12 Top Smartphone Stabilizers for Smooth, Professional Video

Hey there videographer! If you‘ve ever struggled with shaky home movies or grainy action cam footage, a smartphone gimbal stabilizer could be the solution. These clever devices counteract unwanted hand shake using rotating motors – resulting in smooth cinematic movement.

In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll discover:

  • Different types of smartphone stabilizers
  • 12 top-rated gimbal picks
  • Emerging stabilization technologies
  • Shooting tips for stabilized video
  • Stabilizer accessories, kits and gear

Let‘s get started!

A Brief History of Smartphone Stabilization

Shooting smooth video has always been challenging without bulky equipment. Early attempts at handheld stabilization used hardware add-ons like the Steadicam in the 70s. But these were cumbersome rigs requiring an operator‘s whole body to support!

Things got simpler with the advent of electronic gimbals. These use motion sensors and electric motors to actuate free-spinning gimbal frames. Gimbals neutralize unwanted camera movement along the tilt, pan and roll axes in real-time.

However, these were still mostly for pro filmmakers. Enter smartphone gimbals! As phones added hi-res cameras, smaller consumer gimbals emerged. Now anyone can shoot stabilized video for under $100!

Let‘s overview the common types available today:

1. Handheld Gimbals

This style features an integrated handle fitted with motion sensors and stabilization motors. Your phone attaches to the moving gimbal head via a mount. You hold and move the unit manually to produce smooth tracking and sweep shots.

2. Body/Shoulder Mounts

These solutions add a vest or body rig to take the weight of your phone and gimbal motors off your hands. This improves comfort allowing longer shooting periods. The phone gimbal floats free from your body movement.

3. Tripod Gimbals

Some smartphone gimbals come bundled with a compact tripod base. This gives you the option to lock-off stabilized shots hands free. The gimbal head pans and tilts automatically even if the tripod is static.

Now that you know the basic types, let‘s get into this year‘s top 12 stabilized smartphone rigs!

Key Factors in Selecting a Smartphone Gimbal

With your phone likely costing hundreds of dollars as is, you want to choose a gimbal stabilizer that pairs well and enables next-level videos without breaking the bank. Here are some key aspects to consider:

Weight Capacity – Bulkier phones with protective cases can get surprisingly heavy. Match heavier flagships like the iPhone 14 Pro Max with gimbals rated for over 300g.

Mounting Size – Carefully check the included phone cradle or clamp fits your model in terms of width and depth when accessorized.

controls & Modes – More premium gimbals include buttons for manually adjusting stabilization parameters, swapping views or entering cool motion preset modes.

Extra Features – Nice bonuses that separate the spectacular from the standard: zoom toggles, integrated tripods/extension rods, onboard storage, focus control and more.

Keeping those aspects in mind, let‘s explore 12 top-rated options showcasing the latest in smartphone stabilization!

DJI OM 5 – The Gold Standard

Whenever discussing gimbals, I always start by mentioning DJI…

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