A Small Business Owner‘s Guide to Promoting Your Depop Shop

As a fellow entrepreneur who has grown my Depop shop to over 5,000 sales, I‘m sharing comprehensive advice so you can effectively promote your own Depop small business. Follow these tips that leveraged my shop’s growth and helped numerous other seller clients boost their success on Depop‘s competitive marketplace.

Professional Photos Attract More Eyes

High-quality photos dramatically improve perceived value and clickthrough rates. For apparel, hang on walls or lay flat against clean backdrops. Investing in a lighting kit, mannequins, steamer and photo editing software pays dividends through enhanced exposure.

Pro Tip: Photos with resolutions of 1024×1024 pixels or larger optimize visibility in feeds. Detail shots, alternate angles, videos, and modeled shots reduce returns from undisclosed flaws.

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Hashtags & Keywords Unlock Search Visibility

Include a mix of general and specific phrases that buyers would use to find your products. Check what competitors target for inspiration.

Pro Tip: Limit overall hashtags to 10-15 to avoid keyword stuffing. Replace vague tags like #sustainablefashion with relevant ones like #upcycledclothing.

![Diagram showing hierarchy of broad to niche relevant keywords]

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Strategically Promote Across Social Channels

Pinterest and TikTok provide fresh audiences, but Instagram remains ideal for leveraging Depop’s visual nature. Post shop updates, styling inspiration, behind-the-scenes content, special promos and UGC photos.

Pro Tip: Post consistently 2-4x daily. Use Stories for time-sensitive launches or restocks. Respond to all comments and questions to nurture customer relationships.

![Example social media content calendar for Depop shop promos]

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Mind the Algorithm Through Refreshing & Peak Times

Since Depop displays newest listings first, refreshing stale posts by reuploading bumps visibility. Do this moderately to avoid spamming followers.

Weekend evenings and major shopping holidays see surges in traffic. Refresh inventory or run sales during high-traffic periods for the optimal chance of selling.

Pro Tip: Set draft listings to auto-publish at 5-7pm Fridays when teens browse Depop most actively. The "Friday Evening Rush" convert drafts into sales!

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Radical Transparency Earns Buyer Trust

Disclosing flaws upfront, answering questions promptly, providing measurements and shipping fast communicate accountability. This transparency earns you glowing reviews and repeat customers.

Pro Tip: Include defect callouts in cover photos themselves, not just descriptions buyers may overlook. Comments like "DM for bundle discount!" also spark engagement.

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Depop Tools Maintain Consistent Growth

While manual engagement remains important, bots like SellerAider relieve tedious upkeep for established shops. They auto-share newly listed items and refresh stale listings 2x daily within Depop‘s limits.

Pro Tip: Avoid gratuitous automated liking/commenting so you don‘t get flagged for spam. Manually engage fans 2-4x per week for balanced growth.

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Conclusion: Consistency Converts Curiosity to Commerce

With high standards for photography, transparency and engagement plus optimal timing and promotion, your Depop small business can thrive amid fierce competition. What sets thriving shops apart is commitment to excellence across all areas. Prioritze showcasing incredible products daily, nurturing your community and providing 5-star service. The effort pays off handsomely through striving to become buyers‘ favorite shop for amazing items.