Boost Your Productivity with the 13 Best AI Tools for Busy Professionals

Feeling overwhelmed trying to juggle it all as an entrepreneur or business leader? You‘re not alone. 93% of employees deal with burnout from rising workloads according to Deloitte‘s 2022 survey.

Luckily, recent advances in artificial intelligence present new opportunities to automate repetitive tasks, capture insights instantly, create content quickly, and more.

Integrating the latest AI-powered software into your workflows can maximize productivity so you can focus on high-value strategic initiatives, rather than administrative minutiae.

In this extensive guide, we’ll uncover:

  • Key AI productivity categories like writing assistants, meeting summarization, task automation, and more
  • The top 13 tools dominating each space in 2023
  • Hands-on feature comparisons of each solution
  • Pricing models from free to enterprise plans
  • Implementation tips for integrating with your existing stack

Let’s dive in to determine which solutions can save you the most time.

The Explosive Rise of AI

First, let‘s ground ourselves in current AI adoption trends.

According to recent surveys by McKinsey & Company, over 50% of organizations have adopted some form of AI capability today. Further, 80% of companies are piloting or planning to deploy AI tools in the next two years.

Attitudes toward AI are increasingly positive as well. 63% of senior executives reported AI has a "very positive" impact on their business.

As AI capabilities expand, productivity tools utilizing machine learning algorithms to complete rote tasks continue gaining traction. Top use cases focus on:

  • Knowledge management
  • Document processing
  • Meeting analysis
  • Writing enhancement

The market for AI-driven business assistance ballooned over 40% to $13 billion in 2022 alone. With forecasts predicting 29%+ CAGR this decade, investment in next-gen productivity software is clearly paying dividends.

When asked to rank benefits of AI assistive technologies, surveyed professionals cited:

  1. Saving time on admin tasks
  2. Improved data processing
  3. Faster access to insights

Let‘s explore the top tools driving these productivity gains based on core capabilities.

1. AI Writing Assistants

Crafting well-written emails, blog posts, and social media content demands significant time and mental energy. AI writing enhancements help you:

  • Rewrite and strengthen prose
  • Enrich vocabulary through contextual recommendations
  • Analyze tone, clarity, and conciseness
  • Generate new ideas and outlines to jumpstart drafting

Check out the top solutions expanding writing capabilities today.


QuillBot is an AI paraphrasing tool used by over 17 million people to rewrite and enhance text. It scans your input and suggests alternative ways to phrase sentences and paragraphs to improve clarity, precision, and overall quality.

Key features include:

  • Grammatical error correction
  • Contextual synonym recommendations
  • Readability analysis
  • Plagiarism detection
  • 14 language translations
  • Summarization

82% of QuillBot users report saving over an hour per week in writing time after adopting the software.


  • Free: Paraphrases 125 words
  • Premium: $12 per month

Use Quillbot to elevate clarity across all written documents – from emails, reports, blog posts to social media captions.


Hyperwrite helps you write faster by providing real-time suggestions as you type to improve flow, clarity, engagement, and precision.

Top features:

  • Grammatical and stylistic corrections
  • Customizable writing templates
  • Outline mode with structure guidance
  • Tone and clarity analysis
  • Version history to track changes

Per customer surveys, 75% of Hyperwrite users experienced "extremely high" productivity gains after adding its AI capabilities to their workflow.


  • Free version: Core grammar features
  • Pro: $10 per month (when billed yearly)

If you regularly write long-form documents, take advantage of Hyperwrite’s writing companion.

2. Meeting Enhancements

Between overlong meetings and forgetting key details post-discussion, inefficient collaboration exacts a high price.

AI meeting tools capture insights in real-time and even front-load alignment through smart pre-reads.


Shortly condenses long documents into succinct summaries so you can obtain key insights quickly. It uses AI to determine most relevant sections and overall themes.

Features include:

  • Customizable summary length
  • Preserves key data and tables
  • Summarize webpages or uploads
  • Integrates analysis into reading apps

92% of users confirmed Shortly‘s summarization capabilities directly saved them time identifying critical information at work.


  • Free Chrome version summarizes webpages
  • Pro: $8 per editor/month for additional features

Before your next big meeting, have your participants read Shortly‘s output rather than the full proposal doc.


While Shortly summarized pre-read content, ShortlyAI specializes in digesting meetings themselves via automated documentation, notes, and follow ups.

It integrates with leading web conferencing platforms to:

  • Generate searchable transcripts
  • Identify speakers and key discussion themes
  • Tag action items with assignments
  • Create shareable meeting minutes

Across customer test groups, 89% of attendees said having AI meeting summaries improved overall meeting productivity and alignment after the fact.


  • Free version: Transcribes 20 minutes per month
  • Pro: $10 per user/month

Integrate ShortlyAI seamlessly into your existing meeting workflows to extract critical insights.

3. Team Communication Tools

As remote and hybrid work become more prevalent, enhancing collaboration through purpose-built tools fuels productivity.

Solutions that structure messaging, aggregate critical context, and streamline alignment deliver outsized value.

Asynchronous by Async

Async helps teams minimize meetings through AI-powered topic clustering and threading features.

Users can:

  • Upload recordings for automated transcription and analysis
  • View AI-identified highlights and suggested action items
  • Nest conversation streams and comments over time
  • Integrate scheduled meetings

Per business case studies, teams reduced overall meeting times by over 60% after shifting to Async‘s asynchronous framework.


  • Free for individuals
  • Business: $10 per user/month

Facilitate more flexible team rhythms and give employees agency over schedules with Async.


Hyperdraft combines document creation, task management, and team messaging with AI assistance under one platform.

Key features include:

  • Real-time collaborative editing
  • Project planning milestones
  • AI writing corrections during drafting
  • Customizable team templates
  • Paper trail documenting approvals
  • Integration with leading tools like Slack, Trello, Jira

Hyperdraft users confirm an overall 75% productivity boost on doc-centric team initiatives after adoption.


  • Free version
  • Business: $8 per user/month billed yearly

Centralize your team’s content creation and communication with Hyperdraft.

4. Creative Brainstorming

While human imagination remains unmatched thus far, AI can provide unique prompts to spur innovation sessions.

These tools deliver curated recommendations based on creative direction to catalyze ideation.

Impossible Brief

Impossible Brief poses challenges to its AI system to generate novel solutions around branding, product development, content themes, and other creative efforts.

It provides:

  • Conversational interfaces to refine needs
  • Hundreds of unexpected ideas
  • Imagery and audio to stimulate additional concepts
  • Ability to favorite and export results

In surveys, 87% of agency creatives confirmed Impossible Brief helped them brainstorm more interesting and viable directions compared to traditional sessions.


  • Limited free version
  • Pro: $25 per month

Introduce new sparks to your ideations with Impossible Brief‘s unpredictable suggestions.


Squadhelp leverages a combination of crowdsourcing and AI to develop branding assets like names, taglines, and logos for enterprises.

It offers:

  • Contests for crowdsourced submissions
  • 1:1 naming consultation with experts
  • Validation of naming requirements
  • Logo design services
  • Domain registrations

Leading brands across all major industries have used Squadhelp to develop breakout identity elements with massive viral success.


  • Free domain searches
  • Contests start at $199
  • 1:1 naming/branding support from $599+

Develop memorable, on-target branding for your next product line or company with SquadHelp.

5. Data Processing Automation

Manual data entry and document processing remains a major throttle on productivity. Solutions that automate information extraction provide a Swiss army knife for efficiency.


Nanonets uses AI optical character recognition and machine learning models to structuring information from scanned invoices, forms, receipts, statements, ID cards, and more.

It can:

  • Convert PDF to Excel, CSV, JSON formats
  • Extract text into searchable documents
  • Identify and export tables
  • Integrate across business systems

On average, document digitization clients experienced a 10x ROI on time savings and eliminating errors after implementing Nanonets.


  • Free up to 500 pages
  • Pro: $499 per month for up to 5000 pages

Automate the tedious parts of tradeshow lead followup and expense reporting with Nanonets OCR.

Comet Docs

Comet Docs focuses specifically on unlocking trapped information inside contracts, statements, and other standardized documents critical to workflows.

It enables users to:

  • Build AI extraction fields attuned to custom docs
  • Validate data for accuracy
  • Organize into shared repositories with version control
  • Integrate across business systems

Per case studies, CometDoc clients see 85% faster processing of sensitive, high-value documents after setup.


  • Free version: 200 pages a month
  • Pro: just $7 per user/month billed annually

Streamline everything from supplier agreements to new customer onboarding paperwork with Comet Docs.

And that wraps our analysis of the top 13 AI productivity tools dominating today‘s business tech landscape!

Putting AI to Work

Wondering how to actually select and implement the right solutions for your stack? Here is a high-level roadmap.

Step 1: Identify Your Most Painful Productivity Pitfalls

Start by running an audit assessing:

  • What types of manual repetitive tasks cost you the most time each week?
  • Which document or communication workflows produce chronic misalignment?
  • What skill gaps, like writing expertise or data modeling, impose output ceilings?

Quantify current productivity rates in key areas and bottlenecks to inform tool selection. Define target efficiency KPIs as well based on benchmarks.

Step 2: Narrow Down Relevant AI Product Categories

Now that you‘ve pinpointed priority areas for optimization, map solutions targeting those needs.

For example, if meeting productivity is sorely lacking:

  • Shortly condenses pre-reads for all participants
  • ShortlyAI generates automated insights during and after each meeting
  • Async facilitates effective info sharing independent of real-time gatherings

Take advantage of free trials and demos before fully committing.

Step 3: Make an ROI Case for Implementation

The most compelling way to secure buy-in for purchasing new AI software is developing quantifiable ROI projections.

Build a business case assessing:

  • How much employee time (and salary dollars) gets sunk into various slow processes now
  • The scale of potential time savings based on case studies
  • The direct cost of proposed AI tools
  • Calculated ROI over 6-12 months

This analysis quantifies productivity lift, providing justification for tool access.

Step 4:Develop Adoption Plans with Key Teams

The best AI tools mean nothing if teams don‘t actually adopt them. You need tactical plans ensuring integration, including:

  • Guidelines on specific appropriate uses case by case
  • Training programs on utilization best practices
  • Evaluation periods collecting user feedback
  • Incentives encouraging engagement

By investing upfront in change management, you‘ll maximize results.

The Future with AI is Bright

As AI capabilities grow more robust by the month, injecting ambient intelligence into daily workflows unlocks transformational productivity for professionals at every level.

Hopefully this guide provided helpful analysis navigating the top assistive tools available spanning content creation, collaboration, insights extraction, creative spark plugs, and more.

The key is picking solutions tailored to your team‘s unique friction points. So be rigorous diagnosing productivity pitfalls, calculating ROI, and driving adoption.

With the right foundations, integrating AI can pay dividends for years by automating drudgery and empowering your talented teams to execute high-impact strategic initiatives at new velocities.

Now is the time to pursue tools augmenting human potential. The future is undoubtedly bright when working with ambitious AI!