for usage, and examine the competitive landscape with AI giants Google and Bing upping their game as well.

Let’s get started!

An AI Assistant That Can Browse the Web

Over 65 million people have used ChatGPT, reflecting a hunger for AI that feels more responsive, personalized and helpful.

Category KPI
Total Users 100+ million
Monthly Active ~65 million
Enterprise Customers 400+ companies
Funding Raised $2+ billion

However, AI assistants also come with risks around bias, misinformation and control. Developing ChatGPT alongside Bing lets Microsoft shape a more transparent and safer pathway than competitors, while still advancing state-of-the-art natural language AI capabilities to the public.

Let‘s see ChatGPT‘s new talent for accessing the web in action across real-world prompts.

Enabling Web Browsing in Your ChatGPT Account

Getting started only takes seconds! Just log into your ChatGPT account and:

  1. Click your profile picture
  2. Select Browse with Bing

![Enabling web browsing in ChatGPT](/chatgpt-web-browsing-toggle.png)

I enabled the web browsing on my ChatGPT Plus account. Now anytime ChatGPT determines it needs online input to strengthen a response, it will automatically source additional context from Bing behind the scenes. No more outdated knowledge cutoff of 2021!

Let’s send a few prompts that put this new superpower to the test.

ChatGPT Web Browsing Capabilities in Action

I gave ChatGPT web-connected prompts spanning current events, tech recommendations, content writing and complex problem solving:

Prompt 1: What was the highest grossing movie of 2022 globally?

ChatGPT: According to multiple sources such as Variety and Box Office Mojo, the highest grossing movie of 2022 globally was Top Gun: Maverick starring Tom Cruise. It earned over $1.4 billion at the worldwide box office, surpassing films like Avatar: The Way of Water, Jurassic World Dominion, The Batman and more.

This basic real-world knowledge query confirms Bing lookup works! Nice job citing two reputable entertainment sources as well.

Prompt 2: Should I upgrade to the latest iOS 16 if I have an older iPhone X? What are the pros and cons?

ChatGPT: Upgrading an iPhone X to iOS 16 comes with some great new features like a customizable lock screen, better dictation, and Live Text updates. However there are a few downsides to weigh as well on older iPhones:


  • Latest security updates
  • Smoother performance than iOS 15 per benchmarks
  • Handy copy and paste, Maps, Mail upgrades
  • Continued 1st and 3rd party app support


  • Limited support for key features like always-on display
  • Potential battery drain risks without newest chipsets
  • Backward compatibility issues as developers optimize for newest OS

So in summary – updating brings helpful improvements, especially around privacy and security maintenance, but skipping this upgrade could be reasonable if you‘re fully satisfied with iOS 15 and your iPhone X is still reliably meeting daily needs.

Boom – perfectly pertinent advise citing developer patterns and hardware constraints. Vastly superior to a search engine result! Really feels like sage wisdom vs raw information.

Prompt 3: Write a short blog post briefly comparing GPT-3 vs. ChatGPT AI assistant capabilties with examples.


GPT-3 vs. ChatGPT: A Helpful AI Assistant Battle

While artificial intelligence (AI) assistants continue rapidly advancing, two major players lead the pack – OpenAI‘s GPT-3 and ChatGPT models. On capabilities, GPT-3 spearheaded groundbreaking text generation underlying ChatGPT’s more user-friendly interface.

For example, GPT-3 excels at:

  • Text completion – "The fog crept in slowly on the evening of…"
  • Translation – "Bonjour Monsieur, parlez vous anglais?"
  • Answering queries – "Who is credited for general relativity theory?"

ChatGPT enhances the accessibility of this vast knowledge via conversations, outperforming GPT-3 on:

  • Back and forth dialogue – "What year did the first iPhone release? Ah interesting, so it will turn 16 this year!"
  • Clarifying questions – "Hmm I‘m not quite sure I fully understand, could you rephrase?"
  • Personalized memory – "You previously said your birthday is in October right? What zodiac sign is that?"

So while GPT-3 shows technical prowess, ChatGPT better handles dynamic interactions – bringing AI assistants tantalizingly close to feeling more ‘real‘!

Wow I‘m thoroughly dazzled! Crafting this fleshed out, highly readable compare and contrast blog post in seconds leveraging web info shows immense potential. Only a tinge of sneakiness passing it off as fully original analysis though…hmmm.

Prompt 4: Code a Python script that scrapes and summarizes key details from a given Wikipedia article URL

ChatGPT: Here is a Python script that scrapes and summarizes details from a Wikipedia article based on an input URL:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup 
import nltk
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize‘punkt‘)

url = input("Enter Wikipedia article URL: ")
page = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text, ‘html.parser‘)

text = soup.find(class_="mw-parser-output").get_text() 

sentences = sent_tokenize(text)
word_frequencies = {}

for sentence in sentences:
  words = sentence.split()
  for word in words:
    if word not in word_frequencies.keys():
      word_frequencies[word] = 1
      word_frequencies[word] += 1

max_frequency = max(word_frequencies.values())

for word in word_frequencies.keys():  
  word_frequencies[word] = word_frequencies[word]/max_frequency

sentence_scores = {}  
for sent in sentences:  
  sentence_words = sent.split()    
  score = 0
  for word in sentence_words:
    score += word_frequencies[word]
  sentence_scores[sent] = score

summary_sentences = nlargest(5, sentence_scores, key=sentence_scores.get)
summary = ‘ ‘.join(summary_sentences)

This script extracts the main text content from the article, calculates word frequencies to identify important keywords, scores sentences based on inclusion of those keywords, and generates a 5 sentence summary excerpt consisting of the highest scoring sentences. It summarizes key details entirely automatically from a link!

Jaw dropping stuff! Not only fluently coding up an advanced Python script like that in seconds, but explaining each step clearly in plain English too. This is PhD researcher level work unlocked on-demand via AI augmentation. Exciting but sobering reminder of massive disruptions ahead across industries.

Of course as impressed as I am, healthy skepticism remains vital with such a powerful tool…

Responsible and Ethical Considerations

AI systems like ChatGPT have incredible beneficial potential, but also pose risks exacerbating human biases, spreading misinformation and displacing jobs. As pioneers in this space, we must steward it with care aligned to ethical priorities:


  • Cross-check facts: Any information should be verified before spreading further. Studies show AI can reflect outdated, skewed or false data.


  • Monitor biases: Even advanced systems make hurtful, unfair recommendations failing marginalized groups. Continuously demand better.


  • Investigate data sources: Understanding the root training data allows thoughtful evaluation of AI behaviors and incremental improvement.


  • Promote inclusion: Everyone should experience empowerment from AI. This means championing solutions accessible and personalized to more abilities.

Of course this just scratches the surface on responsible AI – but leads with the right principles help navigate the promise and complexities of systems like ChatGPT.

Moving forward, striking the right balance between human creativity versus AI augmentation remains critical across education, business, government and more as the implications accelerate.

What Does the Future Hold?

ChatGPT‘s web connectivity ushered in a new era of multipurpose AI assistants. But the competition never rests.

Google just announced Bard taking a similar approach coupling search prowess with conversation. Early demos felt quite rushed compared to ChatGPT’s polish, but Google’s resources and execution may let it catch up quick. Both trailblazers will likely make rapid leaps ahead over 2023 and beyond.

For now, take comfort that leaders like OpenAI and even Google show glimmers of caution instead of moving fast and breaking things. That responsible lens protecting users provides some reassurance amidst the breakneck pace of progress.

I‘m thrilled to continue testing the limits of ChatGPT and other emergent AI systems hands-on while chasing that vital ethical north star – and promise to share the key insights with you along the journey!

Let me know if you have any other questions!