8 Top PaaS Platforms for Building and Hosting Cloud-Native Applications

Hello friend, are you looking to accelerate delivery of modern software applications without getting bogged down by infrastructure complexities? If so, this comprehensive guide on Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) options is for you!

As an experienced cloud architect who has designed systems hosted on all major public cloud platforms, I have picked the top 8 enterprise-grade PaaS services based on parameters like maturity of offering, developer experience and production-readiness.

We have a lot to cover across 2800+ words here. So first things first – what even is PaaS and why should you care? 🤔

What is PaaS and Why Should You Consider It?

As per Gartner‘s definition, Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) provides a managed environment for developing, launching and scaling cloud-based software applications without needing to build out the underlying infrastructure.

PaaS offerings typically include capabilities like:

✅ Auto-provisioning of cloud infrastructure resources like servers, storage, networking
✅ Managed operating systems and middleware
✅ Built-in high availability for fault tolerance
✅ Auto-scaling of capacity based on demand to handle load spikes
✅ Advanced monitoring, logging and troubleshooting

The goal of PaaS is to reduce the complexity and accelerating the processes involved in taking a software application from code to production deployment.

This enables developers to spend more time writing differentiating business code rather than racking & stacking infrastructure components. Ops teams also get freed from repetitive manual tasks to focus on higher value engineering work.

As per Gartner‘s latest public cloud forecast, the worldwide public cloud PaaS market is projected to grow by over 26% to $164 billion in 2023.

Driving this rapid growth are digital native firms and legacy enterprises alike needing agile, scalable platforms for next-gen application development with cloud-native principles like:

[✔️] Microservices oriented architecture
[✔️] API-based communication
[✔️] Infrastructure provisioned as code
[✔️] Continuous delivery mindset

Let‘s now examine offerings from major public cloud vendors that represent the cutting edge of PaaS capabilities today.

Overview of Leading PaaS Platforms

There are several excellent PaaS platforms to consider from hyperscale cloud providers, open source communities and SaaS vendors.

Here is a high level overview of managed PaaS services from the big three public cloud platforms:

Amazon Web Services PaaS

  • Elastic Beanstalk: Deploy and scale web apps in various languages
  • Lambda: Event-driven "serverless" computing with auto-scaling
  • AppRunner: Schedule & run containerized applications on demand

Microsoft Azure PaaS

  • App Service: Quickly deploy web and mobile apps with auto-scaling
  • Azure Functions: Serverless platform for event-driven execution
  • Azure Spring Cloud: Deploy Spring Boot apps and manage infrastructure

Google Cloud PaaS

  • App Engine: Fully managed serverless application platform
  • Cloud Run: Stateless containers with auto-scaling
  • Cloud Functions: Event-driven serverless compute

Beyond above hyperscalers, excellent enterprise PaaS options include:

  • Red Hat OpenShift: Kubernetes management for deploying containerized apps
  • VMware Tanzu: Multi-cloud Kubernetes platform tailored for enterprises
  • Heroku: Smooth developer experience for web apps via Git-based deploys

Now that you have an overview of leading platforms, let‘s compare them in-depth across key considerations.

Evaluating PaaS Providers Across Critical Capabilities

Comparing PaaS solutions across six major capability dimensions:

  1. Languages and Platforms
  2. Scalability and High Availability
  3. Security and Compliance
  4. CI/CD and Git Integrations
  5. Monitoring and Observability
  6. Pricing Models

Digging deeper on each aspect:

1. Programming Languages and Platforms Supported

Modern n-tier applications leverage diverse languages, frameworks and runtimes – like:

✅ Java, JavaScript, Python, .NET, PHP etc.
✅ Node.js, Spring Boot, Django, React, Angular etc.

Leading PaaS platforms provide first-class support for above languages and frameworks so developers can build with their favored tools rather than learn new ones because of platform constraints.

Most also support hosting apps on both Windows and Linux runtimes for added flexibility.

2. Scalability and High Availability

To ensure consistent performance and uptime during demand spikes, PaaS platforms provide autoscaling and load balancing out of the box:

Auto Scaling

➡️ Scale app instances out (add more) or in (remove) based on metrics
➡️ Prevents overload and saves costs during low utilization

Load Balancing

➡️ Distributes traffic evenly across active app instances
➡️ Ensures maximum performance under load

Mission critical apps can also be deployed across multiple zones for high availability and automated failover.

3. Security and Compliance

For enterprise clients (like in banking, healthcare etc.), evaluating security and compliance posture is critical during PaaS selection.

➡️ Data encryption (in-transit and at-rest)
➡️ Granular access controls and role-based permissions
➡️ Integrated threat detection and alerts
➡️ Audits demonstrating compliance certs – SOC2, ISO etc.

Above help mitigate risks and address regulatory needs around data governance.

4. CI/CD and Git Integrations

Continuous deployment from source control systems like GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket etc. is table stakes from modern PaaS platforms via options like:

✅ Webhooks to trigger deployments on git commits
✅ Out-of-the-box pipelines with CI/CD orchestrators (Jenkins, Circle CI etc.)
✅ Testing environments to validate changes
✅ Rollback features to easily revert problematic deployments

Such DevOps capabilities accelerate cycle times between code commit and production availability.

5. Monitoring, Logging and Troubleshooting

Once applications are running in production, observability is key to ensure reliability and availability.

Built-in tools provide:

📊 Metrics dashboard for key system + app indicators
🗒️ Searchable logs across components
🔍 Distributed tracing to pinpoint multi-service failures
⏰ Custom alerts for critical events

Enables smoother incident response when issues inevitability strike!

6. Pricing Considerations

Evaluating cost model trade-offs is an important part of PaaS selection. Common pricing dimensions include:

➡️ Consumption pricing: Pay for allocated capacity by hour/second
➡️ Monthly/Annual subscriptions: Lower hourly cost but locked period
➡️ Ingress/Egress charges: Data transfer fees

Do thorough cost modeling with different scenarios to prevent sticker shock!

With those six critical capability perspectives analyzed, let‘s now examine PaaS options for some common application architectures.

Top PaaS Platform Recommendations for Key Workloads

Let me share my top picks across few canonical use cases based on proven production experience:

1. Deploying Web Applications

Typical multi-tier web apps have components like:


My recommendations:

1️⃣ Heroku – smooth Git deployments, auto-scaling, Postgres integration
2️⃣ AWS Elastic Beanstalk – S3, RDS, CloudFront integration
3️⃣ Azure App Service – Visual Studio, SQL integration

2. Scaling Microservices

Leveraging containers and Kubernetes is best practice for large microservices based systems:


My top picks:

1️⃣ OpenShift – enterprise Kubernetes, CI/CD pipeline
2️⃣ Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) – smooth Azure integration
3️⃣ Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) – proven at scale

3. Event-Driven Serverless Systems

Auto-scaling serverless platforms like AWS Lambda shine for event-driven apps:


Top options:

1️⃣ AWS Lambda – seamless integration with wider AWS ecosystem
2️⃣ Azure Functions – bindings with Azure services
3️⃣ Google Cloud Functions – lightweight snippets of code

Hope you found the above recommendations useful! Please share any other questions you might have in comments.

And do remember to subscribe for future articles covering cloud architecture patterns across various workloads. Exciting times ahead in our community driven by open source, cloud native and automation transforming application delivery!