Peloton Statistics 2023: How Many People Use Peloton?

As an entrepreneurship consultant, I have helped dozens of fitness startups optimize their business models. Across my clients and research, one company consistently awes me with their runaway success – Peloton. By solving key consumer pain points through an innovative connected fitness model, Peloton has achieved tremendous growth since launching in 2012.

Let‘s analyze the key Peloton business and user statistics that showcase their rapid rise to dominance. For context, I‘ve included competitor numbers and fitness industry benchmarks. As a fellow entrepreneur, I‘ll translate the numbers into actionable insights for startups aspiring to emulate Peloton‘s winning formula.

Total Members: Over 6 Million and Accelerating

As of December 2022, Peloton counted over 6.7 million total members on its platform. This includes both connected fitness subscribers using Peloton equipment and digital subscribers without hardware.

For context, leading gym operator Planet Fitness has only 16 million members in total across 2,270 locations worldwide. Peloton is capturing share at lightning speed.

Peloton added over 1 million net new members in 2024 alone. Their member base grew 17% year-over-year, sustaining an incredible multi-year run.

Takeaway: Solve real pain points for consumers, and growth can scale rapidly through word-of-mouth and viral acquisition channels. Peloton eliminates key friction points – no need to commute to the gym or attend classes at rigid times.

90%+ 12-Month Retention Rate

Peloton boasts a 92% 12-month connected fitness subscriber retention rate. This crushes the industry average gym retention rate of just 42%.

This exceptional retention demonstrates very high satisfaction and engagement levels. Once consumers buy into the Peloton ecosystem, they tend to stick around.

Takeaway: Building community and a shared experience/identity pays dividends. Peloton fosters social connections and competition that keep members engaged far beyond initial novelty effects.

169 Million Workouts in December 2022

In December 2022, Peloton members completed over 169 million workout sessions – an all-time high. This equates to 25 workouts per member in just that one month.

For context, Americans average only 4.4 gym visits per month according to market research firm Statista. Peloton is driving 5-6x higher engagement than the average gym.

Takeaway: Peloton solves major friction points preventing people from working out consistently. The convenience and motivating experience keep usage high for the long run.

Cycling Dominates but Running Seeing Rapid Growth

While Peloton first made its name in spinning bikes, running is a major growth avenue. In December 2022:

  • 63% of workouts were cycling-based
  • 26% of workouts used the Tread treadmill
  • Strength, yoga, and other modalities comprise the remaining 11%

Treadmill workouts have the fastest growth, nearly doubling in the past year as Peloton expands beyond cycling.

Takeaway: Startups should continue innovating new offerings once product-market fit is achieved in their first niche. Peloton builds on its core bike success by expanding into adjacent fitness verticals.

$5.9 Billion Revenue in 2024

In 2022, Peloton generated $5.9 billion in total revenue. For context, leading gym chain Planet Fitness reported total 2021 revenue of $587 million – 10x lower than Peloton.

Hardware sales make up the majority of Peloton‘s business model today. But their high-margin subscription income ($879 million in 2024 subscriptions) will continue growing exponentially as the member base expands.

Takeaway: Hardware-enabled business models tap into major consumer demand while allowing for very scalable recurring revenue streams. Peloton‘s P&L will rapidly improve thanks to high contribution margins on subscription fees.

The numbers speak for themselves – Peloton has achieved tremendous product-market fit and capitalized via rapid expansion. As Peloton stays the course, their goal of 100 million members seems well within reach.

Key Takeaways for Startups

Peloton‘s success provides several key lessons for startups in any industry:

  • Solve key consumer pain points with innovative solutions
  • Build community and connection to drive unparalleled engagement
  • Expand into adjacent product lines once your first offering gains traction
  • Combine hardware sales with recurring subscriptions to accelerate growth

If startups apply these strategies with focused execution, they can replicate Peloton‘s winning playbook. The sky is the limit once product-market fit is firmly established. Peloton provides the blueprint on scaling rapidly from there.
