30+ Frequently Asked Linux Interview Questions and Answers [2023]

Let‘s start from the very beginning, shall we?

Q1. Walk me through what Linux is

Here‘s explaining Linux in a nutshell for you…

Linux is an open-source and community-developed operating system based on UNIX. It was created from scratch in 1991 by a Finland student called Linus Torvalds – that‘s why it was named ‘Linux!‘

Now when I say open source it means anyone can access, modify or share the source code for free. This is a big differentiator from proprietary software like Microsoft Windows.

The community development model is amazing too. It allows so many developers and companies globally to keep improving and securing Linux constantly. Isn‘t that awesome!

Today Linux powers [97% of supercomputers, 90% public clouds, 82% smartphones] – from some of the world‘s biggest innovations. The numbers speak for how robust and versatile Linux is, don‘t you think?

But wait, I can almost hear you wondering why it‘s so popular…

Q2. Okay that sounds fascinating! So now tell me, why do so many companies actually use Linux?

Happy to explain! There‘s plenty of great reasons:

  1. It‘s absolutely free – There‘s no licensing cost which is a big savings especially for large infrastructures. Lesser hardware requirements also reduce costs!

  2. Highly secure – Super strong firewalls like IPtables, advanced tracking tools and rapid fixing of bugs/vulnerabilities through community model makes Linux much more secure than proprietary OS. There‘s a reason most firewalls and cybersecurity tools run on Linux now!

  3. Extremely stable – With rare system crashes and continuity of services through patches, Linux has excellent uptime. That‘s crucial when running mission-critical infrastructure right?

  4. Customizable – You can tweak so much in Linux from the kernel to the DE (desktop environment). There‘s different distros to suit just about any use-case – web-hosting, big data, network gateways etc.

So in summary – cost efficiency, robustness, reliability and versatility – Linux checks all the boxes! Anything else you wish to know about Linux the wonder operating system? 😉

Q3. You seem to be a Linux fan! Alright, can you run me through a high-level architecture?

Sure thing! Let me draw up a simple representation of how Linux is architected:

[Diagram showing Linux architecture with Hardware at the bottom, above it Kernel, followed by Shell, Libraries/Intermediaries and Applications at the top]
  • Hardware – This forms the base – CPU, memory, storage and other devices that need controlling.

  • Kernel – The kernel interacts with hardware directly and manages them. If hardware is the heart, kernel is the brains!

  • It allocates resources, enforces security policies, executes programs and so much more. We‘ll get into exciting kernel details later!

  • Shell – Then we have the shell – the interface enabling you to control the OS using commands. There are many types of cool shells in Linux.

  • Libraries and Intermediates – Next we have helper libraries and services that are utilized by higher-level applications. This is the modular nature of Linux!

  • Applications – At the top we have end-user applications like web browser, text editor and games – the stuff which you actually interact with daily!

Hassle-free modularity from kernel all the way to apps 😎 That in a nutshell is the Linux architecture.

Q4. The Kernel sounds like a vital piece. Tell me more about the Linux Kernel

You‘re absolutely right my friend! The kernel is at the heart of Linux system, managing resources efficiently and providing services to everything above it.

Think of kernel like a government with immense responsibilities:

Memory Management – Random access memory (RAM) allocation and optimization

Process Management – Determining which programs can use CPU when

File-system Management – Organizing data on storage, providing access APIs

Device Drivers – Software enabling hardware devices to interact with resources

Networking Stack – Enabling system networking capabilities

System Security – Policies like access control and audits

The best part about the Linux kernel is that it‘s modular i.e. extremely customizable! You can tweak so many parameters across above functionality based on your specific needs.

And thanks to global developer community constantly improving it – the Linux kernel is extremely advanced today with bleeding-edge capabilities. Not surprising at all that‘s it‘s the foundation of most cloud architectures!

Q5. You‘ve mentioned Shells couple of times. Can you explain what is the Linux Shell?

Most definitely!

So as developers/administrators, we need an interface to talk to our operating system right? Shells provide that for Linux systems using a command-line interface window.

The shell is essentially a program that takes human-entered commands, interprets them, executes appropriate programs and then displays the output to user.

So basically the Shell allows you to control and operate your Linux system seamlessly. If kernel is the engine, shell is the driver seat!

Some popular Linux shells are:

  • Bourne shell (sh)
  • Bourne Again Shell (bash) – Most widely used shell, default in Linux
  • C shell (csh)
  • Z shell (zsh)

The Terminal app that you see in Linux distributions provides the shell interface to access system.

Does this help explain the significance of Linux shells? Tell me if you‘d like more details!

Q6. Shells are clearer now. What exactly are Shell Scripts?

Shell scripts are neat little text files with Linux shell commands inside them 📄

Instead of manually typing commands over Terminal everytime, you simply put them in a file that can be run automatically!

These are used to automate repetitive administrator tasks. For example updating systems regularly, taking backups daily, monitoring logs etc.

Shell scripts save effort and prevent human errors in such tasks due to manual work. We simply invoke them as needed.

They also help define order of commands, putting conditions etc. For instance – a backup script would first check available storage, then purge older archives if low on space and finally proceed to create the backup. Awesome right!

In a nutshell – shell scripts are basically programs providing automation using shell commands syntax. They form the building blocks for advanced System Administration in Linux.

This was just a brief intro to shell scripts which have tons of capabilities. Maybe we can discuss more scenarios where they are used later?