How to Post an Article on LinkedIn to Expand Your Reach (Quick Steps for 2024)

As an entrepreneur and small business owner, you know how vital content marketing is for attracting customers and growing brand awareness. And with over 660 million members, LinkedIn provides a dynamic platform to publish informative articles that meaningfully connect with your target B2B audience.

But how exactly can you post articles on LinkedIn to tap into its potential for expanding your entrepreneurial reach? Follow this beginner‘s guide to learn:

Step 1: Craft an Impactful LinkedIn Article

Compelling headlines and introductions ensure readers instantly see your article‘s value:

  • Attention-grabbing headlines: Use emotional triggers, how-tos, or numbered lists. For example: "5 Proven Tactics to Reduce Customer Churn Rates"
  • Value-focused intro paragraphs: Open with a revealing stat on your topic and briefly state your expertise credentials. Quickly articulate what readers will learn.

Strategically structure sections for easy skimming with headings and subheadings every 3-5 paragraphs. Breaking up blocks of text improves reader experience.

Insert relevant charts or images between sections to increase visual interest while supplementing your analysis. Provide clear captions and cite sources.

End by recapping major points and suggesting next steps, like checking out a link, connecting on LinkedIn, or subscribing to your newsletter.

Step 2: Publish Your LinkedIn Article

Once you finishing crafting your article, posting it is simple:

  1. Click the "Write an article" button on LinkedIn‘s homepage
  2. Copy and paste your text into the editor and format appropriately
  3. Add an eye-catching featured image that fits the recommended image dimensions (1,128 x 636 pixels)
  4. Include keywords in the title, summary, and article URL slug
  5. Select all appropriate categories and tags
  6. Preview your article and confirm it looks how you expect
  7. Finally, click "Publish" and share it out across platforms!

Step 3: Promote Your Article to Increase Exposure

To maximize views and engagement:

  • Share your article post on your other social profiles, like Twitter and Facebook
  • Send the article to colleagues and clients in your network asking them to share
  • Comment on and like content from influencers in your industry to establish your voice
  • Interact with discussions stemming from your piece by responding thoughtfully

Thought leadership takes time, so remain patient and persistent. Continue providing value to your connections through helpful articles. Soon you‘ll be recognized as an authority in the entrepreneur community!