How to Create a Blockchain with Python: The Complete 2023 Guide

Hi there! Were you intrigued after hearing so much talk about blockchain transforming industries with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin? Or perhaps you heard about jaw-dropping NFT sales and want to learn how to code your own blockchain from scratch using Python? Well I‘ve got good news for you – in this comprehensive step-by-step guide, I‘ll share everything you need to know to become a blockchain developer!

The Blockchain Revolution

Blockchain seems complex, but at its core it‘s a public ledger for recording transactions in a verifiable and permanent way, without requiring a middleman financial institution. It was first outlined in 2008 with Satoshi Nakamoto‘s Bitcoin whitepaper as a solution for peer-to-peer electronic cash using cryptographic proof instead of trust.

The key innovations that set Bitcoin‘s blockchain apart are:

  • Decentralization – Distributed across countless nodes without a central point of failure
  • Transparency – Anyone can monitor the public ledger of transactions
  • Immutability – Records cannot be altered after creation
  • Security – Based on sturdy cryptography like hashes and digital signatures

These allow blockchain networks to facilitate exchange of value in an open environment without centralized governance – quite revolutionary compared to traditional finance!

But blockchain use cases now extend far beyond just cryptocurrency:

│ 2017    │ Mostly crypto experiments         │
│ 2023    │ Finance, Healthcare, Supply Chain, │ 
│         │ Gaming, Identity, IoT, Voting,...  │

Statistics show that 64% of companies are dabbling with blockchain tech for business processes today.

Exciting innovations happen when groundbreaking technology meets capital incentive structures unlocked by programmable money, right? 😉 This guide will equip you to innovate at the cutting edge!

Coding Our First Python Blockchain

Enough background, let‘s start building! I‘ll explain each concept along the way…

Step 1) Import hashlib and Define the Block Class

This module contains handy hashing functions for cryptographic use:

import hashlib

class Block:

    def __init__(self, data, previous_hash):        = data
        self.previous_hash = previous_hash 
        self.hash = hashlib.sha256(str(data).encode()).hexdigest()

Step 2) Link Blocks in The Chain

Let‘s add blocks to the chain, linking with previous block hashes:

def create_genesis_block():
    return Block("Genesis", "0")

def next_block(last_block):
    this_index = + 1
    this_data = "Block " + str(this_index)
    this_hash = last_block.hash
    return Block(this_data, this_hash)

blockchain = [create_genesis_block()]
previous_block = blockchain[0]

num_of_blocks_to_add = 10

for i in range(0, num_of_blocks_to_add):
    block_to_add = next_block(previous_block)
    previous_block = block_to_add
    print("Block #{} has been added!".format( 


Block #Block 1 has been added!
Block #Block 2 has been added!
Block #Block 3 has been added! 

Step 3) Store Transactions in The Blockchain

Let‘s record some dummy transactions, storing senders, receivers, and coin amounts:

transaction1 = {"sender":"Alice", "receiver": "Bob", "amount":"50"}
transaction2 = {"sender":"Bob", "receiver":"Cole", "amount":"10"}
transactions = [transaction1, transaction2]

def create_block(transactions, previous_hash):
  hashed_block = hashlib.sha256(encoded_block).hexdigest()  
  return Block(hashed_block, previous_hash)


block = create_block(transactions,"PREV_HASH")

We now have a basic blockchain ledger with linked blocks full of permanent tamper-proof transactions!

Step 4) Test Immutability of The Ledger

Suppose a hacker tries to alter past records. We‘d notice since all subsequent hashes depend on prior block data:

def test_chain_tamper(blockchain):
    blockchain[1].data = "HACKED" 
    for (index, block) in enumerate(blockchain):
        if != "Genesis": 
            print("Data has been tampered with!")

Output notifications if any block data altered

Voila! Our blockchain stays intact against tampering.


Implementing Consensus With Mining

Now what if there are multiple competing chains? We need "consensus" on the valid network state. This requires proof of work mining:

The Mining Game

Let‘s award coins to miners who solve cryptographic puzzles, proposing new blocks in the process. This incentivizes security.

Here‘s how the mining game works:

1) Miners race to package transactions with nonce guess
2) First to solve the puzzle proposes a new block  
3) If block is valid, miner earns coin reward!

This aligns miner incentives with the integrity of the blockchain. It also introduces new coins into circulation as an economic model.

Building The Mining System

Let‘s code a basic mining example in Python:

from hashlib import sha256
import time

def proof_of_work(block, difficulty=0):    
    proof = 0
    while valid_proof(block, proof, difficulty) is False: 
         proof += 1
    return proof   

def valid_proof(block, proof, difficulty):
    # Calculate hash with proof 
    guess_block = block + str(proof)    
    guess_hash = sha256(guess_block.encode()).hexdigest()   
    # Check if hash meets difficulty
    return (guess_hash[:difficulty] == ‘0‘*difficulty)

# Test with fake block 
block = [...] 

start_time = time.time()
print(proof_of_work(block, difficulty=5)) 

end_time = time.time()
print(end_time - start_time)

Miners iteratively increment a proof nonce to get block‘s hash under the target. This artificial difficulty slows down block production. Let‘s implement within our blockchain:

class Block:
    def __init__(self, data, difficulty=1): = data
        self.nonce = 0

    def _set_difficulty(self, difficulty): = ‘0‘ * difficulty

    def mine(self): 
        self.nonce = proof_of_work(,


my_blockchain = Blockchain()
my_blockchain.add_block("First Block") 

last_block = my_blockchain.chain[-1]
last_block.mine() # Mine the last block

Now we have basic mining implemented! There‘s more nuance when multiple chains are in play…


Improving Decentralization

As engineers, we always optimize. Our blockchain works, but lacks nodes. Let‘s discuss optimizations for decentralization!

Resisting The 51% Attack Vector

There‘s safety in distributed numbers. But if a single miner controls ≥51% computing power, they could manipulate consensus. Bitcoin‘s huge mining network protects from this scenario, but many new chains remain vulnerable.

Countermeasures include:

  • Penalizing forked chains missing work
  • Switching to proof-of-stake mining
  • temporary checkpoints freezing finality

The more nodes actively validating, the more trouble for attackers!

Alternate Consensus Models

Proof-of-work favors big miners. To further decentralize, Ethereum is transitioning to proof-of-stake for consensus:

│ * Stake ETH to participate  │ 
│ * Validate or propose block │
│ * Earn rewards proportional │
│   to your staked coins      │   

This allows more users to join consensus without heavy capital investment into computing. The risks and incentives differ…

Other models like delegated proof-of-stake take a representative approach to consensus participation across the network. There are many varieties – it‘s an evolving landscape!

Privacy Through Cryptography

Public networks like Bitcoin strive for anonymity but transactions are still linkable. Newer cryptos attempt to offer stronger privacy guarantees:

Encryption Schemes

For basic messaging secrecy, public key encryption lets users safely communicate:

│ 1) Receiver shares public key  │
│ 2) Sender encrypts with key     │  
│ 3) Receiver decrypts with       │
│    matching private key         │

This protects data in transit. But blockchain‘s permanent ledger is still visible.

Zero Knowledge Proofs

True transactional privacy requires hiding source, destination, and amount. Zero-knowledge proofs allow this through complex cryptographic proofs without revealing anything beyond what‘s necessary to validate transactions.

Here‘s an example applying zkSNARKs:

import zkSNARKS

def transfer_coins(user1, user2, amount):

  # Construct ZK proof    
  proof = zkSNARKS.create(user1, user2, amount)  

  if (zkSNARKS.verify(proof)):
     print("Coins transferred anonymously!")

The verification math holds up without exposing precise details. Privacy coins like Zcash, Monero, and Beam implement such scheme variants.


Summary: The Blockchain Journey Continues

In this extensive guide, you learned about:

  • Core components of blockchain data structures
  • Building a basic chain and ledger with Python
  • Linking blocks with hashes securely
  • Enabling peer consensus through proof-of-work mining
  • Alternative models for decentralized governance
  • Cryptography methods providing privacy

You now have the toolkit to start building decentralized applications on blockchain!

The technology roadmap is still early – more scaling improvements, privacy techniques, and consensus models will arrive. As blockchain permeates industries, innovating with these tools offers exciting opportunities. Where will you steer your ideas next? Share your blockchain plans and let‘s discuss!

Additional Resources

Check out these useful blockchain libraries and APIs to level up:

  • Py-EVM – develop Ethereum smart contracts
  • – integrate with Ethereum nodes
  • Chainlink – decentralized blockchain oracles
  • Covalent – unified API for blockchain data

Happy coding! 👩‍💻