Hello, let me introduce you to Ansible!

I want to provide you with a comprehensive yet friendly introduction to Ansible. By the end, you’ll understand what Ansible is, its key components, how it works, main advantages, and how to start automating systems with Ansible quickly. Even if you‘ve never used Ansible, don‘t worry – I walk through basics in a beginner friendly way while still covering advanced topics.

So what exactly is Ansible? Ansible is an open source automation and configuration management tool that helps with managing IT environments – including configuring operating systems, deploying software, provisioning cloud resources and more.

Why is Ansible Useful?

What makes Ansible so useful? A few key reasons:

Flexible Architecture: Ansible has a simple yet powerful architecture for automation consisting of an Ansible controller that communicates with remote nodes over SSH/WinRM.

Huge Module Library: Pre-built modules allow managing most IT resources without needing to write custom code, with over 2500 modules shipping with Ansible covering Linux, Windows, networking, cloud providers, databases, and much more.

Agentless: Unlike most automation tools requiring agents on remote nodes, Ansible relies on OpenSSH and WinRM to connect and execute modules temporarily – reducing infrastructure requirements.

Push-Based Execution: Instead of requiring nodes to pull configurations, Ansible initiates all communication and pushes modules and tasks when you run playbooks leading to fast, robust automation.

Scalability: Ansible can manage small startup infrastructures to Fortune 500 enterprise IT environments with thousands of nodes – its architecture allows linear scaling to automate web-scale infrastructures.

Ease of Use: Ansible uses YAML to define automation in playbooks readable for both computers and humans. And Ansible modules accept parameters in a natural language allowing infrastructure as code without heavy coding experience.

These capabilities enable Ansible to provide robust yet straightforward automation regardless of your infrastructure‘s size or complexity. Companies like Red Hat, Cisco, Juniper Networks and more all rely on Ansible for meeting their automation needs.

Ansible Architecture Explained

Ansible follows a very simple architectural design while empowering advanced automation tasks. Here is a breakdown of core Ansible components:

Control Node: The Ansible controller machine from which automation is initiated. The control node manages connections, process execution and routing task output.

Managed Nodes: The remote network devices, servers, cloud instances or other infrastructure managed by Ansible. Nodes require Python and temp filesystem access for Ansible modules.

Inventory: A list of managed nodes designated by a name or IP. The inventory file allows grouping nodes and designating variables to simplify automation targeting and parameterization.

Modules: The units of code Ansible executes on remote nodes. From package management to controlling services to changing config files, modules enable management of most IT resources.

Plugins: Plugins add additional functionality like customizing output display, notifying about important event execution, caching facts about remote systems, validating data and more. Hundreds of plugins expand Ansible capabilities.

Playbooks: Ordered sets of tasks for Ansible to execute on managed nodes. Playbooks utilize modules and map automation tasks to inventories/patterns of hosts using YAML syntax readable by both computers and humans.

APIs: APIs like AWX and Ansible Tower allow expanding Ansible with capabilities like graphical interfaces, REST APIs, scheduling automation, integrating notifications and consolidating dashboards/reporting.

Ansible brings these components together to provide simple yet powerful architecture for IT automation regardless of complexity, scale or environments ranging from on-premise, hybrid and multi-cloud.

How Ansible Streamlines Automation Execution

Ansible takes a different approach to automation than traditional configuration management tools that rely on a persistent agent installed on all nodes. For example Puppet or Chef require you to first install an agent on each node, then regularly check in with a Puppet master or Chef server to see if any configuration changes or new code needs execution.

In contrast, Ansible adopts a self-contained model that temporality connects to nodes only when automation is required. Here is how Ansible streamlines automation:

  1. The Ansible controller loads the inventory of nodes to manage and the playbook with defined tasks
  2. Ansible connects to nodes via SSH/WinRM to ensure connectivity and execute privilege escalation methods if required
  3. The Ansible control node sends modules contained in playbook tasks over the connections
  4. Nodes execute the module code performing required automation actions like changing a config file or installing a package
  5. Output and status from modules is sent back to the control node for display and logging
  6. Connections terminate and modules are removed after completing tasks

By limiting connections only when executing playbooks, Ansible eliminates unnecessary background communication and infrastructure found in traditional config management tools. This agentless approach provides major efficiency and speed advantages for automation execution using Ansible versus legacy alternatives.

Why Ansible is Advantageous

Beyond the architectural optimizations, Ansible provides many other advantages over alternative automation solutions:

Extensive Module Library: Over 2500 built-in modules for most technologies vastly reduces custom coding compared to more general-purpose automation tools.

Agentless and Fast Execution: Ansible‘s temporary connections and push-based model provides faster, more efficient automation than pull-based agent models.

Easier Cloud Provisioning: Ansible has 160+ cloud modules allowing easy provisioning across AWS, Azure, GCP, OpenStack, VMware and more cloud platforms.

Strong Multi-Tier Support: Ansible can manage latest operating systems, legacy unsupported systems, network devices, containers, mobile devices, IoT and more.

Advanced Scalability: Ansible uses SSH allowing linear scaling to even extremely large environments compared to master/agent bottlenecks.

Greater Resiliency: Ansible automation is idempotent allowing playbooks to handle infrastructure drift and be run repeatedly while avoiding side effects from earlier runs.

Open Ecosystem: Ansible encourages community involvement through open design, open governance and open contributions around modules, plugins, integrations and more.

These advantages mean Ansible provides more flexible, stable and scalable automation than many alternative solutions – both open source and paid products. Ansible‘s advanced capabilities truly allow "automating anything" which has led to its rapid rise in popularity.

Comparing Ansible to Popular Alternatives

The automation landscape provides many point solutions and alternatives to Ansible – so how does Ansible compare?

Ansible vs Puppet: Puppet requires installing agents on all nodes with significant background overhead. Ansible has an agentless model providing faster automation. But Puppet offers more mature change modeling capabilities.

Ansible vs Chef: Chef uses a heavier master/client architecture with slower automation speed. Ansible eliminates chore list pulling for faster push-based execution. However Chef provides more attribute modeling depth.

Ansible vs SaltStack: Similar to Ansible, Salt is agentless and fast while focusing more on remote command execution versus playbook workflows. Ansible has a much larger module library but Salt offers multilayer abstraction.

Ansible vs Terraform: Terraform specializes in provisioning multi-cloud infrastructure. Ansible provides broader automation functionality across provisioning, app deployments, orchestration and more while leveraging Terraform for cloud focus.

Ansible vs Jenkins: Jenkins focuses on build automation and CI/CD orchestration. Ansible does deployment/configuration management allowing it to execute Jenkins pipelines across infrastructure. Together they fill complementary automation needs.

As you can see, while alternatives have their own strengths, Ansible provides a great middle-ground of speed, scalability and broad usefulness for most IT teams compared to niche or legacy solutions.

Real-World Applications and Use Cases

Ansible‘s architecture allows it to support automation use cases across IT environments:

Configuration management: Ansible ensures correct OS, packages, services & configs allowing infrastructure consistency and compliance

Application deployment: Automate multi-tier app deployments across dev, test, staging, and prod environments

Cloud provisioning: Quickly stand up infrastructure on AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, OpenStack etc using Ansible‘s cloud modules

Orchestration: Chain and schedule complex processes involving build, testing, release, provision and more

Security automation: Remediate vulnerabilities, enforce security policies and address threats through Ansible automation

No matter your IT domain – server configs, networking, databases, mobile or software development, Ansible likely can streamline essential automation. Large Global 2000 companies down to early startups leverage Ansible to enhance productivity.

Getting Started: Installing Ansible and Running Playbooks

A major reason for Ansible‘s popularity is how quick and easy you can start automating systems with useful functionality. Here is an overview:


Ansible can run directly on Linux, Mac and Windows through WSL2. Install Ansible using apt, yum, brew or pip per your OS package manager. This gets Ansible ready to start automating nodes.

Inventory Setup

The inventory file maps automation to target nodes using either hostnames or IP addresses. Setup groups, variables and additional configs to target production webservers differently than test databases for example.

Playbook Creation

Playbooks written in YAML contain the step-by-step tasks to automate infrastructure. Playbooks incorporate modules along with parameterization for custom configurations per environment. Jinja templating within YAML allows dynamic configurations.


Run playbooks using ansible-playbook for one-time automation or setup Ansible Tower for advanced scheduling, notifications alerts and graphical dashboard features.

Let‘s look at a sample Ansible playbook automating Nginx installation on a group of Ubuntu servers:

- name: Install Nginx 
  hosts: webservers 
  become: yes

    - name: Update apt cache
      apt: update_cache=yes

    - name: Install Nginx
      apt: name=nginx state=latest

    - name: Start Nginx
        name: nginx 
        state: started

Even as a beginner, you can use Ansible to easily automate common infrastructure tasks like package management, configuring services or creating users without deep programming experience – especially as your skills grow leveraging Ansible best practices around playbook organization, variable usage, and knowledge of available modules.

Expanding Automation Possibilities

While playbook basics are easy to pick up, Ansible offers immense capabilities as you grow beyond basics:

Roles: Roles allow packaging automation into reusable components avoiding reinventing the wheel each new project. For example, roles can encapsulate automating web, database or message queue tiers.

Templates: Templates generate customized configuration files, scripts and programs dynamically filling in parameterized variables per environment. No manual maintenance needed!

Advanced Features: Conditionals, loops and imports in playbooks allow implementing advanced logic for increased automation flexibility targeting infrastructure nuances.

Custom Modules: Can‘t find a module for managing a custom app or niche hardware appliance? Create your own Ansible modules in Python to extend functionality.

Integrations: Leverage connectors with Jenkins, ServiceNow, Jira, Slack and countless other enterprise tools to augment Ansible‘s capabilities.

REST APIs: Ansible Tower provides enterprise features beyond the CLI like graphical interfaces, REST APIs for integrating Ansible into workflows and consolidated reporting dashboards.

These features and integrations enable molding Ansible into your existing toolchain – filling any automation gaps while complementing other solutions with its broad management coverage to advance DevOps practices.

Final Thoughts

I hope this overview helped explain Ansible basics including components like playbooks and modules along with how leveraging Ansible‘s agentless architecture can provide simpler yet faster automation than legacy alternatives.

Ansible empowers both beginners and experts through its extensive module library, support for latest technologies alongside legacy systems, robust scaling for large infrastructures and emphasis on community involvement for shaping improvements.

To learn more about applying Ansible automation within your infrastructure, refer to the official Ansible documentation and community forums filled with usage advice on modules for niche applications, writing advanced playbooks, troubleshooting issues and more from automation experts.

Ansible delivers a powerful way to simplify IT operations management for environments from a few nodes to globe-spanning infrastructures. Give Ansible a try through handy local VMs or browser-based sandbox to experience the possibilities of robust automation with simplicity.