16 Best CSS Frameworks/Libraries for Front-End Developers

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is an essential part of web development that allows you to style and layout web pages. However, writing CSS from scratch can be tedious and time-consuming. This is where CSS frameworks come in handy.

CSS frameworks provide pre-built CSS code and components that you can simply use in your projects. They help speed up development time and provide consistency across projects.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the 16 best CSS frameworks and libraries for front-end developers in 2023.

1. Bootstrap

Bootstrap is the most popular CSS framework out there. Originally created by Twitter, it has grown into a powerful front-end toolkit over the years.

Here are some key things you should know about Bootstrap:

  • Responsive Grid System – Bootstrap comes with a 12-column responsive grid system that adapts to various devices and screen sizes. You can easily create column-based layouts.

  • Pre-built Components – It offers tons of pre-styled UI components like buttons, navigation bars, alerts, modals etc. This saves you from writing CSS for common interface elements.

  • Cross-browser Compatibility – Bootstrap works consistently across all major desktop and mobile browsers. You don‘t have to worry about browser prefixes and inconsistencies.

  • Easy to Customize – While Bootstrap has nice default themes, you can customize and override styles using CSS, SASS or LESS with minimal effort.

  • Great Documentation – Everything in Bootstrap is thoroughly documented with plenty of examples and tutorials for developers.

Overall, Bootstrap accelerates front-end development by providing powerful building blocks that fit nicely together. The huge community behind it is also a big plus.

Downsides of Bootstrap

While being extremely popular, Bootstrap does have some downsides:

  • Many Bootstrap sites have a similar generic look and feel. Customizing it heavily requires work.
  • There‘s some extra CSS/JS weight added to sites for components you may not even use. This can impact performance.
  • The defaults keep changing between major versions. Upgrading requires refactoring code.

2. Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS takes a unique utility-first approach compared to other frameworks. Instead of opinionated pre-designed components, Tailwind provides low-level utility classes that you combine to build custom designs.

Here are some of its notable features:

  • Design Freedom – Tailwind gives you complete control over styling. There are no predefined constraints on how elements should look.

  • Rapid Development – You can style elements by simply applying utility classes instead of writing CSS. It‘s fast and productive.

  • Easy Customization – Tailwind is customized by tweaking configuration variables. Change fonts, colors, spacing etc. without touching actual CSS.

  • Purge Unused CSS – Tree-shaking removes all unused Tailwind styles in production builds. This keeps file size extremely small.

  • Mobile-first – Tailwind utils are mobile-first and responsive by default. Easy to build mobile-friendly pages.

The learning curve is steeper than traditional frameworks. But once internalized, Tailwind offers a very efficient way to style web apps.

3. Bulma

Bulma is a relatively new open-source CSS framework that has quickly grown popular among developers.

Here‘s what makes it an interesting framework:

  • Modularity – Bulma is very modular. You can import only what you need instead of including the whole thing.

  • Customizer – The built-in customizer tool makes experimenting with variants and theme colors very easy.

  • No JS Dependencies – Bulma is written using only CSS without any JS requirements. This makes it simple to include.

  • SASS Support – It supports SASS as well for variables, mixins etc. Helpful for customization.

  • Lightweight – For all its utility, Bulma has a very small footprint at around ~40KB gzipped.

The API is simple yet flexible enough for most use-cases. Give Bulma a try if you want a lightweight CSS framework without too much bloat.

4. Foundation

Foundation bills itself as the most advanced responsive front-end framework. It packs an insane number of features while being modular and customizable at the same time.

Here are some reasons for its popularity:

  • Powerful Grid – It offers an advanced 12-column responsive grid with multiple nesting and layout options.

  • Components Galore – Foundation has an exhaustive collection of over 40 reusable components for common UI patterns.

  • Accessible – The framework follows web accessibility standards so content works well with screen readers etc.

  • Extensive Customization – Almost every aspect of Foundation from colors to typography can be customized to your needs.

  • Standalone or SASS – You can use the compiled CSS version or SASS source for more flexibility.

With over a decade of development, Foundation is one of the most mature and battle-tested frameworks available today. It has more features than you will probably ever need!

5. Materialize

Inspired by Google‘s Material Design, Materialize provides CSS, JavaScript and some Material Design components all in one tidy package.

Some interesting aspects about Materialize:

  • Material Design Elements – It implements Material Design spec components like cards, buttons, shadows, grids nicely.

  • Plugins Included – Handy JS plugins for dropdowns, modals, parallax etc.come bundled. No need to code these.

  • Straightforward Grid – The responsive grid is simple and intuitive. Just specify column width across breakpoints.

  • Starter Templates – Many starter templates help kickstart development of landing pages, admin dashboards and more.

  • Customizable SASS – Change default colors, shadows and more by tweaking SASS variables.

For developers looking to quickly build sites using Material Design principles on the front-end, Materialize is a framework definitely worth checking out.

6. UIkit

UIkit is a lightweight modular front-end framework that focuses on modern interactive web interfaces.

Let‘s look at some of its notable aspects:

  • Beautiful Out-of-the-Box – UIkit strives for aesthetically pleasing components with smooth animations and transitions.

  • Very Customizable – Almost all aspects like theme colors, fonts, sizes can be easily customized to your liking.

  • SASS Source Code – UIkit provides main SASS sources allowing advanced customization and extension.

  • Range of Components – Ships with 50+ commonly needed components like navbars, cards, sliders and more.

  • Lightweight – Minimized and gzipped, UIkit has a very small footprint around ~20KB only.

For developers not afraid to get their hands dirty, UIkit provides a rock-solid foundation to build modern, responsive sites on top of.

7. Tachyons

Tachyons is an interesting approach to CSS. Instead of predefined components, it offers a functional library of helper classes for properties like colors, sizes, alignments etc.

Some aspects that set Tachyons apart:

  • Atomic CSS – Compose styles by mixing and matching atomic helper classes instead of writing CSS.

  • Blazing Fast Styling – Prototyping and styling pages now becomes incredibly quick.

  • Very Modular – Only take the sets of atomic classes you need instead of everything bundled together.

  • Easy Maintenance – Making design changes is simpler by updating class names instead of touching CSS files.

  • Negligible Payload Size – Minified + gzipped size is under 10KB!

The functional approach may feel unusual coming from other frameworks. But give Tachyons a dedicated try for a week, and you may just become a fan!

8. Semantic UI

As the name suggests, Semantic UI focuses heavily on semantic principles in its components, markup and styling conventions.

Let‘s look at some of its other notable features:

  • Huge Component Library – Comes packed with over 50 versatile UI components. Should cover most common use-cases.

  • Integration Help – Dedicated integration examples and guides are provided for React, Angular, Ember, Meteor etc.

  • Responsive Support – Mobile-friendly formats provided for navigation, grids, dropdowns and more out-of-the-box.

  • Advanced Theming – Very customizable using variable overrides and theming system. Create custom themes cleanly.

For developers looking for a feature-rich industrial-grade component library, Semantic UI is definitely worth exploring.

9. Carbon

Created by IBM, Carbon is an open-source design system that aims to unify and systematize UI patterns for enterprise applications.

Here are its notable aspects:

  • IBM‘s Design Language – Carbon encapsulates IBM‘s years of design language expertise for data-dense enterprise UIs.

  • React Components – Ships with React equivalents for components like data tables, notifications, tooltips etc.

  • SASS Mixins – Helper SASS mixins are provided for typesetting, colors, grid helpers and more.

  • Pixel Perfect – Extreme attention to detail with pixel perfect front-end implementation.

  • Top-Notch Accessibility – Follows aria standards and conventions for UI accessibility.

While Carbon isn‘t a traditional CSS framework per se, it provides very well crafted enterprise-grade UI styling systems. Worth exploring for large-scale applications.

10. Spectre.css

Spectre.css bills itself as a lightweight, responsive and modern CSS framework.

Here is an overview of its main capabilities:

  • Very Lightweight – Minified + gzipped size is under 10KB. Negligible footprint.

  • Flexbox-based Grid – Powerful flexbox-based fluid grid system. Layouts are breeze.

  • Elegant Components – Clean, intuitively named components and utility classes.

  • Customization Options – Common SASS variables provided for easy overrides and customization.

  • Generalized Reset – Comes with normalized styles, helpers and general fixes by default.

Spectre provides a versatile base without too much bloat. If you want something more minimal to build upon, do check Spectre.css out.

11. Chakra UI

Chakra UI is a simple modular and accessible component library that gives you the building blocks to quickly build engaging React applications.

Some of its major features:

  • Made for React – Chakra UI is built from ground up to work seamlessly with React ecosystems.

  • Accessible Components – Follows WAI-ARIA standards for user accessibility.

  • Theme Customization – Use the theme style props to alter colors, typography and layouts using CSS variables.

  • Composable – Components are modular allowing you to import only what you need.

  • Auto Sizing – Components like modal, drawer, tabs support responsive sizing.

For React developers looking for an accessible component library that covers all the common UI pieces, Chakra UI is definitely worth exploring!

12. Blueprint

Blueprint is a React-based UI toolkit for the web developed by Palantir Technologies.

Some of its major highlights:

  • Huge Component Suite – Everything from buttons, dropdowns to date pickers, tree views all ship out of the box.

  • Pixel-Perfect – Extreme attention to detail given to components and alignment. It shows!

  • Enhanced Interactions – Small touches like hover states, active styles, loaders enhance UX.

  • Customizable Themes – Ships with light and dark themes that can be customized using SASS.

  • TypeScript Support – Written in TypeScript. Ships with definition files.

For enterprise applications needing large number of complex, data-rich components blueprinted (pardon the pun) already, the Blueprint toolkit is an excellent fit.

13. Fluent UI

Fluent UI evolves from years of UI development at Microsoft evolved through products like SharePoint, Office 365 and Teams.

Let‘s see what sets it apart:

  • Familiar Microsoft Feel – Retains Metro design aesthetic seen across Microsoft‘s products.

  • Component Variety – Ships with 40+ components covering needs for web apps and sites. More added frequently.

  • Cross-Platform – Available as React components as well plain CSS/web components.

  • Ease of Theming – Create custom themes using CSS variables by overriding defaults.

  • Industry Proven – Benefits from years of rigorour A/B testing and usage at scale across Microsoft.

For teams working on enterprise LOB applications with heavy Microsoft tooling, Fluent UI‘s components will blend in nicely while accelerating dev.

14. Elastic UI Framework

Elastic UI Framework is a design library used to build internal UIs at Elastic. It focuses on enterprise use-cases.

Let‘s look at some if its aspects:

  • Made for Enterprises – Unopinionated and flexible for building complex data-dense enterprise UIs.

  • React Components – Ships with extensive React library covering components like autocompletes, popovers etc.

  • Stellar Documentation – Everything is thoroughly explained with plenty of examples and guidelines provided.

  • Customizable – Easy to theme or tweak components by overriding CSS variables.

  • Ships as NPM Package – Can be pulled into any project seamlessly using NPM/Yarn.

Elastic UI Framework benefits from battle hardening across demanding real world apps inside Elastic. Worth checking out for enterprise UI needs.

15. Primer

Primer is the design system created by GitHub used to build their own products like GitHub and GitHub Enterprise.

Here‘s what sets it apart:

  • From GitHub – Product of years of UX research and design iteration at GitHub.

  • CSS + React – Comes with React components for common UI elements and also plain CSS for sites.

  • Octicons Included – Ships with Octicons SVG icon library maintained by GitHub. No need to source icons separately.

  • Extensive Guides – Very well documented guides, principles provided for customization.

For developers heavily invested in the GitHub ecosystem, Primer offers the closest experience for building complementary tooling and developer focussed products.

16. Evergreen

Evergreen is a React UI Framework from Segment focussed mainly on enterprise applications built around complex data.

Some highlights:

  • Enterprise Ready – Made for data-rich LOB apps with advanced components like typed inputs, multi selects etc.

  • React Native Support – Components work across React Native in addition to React for web. Write once for web + mobile.

  • Accessible By Default – Follows ARIA standards for component accessibility.

  • Themable Design System – Customize colours, borders, typography using CSS variables.

  • Production Grade – Hardened by usage across Segment‘s own enterprise products.

If your use case involves displaying complex data across the web and mobile, Evergreen delivers sturdy, enterprise-grade components out-of-the-box specifically designed for these scenarios.

Making the Choice

This covers a run-down of the most popular CSS frameworks and libraries used by front-end developers today.

While they have a lot in common, each framework brings a few unique approaches and philosophy to the table.

Instead of just going with the most popular framework, assess your specific needs and constraints. Pick the framework that matches your use-cases more closely and alignment with the rest of your technology stack. This way you maximize long term maintainability, productivity and overall sanity!

The web moves at a rapid pace. So do try to re-evaluate your choice every couple of years to see if something new and improved has come along.

No matter which one you end up picking, CSS frameworks accelerate development time tremendously and lend consistency to all your projects. So take one for spin today!