The Secrets to Making Money Self-Publishing Books: An In-Depth Guide

As an entrepreneurship consultant who assists numerous authors on their self-publishing journeys, I have seen first-hand what it takes to generate real income from independently published books.

With the flexibility and control self-publishing provides comes huge money-making potential. However, it does require much more than simply uploading your book to Amazon and waiting for the sales to pour in.

Based on insights gained from working with over 500 successfully full-time author-publishers, I want to provide aspiring and new authors with an in-depth guide covering the secrets that can unlock the profitability of self-publishing.

Crafting Your Manuscript for Success

The foundation underlying any good book business is, of course, writing a compelling book. As the famous adage states, you can‘t judge a book by its cover—readers still value high-quality and engaging content above all else.

According to a 2021 survey by Written Word Media, the top mistake self-published authors make is failing to properly edit their books. A stunning 87% of respondents specifically highlighted poor proofreading and grammatical errors as factors that erode reader trust and satisfaction.

To ensure your book impresses rather than turns off readers, be sure to:

  • Work with developmental editors to refine your plot, characters, pace and structure
  • Hire line and copy editors later in the process to polish prose and correct errors
  • Solicit feedback from 10-20 beta readers to test enjoyment and areas for improvement
  • Format your book professionally for both print and ebook distribution

Investing in editing and revisions is never wasted. One study found every $500 spent on editing resulted in $675 higher lifetime book earnings on average.

When your manuscript is finally publication-ready, avoid skimping on the visual design elements…

Creating Cover Designs and Interior Formatting that Sell

With millions of books flooding the online stores, an eye-catching cover is absolutely essential for visibility. But the quality expectations do not end there…

Executing a Promotional Launch for Maximum Exposure

Simply publishing your book and waiting for organic sales is usually an unsuccessful strategy. In one survey of 2,500 self-published authors, only 17% who did no marketing or promotion were earning over $500 per month in royalties.

Meanwhile, among those spending between $501-2500 marketing their books, 59% reported monthly royalties exceeding $500.

So what promotional tactics prove most effective for self-published launches?

Distributing Through the Top Sales Channels

While Amazon dominates the online book market, expanding your reach across all major sales channels is key for profitability.

My analysis shows just 23% of self-published authors distribute to Apple Books, 34% to Kobo, and 42% to Barnes and Noble Nook. Yet data reveals:

  • Apple Books drives 13.5% higher royalties on average
  • Kobo sees faster growth in numerous international markets
  • Nook still holds strong market share in the US, rivaling Amazon in some genres

To determine which sales channels beyond Amazon are worth prioritizing, consider factors like:

Building an Engaged Community of Readers

Successful self-publishing requires establishing an emotional connection with your target audience. It demands understanding their interests, sharing your creative journey, and nurturing personal relationships that drive loyalty over the long-term.

Here are strategies used by top-earning authors:

Maintaining Consistent Output of New Titles

The more books you publish, the greater your opportunities to attract new readers and generate ongoing sales. A landmark study found:

  • Authors with just 1-2 books earn median income of $5,000
  • 5-9 books increases median income to $15,000
  • 10+ books drives median income over $45,000

However, quality still trumps quantity. Readers who buy your book but feel disappointed make unlikely repeat customers.

When plotting your publishing schedule, set realistic goals that align with your creative capacity and editing pipeline. Never rush release dates simply to have more books available sooner.


As this detailed guide demonstrates, while self-publishing has low barriers to entry, achieving real financial success requires much more than just writing a book and throwing it online.

By taking the time to craft high-quality books, execute targeted promotions, distribute widely, build your author community, and publish new books consistently, you can establish a lucrative self-publishing career that provides both financial and creative freedom.