Deciding Between Ansible and Chef: An In-Depth Comparison

Choosing the right IT automation platform is key for efficiently managing your infrastructure and applications. Two of the most widely adopted tools for configuration management, deployment, and orchestration are Ansible and Chef.

This guide will analyze the capabilities, architectures, strengths and limitations of both Ansible and Chef. My goal is to equip you with everything you need to determine which solution best suits your organization‘s automation needs.

We‘ll cover:

  • Introductions to Ansible and Chef
  • Key feature and capability comparison
  • Architectural models – agentless vs agent-based
  • Language, community and security considerations
  • Use case-based recommendations
  • Concluding guidance on deciding between the two

So whether you‘re setting up your first automation pipeline or evaluating new tools for your infrastructure, you‘ll have all the salient points to make your Ansible vs Chef decision after reading.

Overview of Ansible and Chef

Ansible and Chef aim to solve similar configuration management challenges – but take differing approaches.

Ansible utilizes a simple, agentless architecture to automate IT processes over SSH. With intricate orchestration capabilities out of the box, Ansible focuses firmly on empowering automation across network operations.

Over 5000 organizations worldwide trust Ansible to streamline their IT workflows – from small companies like LegalZoom to large entities including IBM and Intel.

Chef is built as a pure configuration management platform, using an agent-based pull model to allow granular control over server state. Originally tailored for automating complex application deployments, Chef excels at creating fully modeled infrastructure.

Major brands including Facebook, Nordstrom and Prezi rely on Chef‘s convergence abilities to enforce infrastructure compliance and maintain consistency at scale.

Now that we understand their backgrounds, let‘s explore some key capabilities.

Comparing Key Capabilities

While Ansible and Chef have some overlapping features, their sweet spots lie in different areas:

Capability Ansible Chef
Provisioning Streamlined provisioning workflows Support for machine imaging
Config Management Broad IT automation Granular control of resources
App Deployment Simple deployments Complex app modeling
Orchestration Multi-machine orchestration Intricate application orchestration


Ansible makes provisioning infrastructure like servers and cloud instances easy through declarative playbooks. Chef provides additional support for "baking" machine images with pre-installed dependencies.

According to, Ansible surpasses competitors in provisioning scalability:

Ansible tops cloud provisioning benchmarks

Configuration Management

When it comes to configuring infrastructure, Ansible focuses on comprehensive IT process automation. Chef takes a granular approach centered around modeling and managing the state of individual resources.

Application Deployment

Deploying multi-tier applications requires properly orchestrating component installation, configuration, scaling and inter-connectivity. Chef excels at this application-centric model of deployment, while Ansible tackles a wider range of IT automation tasks.


Ansible provides out-of-the-box orchestration for streamlining automation across machines at scale. Chef orchestration capabilities cater more specifically to coordinating application deployment workflows across servers.

The next major difference is the architectural model utilized…

Agentless vs Agent-Based Architectures

Ansible uses an agentless architecture while Chef employs an agent-based model:

Agentless vs agent-based automation architecture

With Ansible, tasks are handled over SSH without requiring remote software installation on the managed nodes. Modules are transferred at runtime and directly execute automation tasks.

Chef installations involve deploying the Chef client to all servers. This client regularly polls the Chef Server to pull down latest configuration policies, resource definitions etc. State is maintained between runs.

Implications of the architectural approaches include:

  • Ansible‘s push-based approach enables faster scaling
  • Chef‘s pull model allows tracking of configuration drift

For small infrastructures, Ansible‘s simplicity can‘t be beat. At higher scale, Chef convergence shines for compliance and consistency.

Now let‘s explore how the underlying languages and tooling differ.

Key Language and Tooling Differences

Ansible operates using YAML playbooks and Jinja2 templating:

Ansible playbook example

The YAML format provides readability through simple key-value mappings to define automation tasks. Jinja2 templates enable parametrizing configurations while preventing repetition.

In contrast, Chef configuration management is implemented through Ruby-based cookbooks containing recipes, resources and providers.

For example, a Chef recipe:

Chef recipe example

Ruby allows powerful programmatic representations of infrastructure, but expect a steeper learning curve.

Tooling also impacts the user experience:

  • Ansible relies on command line tooling and its Ansible Tower dashboard
  • Chef Workstation offers a robust graphical interface for management

For operators less comfortable with CLIs, Chef‘s extensive tooling goes the extra mile.

Now that we‘ve compared features – what about the communities?

Comparing Communities and Security

Ansible benefits from strong open source community support across various organizations:

  • 9000+ GitHub contributors
  • 450+ meetup groups worldwide
  • Dozens of dedicated Ansible conferences globally

However, Chef software manages official security communications and patches for enterprises. With an automated build pipeline, fixes can be rolled out to on-premises Chef servers rapidly after disclosure.

So while Ansible relies on its active community, Chef‘s commercial backing delivers security assurances.

Recommendations Based on Use Case

With open cards on Ansible and Chef‘s capabilities – which makes most sense for your environment?

For Small Organizations

Favor Ansible for its simplicity and gentler learning curve. No need to manage remote agents or special tooling.

Managing Large Infrastructures

Chef‘s scalability, compliance features and dedicated security response teams cater towards larger enterprise IT teams.

Cloud-Based Infrastructure

Ansible integrates smoothly with all major cloud providers – use it to rapidly provision and configure cloud resources.

On-Premises Linux Environments

Either Ansible or Chef suffice here. Lean Ansible if you value speed and orchestration – or Chef if tracking detailed state changes is vital.

Windows Environments

Both Ansible and Chef handle Windows – but Chef offers native Windows support without dependencies.

Legacy Infrastructure

Leverage Ansible to gradually modernize processes through automation, even on aging equipment.

As with all complex platform decisions – there‘s no universally superior choice. Let your use case and organizational needs guide your decision.

Conclusion – Choosing Between Ansible and Chef

Ansible and Chef represent two of the most capable options for tackling IT automation.

Ansible shines through its simplicity. The agentless architecture and orchestration produce rapid results across provisioning, deployment and configuration scenarios.

Chef flexes its muscles when modeling complex application infrastructure end-to-end is key. State tracking provides visibility over time as organizations scale rapidly.

To recap the salient points as you decide:

  • Ansible favors simplicity and speed
  • Chef enables scale and compliance
  • Model infrastructure rigorously with Chef
  • Orchestrate seamlessly with Ansible

Ultimately – you may find Ansible complements Chef nicely rather than strictly competing. Ansible can handle upfront provisioning before passing the baton to Chef for ongoing management.

No matter where you net out – I hope this guide has offered clarity on whether Ansible or Chef better fulfills your needs. Don‘t hesitate to reach out with any additional questions!