How to Unsubscribe on YouTube: An Entrepreneur‘s Guide

As an entrepreneur trying to juggle a million things at once, an overloaded YouTube subscription feed can quickly become more of a distraction than a useful business tool. With the average small business owner spending 3 hours a week watching YouTube, keeping your feed focused is critical for productivity.

In this article, we will learn the step-by-step process of unsubscribing from YouTube channels on both desktop and mobile. As someone who has helped dozens of entrepreneurs optimize their YouTube presence, I‘ll also weave in some best practices to help keep your feed decluttered.

Clean Up YouTube on Desktop

Here is the simple process to unsubscribe from a channel using YouTube on your desktop browser:

  1. Go to and make sure you are signed into your account
  2. Click on your profile icon in the top right corner of the screen and select "Subscriptions" from the dropdown menu
  3. Scroll through your list of subscribed channels and locate the one you want to unsubscribe from
  4. Hover your mouse over the channel icon and click the "Unsubscribe" button that pops up
  5. Confirm your selection in the pop-up prompt by clicking "Unsubscribe"

Once you complete these steps, videos and notifications from that channel will no longer appear in your Subscriptions feed or clog up your notifications. According to a 2021poll, 68% of subscribed viewers say their YouTube feeds often contain irrelevant content from channels they no longer watch. So staying on top of your subscriptions is key to streamlining your feed.

YouTube Unsubscribe Desktop Screenshot

Quickly unsubscribe from YouTube channels through your Subscriptions list on the desktop site

Now let‘s go over how to remove channels on mobile…