Leveraging the Snapchat Numbers Trend for Your Business

As a small business owner, staying on top of the latest social media trends is key for finding new marketing opportunities. One trend sparking curiosity is Snapchat users posting simple numbers to their stories. What do these digits mean, and how could entrepreneurs effectively use this viral trend?

Why Do Snapchatters Post Numbers?

These numbers convey a range of meanings. According to Mashable, over 72% of Snapchat users are members of Gen Z, so understanding their motivations provides key insights.

Creative Self-Expression

For many young users, it???s a form of self-expression, using the number as a canvas to showcase their style and personality. Posting their numbers is an easy way to share their latest interests and trends with their friends and social circle.

Signaling Status

Users also share their Snapchat scores as a subtle status symbol and sense of achievement amongst their peers. With scores ranking activity on the app, high numbers signify an elite Snapchat user.

Making Connections

Additionally, among Gen Z couples, numbers represent relationship milestones and inside jokes. This builds connections with those closest to them.

Marketing Opportunities

As a consultant who helps develop social media strategy, I see several ways small businesses could creatively capitalize on this trend:

Launching Campaigns

Brands could use numbers to mark business growth milestones like launching a new product line or opening additional locations. The numbers can act as visual anchors for broader brand stories and campaigns shared across platforms.

For example, a boutique fitness studio could post ???15??? to celebrate the opening of their 15th location. Or an indie beauty brand could post ???500??? for reaching 500,000 Instagram followers.

Encouraging Engagement

Brands could also encourage audiences to post their own numbers as user-generated content challenges, prompting reactions and shares.

A popular normalized use case is inviting followers to post their current streaks with friends. But entrepreneurs could get more creative, like having fans post their favorite products??? ratings.

Facilitating Connections

Finally, making clever use of codes could facilitate connections with ideal customers.

For example, a brand could designate ???76??? as a number for people passionate about sustainability or ???41??? for those interested in exclusive content and promotions. Customers adding those numbers would signify shared interests for further engagement.

Additional Opportunities and Considerations

Like any marketing strategy, effectively capitalizing on trends requires an in-depth understanding of digital behaviors and your unique business goals.

Here are a few additional points for small businesses interested in experimenting with Snapchat numbers:

  • Define your target demographics and analyze their Snapchat usage to determine if this platform and trend aligns with your broader social strategy and audience interests.
  • Consider developing unique lenses and geofilters incorporating your numbers to spark added visibility and buzz.
  • Follow FTC disclosure guidelines if asking fans to post designated numbers tied to any contests or sweepstakes.

By tapping into trending behaviors on social platforms, small businesses can stand out from competitors and boost brand awareness. But always approach new marketing tactics informed by audience insights, creativity, and strategic analysis.