How to Become a Bug Bounty Hunter in 2023

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In today‘s digital world, organizations rely heavily on software and technical infrastructure, making them attractive targets for cybercriminals seeking to infiltrate systems and steal data. This is driving massive growth in the demand for "ethical hackers" or "bug bounty hunters" – cybersecurity specialists who help companies identify and resolve vulnerabilities in their systems and applications.

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through everything you need to launch a successful career as an ethical hacker in the rapidly growing field of bug bounty hunting.

What is Bug Bounty Hunting?

Bug bounty programs allow cybersecurity researchers and ethical hackers to report security vulnerabilities to companies in exchange for recognition and often financial compensation. By finding bugs in applications, infrastructure, or products, bounty hunters help strengthen organizational security.

Some key aspects of bug bounty hunting:

  • Provides rewards to independent security researchers for responsibly reporting valid vulnerabilities
  • Bug bounty hunters must adhere to disclosure policies when submitting their findings
  • Bounties are tiered based on severity – more dangerous bugs often yield higher payouts
  • Helps connect talented hackers with organizations seeking to bolster cyber defenses

The benefits for companies and ethical hackers make bug bounty programs mutually beneficial.

Benefits for Companies

  • Gain access to global talent beyond in-house resources
  • Increased attack surface coverage to identify threats
  • Boost security reputation through responsible disclosure
  • Early identification of bugs decreases exploitation risk
  • Cost-effective compared to formal consulting engagements

Benefits for Bug Bounty Hunters

  • Get paid to learn, test skills, and share discoveries
  • Gain recognition and improve credibility
  • Opportunities to work with leading global brands
  • Flexible way to earn income on own schedule
  • Launching pad for specialized cybersecurity career

Bug bounty hunting offers something for everyone in the cybersecurity ecosystem. Next we‘ll cover key skills required.

Essential Skills and Knowledge

Success as a bug bounty hunter requires depth and breadth across several cybersecurity domains. Technical skills allow you to understand vulnerabilities and how to exploit them, while communication abilities ensure effective reporting.

Technical Skills

  • Programming: Languages like Python help create scripts and tools for finding bugs
  • System administration: In-depth OS understanding aids hacking technique development
  • Network protocols: Mastery over TCP/IP fundamentals helps discover network layer bugs
  • Web technologies: Strong grasp of HTML, SQL, and Javascript empowers hunting web app bugs
  • Security concepts: Applying principles like CIA triad facilitates well-rounded evaluations

The most successful bug bounty hunters continuously expand and refine their technical skills.

Soft Skills

  • Communication ability: Follow disclosure guidelines when reporting vulnerabilities
  • Research expertise: Diligence to deeply investigate attack vectors
  • Resourcefulness: Combine tools and creativity to uncover obscure bugs
  • Attention to detail: Thorough testing ideology ensures subtle bugs aren‘t missed

Sharpening your soft skills amplifies your technical capacities exponentially.

With foundational proficiency established, we can move on to actually getting started as a bug hunter.

Getting Started as a Bug Bounty Hunter

Preparation combining education, training, and hands-on practice sets the stage for an engaging bug bounty hunting career.

Choose a Bug Bounty Program Platform

Most companies manage bug bounties using dedicated platforms allowing hunters to browse programs and submit findings. For first timers, options like Bugcrowd and HackerOne offer the best experience. As your skills grow, expanding to additional platforms broadens opportunities.

When evaluating platforms, consider:

  • Company bug bounty programs available
  • Reputation for transparency around rewards
  • Mentorship and educational resources offered
  • Tools provided to ease bounty hunting

Choosing the right platform generates momentum as you being your bug hunting journey.

Build Your Bug Bounty Hunter Profile

A complete hacker profile allows prospective bounty program managers to evaluate your skills and experience.

Elements to feature:

  • Background overview and years in cybersecurity
  • Specific areas of bounty hunting expertise
  • Tools and techniques mastered
  • Previous bounty program experience
  • Badges earned and leaderboard rankings
  • Recommendations from established hackers

Profiles with demonstrated skills often gain priority access to competitive private programs with higher rewards.

Understand Program Scopes and Rewards

Bug bounty programs specify:

  • In scope assets authorized for testing
  • Out of scope assets that are prohibited
  • Vulnerability reward tiers based on severity
  • Remediation expectations once a bug is submitted
  • Rules and standards for responsible disclosure

Carefully reviewing this information minimizes confusion and ensures you operate within defined guidelines.

Specialize in a Vulnerability Type

Rather than scattershot testing, choose an initial area to direct your energy:

  • Injection attacks: Manipulate input data to disrupt behavior
  • Broken authentication: Test access controls for flaws permitting escalation
  • Sensitive data exposure: Identify improper data storage or transmission channels
  • Broken access controls: Attempt unauthorized access to resources

Specialization yields superior results as your in-depth expertise mushrooms.

Learn Responsible Disclosure

Responsible disclosure means adhering to defined processes when reporting a bug:

  • Follow stated guidelines for submissions
  • Provide clear replication steps so the security team can reproduce it
  • Exercise patience to allow reasonable time for remediation before publicizing

Irresponsible disclosure risks damaging hacker reputations and program relationships.

Staying Current as a Bug Bounty Hunter

One constant in cybersecurity is rapid change. Keeping your knowledge sharp ensures you remain effective as the field evolves.

Participate in Hacker Communities

Connecting with similar professionals yields mutually beneficial relationships:

  • Exchange insights into tools, trends, and program experiences
  • Learn emerging best practices for bounty hunting
  • Establish mentor connections to develop skills
  • Forums like Reddit and Discord enable active idea exchange

Surrounding yourself with seasoned veterans provides a valuable education.

Attend Conferences and Events

In-person and virtual gatherings like DEF CON and Hack In The Box frequently include bug bounty content:

  • Hear firsthand program updates from companies
  • Network to find partners, mentors, and job opportunities
  • Interact with luminaries advancing the state of bounty hunting
  • Stay on top of emerging threats as the landscape evolves

The connections made can boost your skills and career in multiples ways.

Enhance Your Education Continuously

Modern platforms make learning the latest techniques easily accessible:

  • YouTube channels and podcasts deliver bite-sized info
  • Interactive web apps like Juice Shop facilitate hands-on offensive security practice
  • Online training companies like Offensive Security offer deep vulnerability and exploitation education
  • Paid informational products share insider perspectives on effective bug hunting

By continually leveling up your education, you expand your possibilities.

Gaining Bug Hunting Experience

While absorbing information is invaluable, tangible confidence develops through hands-on bug hunting practice. Simulated environments provide safe sandboxes to hone skills.

Practice on Purposefully Vulnerable Apps

Intentionally vulnerable apps are excellent educational tools:

  • WebGoat guides users through code injection, XSS, and other common bugs
  • Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA) allows manipulating technical, low-level flaws
  • OWASP Mutillidae II delivers vulnerabilities in a straightforward pen testing lab

These apps provide legal, ethical ways to experiment without real risk.

Participate In CTF Contests

Capture the flag (CTF) competitions offer gamified bug hunting challenges:

  • Bugcrowd CTF 365 combines hands-on levels with video tutorials
  • Facebook CTF incorporates real-world vulnerabilities into levels
  • CTF Time runs contests round the clock allowing practice anytime

The competitive, interactive nature of CTFs accelerates practical learning.

Set Up Local Vulnerable Environments

Simulate targets by building vulnerable system stacks locally:

  • Broken Web Applications Project helps construct intentionally insecure apps
  • Metasploitable and WebGoat containers quickly spin up hackable machines
  • Virtualization platforms like VMWare facilitate hosting entire vulnerable networks

Local labs lead to innovation without restrictions.

Honing skills through these channels helps actualize theoretical knowledge into practical capabilities.

Top Bug Bounty Platforms

While many providers exist, HackerOne and YesWeHack are two premier bug bounty marketplaces.


Since launching in 2012, HackerOne has become an industry leader through its capabilities and community.

Key Features

  • Over 1,300 customer programs across banking, government, retail, and tech
  • Boasts over 800,000 registered ethical hackers
  • Robust profile highlighting skills, achievements, and recommendations
  • Access to exclusive invitation-only private programs
  • Resources like hacker advisor provide mentorship for newcomers

HackerOne connects top talent with leading brands like Google, General Motors, Starbucks, Dropbox, and the US Department of Defense.


As Europe‘s first bug bounty platform, YesWeHack likewise enables security success through collaboration between hackers and companies.

Key Features

  • 500+ invite-only security researchers hunting across 120+ programs
  • Intuitive workflow and tracking throughout bounty life cycle
  • Compliant bug bounty management adhering to GDPR and stringent EU privacy standards
  • On-site private bug bounty hunting offering combines remote expertise supplemented with onsite support
  • Access emerging Internet-of-Things (IoT) and mobile bug bounty programs

YesWeHack supplies technology, tools, and talent to elevate program performance.

Both platforms strive to responsibly bring hacking talent and companies together for mutual success.


This guide summarized key concepts and steps to launch yourself into the exciting domain of bug bounty hunting:

  • Sharpen broad technical skills: Programming, networking, OS admin, etc.
  • Immerse in hacker communities: Absorb trends, insights, best practices
  • Practice, practice, practice: CTFs, vulnerable apps, home labs
  • Build profiles highlighting capabilities: Gain access to more programs
  • Start specialized with a focus: Progress from breadth to depth

The bug bounty hunting field will only accelerate as technology expands – offering tremendous opportunities for skilled cybersecurity specialists. We hope this guide illuminated some first steps to pursue this modern career path. Happy hacking!