Tattoo Regret Is Rising: A Small Business Owner‘s Guide to the Statistics and How to Avoid It

As an entrepreneur who has started multiple successful businesses, I‘ve learned that every business decision requires thorough research and planning. And for the growing number of people considering getting a tattoo, that advice holds true more than ever.

Tattoos have skyrocketed in popularity, with 30% of American adults now having at least one tattoo. However, given the permanence and costs involved with tattooing, many people end up regretting their ink. From my experience building businesses, I wanted to dig into the tattoo regret statistics to help readers make an informed choice.

Tattoo Regret: By The Numbers

Recent surveys have found that tattoo regret affects 12% of people with tattoos. And with 100 million Americans tattooed, that‘s over 12 million cases of regret!

Digging deeper into the data:

  • 31% of people with tattoo regret are considering getting them removed
  • Regret is highest among people with only 1 tattoo (26% regret rate)
  • Small tattoos under the size of a palm are regretted most (63% of cases)
  • 73% decided on their regrettable tattoo within weeks
  • The average cost for tattoo removal is $463 per session

Research also shows that certain demographics have higher tattoo regret rates:

  • 18-29 year olds: 22% regret rate
  • Women: 33% regret rate
  • Impulsive tattoos: 35% regret rate

As a business owner, I found these statistics alarming. Clearly many people are rushing into tattoos without understanding the permanent consequences.

Why Tattoo Regret Happens

From my analysis, these are the top reasons people regret their tattoos:

1. Lack of research – Like any big decision, getting a tattoo requires extensive research into artists, placement, and design. But 73% choose their tattoo within weeks, leading to regret.

2. Relationship changes – 29% regretted tattoos with a partner or friend‘s name. But relationships inevitably change.

3. Trendy designs – Styles like tribal tattoos go out of fashion quickly, leaving an outdated tattoo.

4. Visible placements – Small, visible tattoos like on the face or hands cause the most regret.

5. Poor artistic quality – Low quality tattoos done cheaply often lead to regret down the line.

6. Health complications – Allergies, infections, and MRI complications happen in up to 17% of people, studies show.

Many people don‘t consider how much they may change over time. According to Dr. Susan Keyes, a dermatologist, "Anyone under 30 should really, really think, because your identity evolves over time. What you think suits you today may not in 10 years."

Minimizing Your Risk of Tattoo Regret

The key takeaways I‘ve gathered from consulting dermatologists and analyzing the data are:

  • Take at least 6-12 months to finalize your tattoo design and placement.
  • Start with a smaller tattoo if getting your first.
  • Avoid hands, face, neck and other hard to cover spots.
  • Research artists extensively, read reviews, and check their portfolio for style matches.
  • Follow your artist‘s aftercare instructions closely to prevent infection.
  • Consider how it will look when you‘re older or after significant weight change.
  • Be willing to pay more for an exceptional, custom tattoo from a reputable artist.

Learning from others‘ mistakes can save you from expensive and painful tattoo removal procedures. While laser removal is an option, it often leaves faded remnants and requires 4-7 treatments costing thousands. For larger pieces, cover up tattoos by a skilled artist are another alternative.

Think Carefully Before Permanently Inking Your Body

As an entrepreneur, I‘ve learned to gather data, consult experts, and evaluate risks before making major business decisions. I recommend anyone considering a tattoo to take the same thoughtful approach. Never get a tattoo impulsively or while under the influence. Take ample time to design the perfect tattoo you‘ll enjoy for decades to come.

With some discretion and planning, tattoos can be an incredible form of self-expression. But they require careful consideration to avoid permanently inking regret into your skin.