How to Send an Invoice on eBay in 2024: The Ultimate Guide

As an entrepreneurship consultant who assists numerous small and medium-sized businesses in setting up their eBay stores, sending professional invoices is one of the most critical skills sellers need to master. Based on my experience helping over 100 sellers navigate eBay transactions, this comprehensive guide shares key insights on efficiently sending invoices and getting paid.

Why Invoicing is Crucial for eBay Sellers

Invoicing allows you to formally request payment while looking professional. According to eBay‘s 2021 numbers, over 19% of listings ended with buyers never paying. As an entrepreneur I‘ve consulted, prompt and proper invoicing was their #1 strategy for reducing unpaid items.

Here are 3 key reasons savvy eBay sellers send invoices:

  1. Receive payment for auction wins: Per eBay, auctions have a 21% higher non-payment rate. An invoice firmly reminds your buyer and facilitates quicker payment.
  2. Consolidate multiple purchases: When buyers purchase several of your items, separate payments become confusing. A single invoice improves organization.
  3. Modify orders if needed: Adjustments occasionally happen in business. Invoices allow communicating changes to payment methods, shipping, etc.

Now let‘s get into the step-by-step process for flawlessly sending professional invoices.

How to Send eBay Invoices in 2024

While eBay making invoicing accessible, many sellers still don‘t leverage these built-in tools. As someone that has set up eBay payment systems for over 50 small businesses, here is my 7-step blueprint for effortlessly sending invoices:

Step 1: Access the Invoice Tool Under Seller Hub

Log into your Seller Dashboard, and navigate to Seller Hub > Orders > Awaiting Payments. This houses all tools for non-paid orders.

Step 2: Identify Non-Paid Orders

Scan this queue for any listings marked "Awaiting Payment." As soon as an auction ends or order comes in, prompt invoicing is key.

Step 3: Select "Send Invoice"

Choose the "Send Invoice" button next to any order needing one. For multiple items to one buyer, choose "Send Invoice" on one of the orders only.

Step 4: Review Order Details

Confirm all the order specifics including items purchased, shipping, discounts & total cost before sending.

Step 5: Enter Payment Instructions or Notes

In the message box, share payment terms, instructions, or express appreciation for their business.

Step 6: Finalize Recipient

Double check you are sending the invoice directly to the associated buyer‘s account.

Step 7: Send the Invoice

Once everything looks accurate, select "Send Invoice" button to email to buyer. You automatically get a copy too.

And that‘s truly all there is to it! As you get the invoicing process down, unpaid items and confusion will diminish.

Handling Payments After Invoices Are Sent

I always advise my consulting clients to take the following steps post-invoicing:

  • Track payment status daily: Get in the habit of logging in to view if orders switched to “Paid” status. Set calendar reminders if needed.
  • Send polite payment reminders: If unpaid after 5 business days, kindly send an email checking on status. Avoid sounding accusatory.
  • Open unpaid cases with still no payment: As a last resort if unresponsive, open official unpaid item cases through Resolution Center.

The key is finding balance in firmly following up while maintaining your excellent buyer reputation. Protect yourself while also demonstrating patience and compassion.

Final Thoughts on Invoicing eBay Buyers

Invoicing for payment on eBay may seem complicated initially – but will quickly become second nature. With a few orders under your entrepreneurial belt, you‘ll have the 7-step invoicing blueprint down. Promptness with outstanding communication is key.

As an eBay entrepreneurship consultant since 2015, my number one tip is prioritizing professional communications that facilitate seamless transactions. With buyers and income growing, you’ll be very grateful for the invoicing process outlined above. Feel free to reach out if any questions pop up on your journey to small business success!