9 Best MLOps Platforms to Streamline ML Pipelines

Implementing MLOps unlocks game-changing improvements in productivity, collaboration and governance across machine learning initiatives. This comprehensive guide compares the top 9 MLOps platforms helping data science leaders operationalize ML to create business impact.

We review offerings from MLflow, Azure Machine Learning, Vertex AI, Databricks, AWS SageMaker, DataRobot, Run:AI, H2O.ai and Paperspace – highlighting must-have features including automation, model tracking, collaboration tools, CI/CD integrations, monitoring and governance. We also provide recommendations based on use case, team skills and infrastructure.

Why Read This Guide?

Machine learning (ML) pilots are maturing from proof-of-concepts to mission-critical applications across industries. However, progress is hampered by lack of oversight, coordination and optimization across complex, multi-disciplinary ML pipelines.

This is where MLOps comes in.

MLOps introduces software engineering best practices like CI/CD, test automation and version control into ML initiatives. The results per Gartner include:

  • 80% faster deployment of ML applications
  • 60% boost in ML pipeline productivity
  • 50% improvement in model quality

Image source: Geekflare

This guide provides an exhaustive look into the leading MLOps software solutions helping enterprises realize these enormous benefits.

We compare offerings from:

  1. MLflow
  2. Azure Machine Learning
  3. Google Vertex AI
  4. Databricks
  5. AWS SageMaker
  6. DataRobot
  7. Run:AI
  8. H2O.ai
  9. Paperspace Gradient

across crucial evaluation parameters like features, integrations, ease of use and target personas.

You will gain clarity into picking the right platform(s) based on your team‘s skills, problem type, infrastructure and budgets.

Let‘s get started!

Surging Popularity of MLOps

MLOps adoption has exploded in recent years with over 65% of ML practitioners now utilizing MLOps tools and processes.

Driving this trend are benefits like:

  • 37% shorter development lifecycles
  • 28% improvement in productivity
  • Faster innovation and time-to-market
  • Higher quality models

As per Technavio, the global MLOps market size is projected to grow from $2 billion in 2020 to $6.81 billion by 2025 at a CAGR of 27%.

Top motivations to implement MLOps include:

  1. Removing workflow friction through automation
  2. Boosting collaboration between teams
  3. Institutionalizing model governance
  4. Optimizing infrastructure usage
  5. Monitoring all phases of the ML lifecycle

MLOps drives evolution from ad hoc ML to fully optimized enterprise AI – Image source: IBM

Why are MLOps Platforms Necessary?

While data science teams have historically relied on one-off scripts and manual processes, scaling ML initiatives requires optimizing the end-to-end pipeline as a software delivery discipline.

MLOps platforms provide the scaffolding to adopt this systematic approach including:

1. Standardization – Enforce consistent processes for data preparation, experiment tracking, model evaluation etc.

2. Automation – Reduce repetitive tasks through workflows, CI/CD etc.

3. Governance – Embed oversight via model risk analysis, approval gates, access controls etc.

4. Collaboration – Break down silos via sharing of datasets, models, experiments etc.

5. Infrastructure Management – Track/optimize hardware utilization, ensure access controls.

6. Model Monitoring – Continuously measure model performance post-deployment.

Table: MLOps Capabilities

Requirement MLflow Azure ML Vertex AI SageMaker DataRobot
CI/CD Pipelines
Automated Model Building X
Model Registry
Collaboration Tools

This transforms experimentation efficiency, model quality and operations reliability – enabling firms to finally materialize ML‘s true potential.

9 Top MLOps Platforms Compared

Let‘s review the 9 leading MLOps software solutions on the market right now:

1. MLflow

Overview – Popular open-source platform for managing ML lifecycle


  • Flexible integration with 100s of ML tools
  • Powerful experiment tracking with model lineage
  • Open source enables customization


  • Basic UI and reporting
  • Steep learning curve
  • No AutoML

Verdict– Excellent choice for coding-focused teams due to openness and extensibility

2. Azure Machine Learning

Overview – Fully-managed MLOps solution on Microsoft Azure


  • Tight integration with Azure services
  • GUI based automl model building
  • Built-in drift monitoring


  • Lock-in to Azure ecosystem
  • Can get expensive

Verdict – One of the strongest offerings for Azure-centric organizations

3. Vertex AI

Table: Comparing Top 3 MLOps Platforms

MLflow Azure ML Vertex AI
Infrastructure Agnostic X
AutoML X
Drift Monitoring Third-party Native Native
Commercial Support Community Fully-managed Fully-managed

Key Evaluation Criteria

With diverse MLOps solutions available, focus on these aspects to pick the right platform:

Budget – Open source vs commercial solutions
Infrastructure flexiblity – Multi-cloud, on-premise support
Ease of use – Low/no code vs code first options
Security – IAM, secrets management, data encryption
Specialized functionality – AutoML, MLOps, NLP, Computer Vision
Integrations – Existing AWS/Azure/GCP services, CI/CD tools
Support – Community vs fully-managed

Other considerations are team skills, industry-specific use cases, hardware optimization needs etc.

Striking the right balance between these factors is key to MLOps success.

Bottom Line

MLOps adoption is clearly at an inflection point. Forward-looking teams recognize that scaling ML necessitates optimizing the end-to-end lifecycle – from data to deployment.

The leading MLOps platforms featured here provide the scaffolding to introduce governance, reproducibility, collaboration and automation across your pipelines.

Carefully evaluate options across open source and commercial solutions based on your budget, use cases and team skills.

As your needs grow, don‘t hesitate to utilize multiple complementary platforms – for instance open source MLflow for experiment tracking combined with SageMaker for automated deployment.

Still have questions on getting started with MLOps? See our related guide on the topic.

The overarching goal, after all, is to increase velocity and quality – allowing your ML initiatives to create exponential value for customers and the business.

So what are you waiting for? It‘s time to supercharge your machine learning journey with MLOps!