How to Follow Someone on Depop: An Expert Guide for Entrepreneurs

As a small business owner selling your designs, vintage finds, or handmade goods on Depop, engaging with the app‘s community is key for growth. With over 30 million users, Depop has become a hotspot for unique fashion and creative expression. By following other entrepreneurs and sellers, you can better understand customer trends, get inspiration for your own shop, and organically grow your audience.

Step-by-Step Guide to Following Users

Following another Depop user is easy and only takes a few taps on your mobile app:

  1. Open the Depop app and tap the search icon at the bottom
  2. Type in the exact username of the person you wish to follow
  3. Tap their profile picture to open their shop page
  4. Tap the large blue "Follow" button at the top of their page
  5. The button will turn green to confirm you are now following them

Strategic Reasons to Follow People

As an entrepreneur, you can maximize your use of Depop by following users strategically:

Discover New Styles and Listing Ideas

Follow sellers who post items similar to yours to draw inspiration for your own shop. For example, if you sell boho dresses, search relevant hashtags like #boho or #bohemian and follow other sellers with that aesthetic.

Network and Collaborate

Engage with fellow entrepreneurs in your niche by liking and commenting on their posts. Building connections can lead to cross-promotion opportunities, joint ventures, or wholesale partnerships down the line.

Gain More Followers

Depop heavily utilizes user discovery from network connections. 70% of users say they discover new shops from their main feed. So following others drives more eyes to your profile organically.

Stay on Top of Trends

Be the first to tap into new trends by keeping tabs on what the most popular Depop shops are selling at the moment from your feed. Limited-run indie fashion drops can sell out fast!

Optimize Your Shop for More Followers

While manually searching and following users is a start, putting some effort into optimizing your own Depop shop is equally as important for growth:

  • Refresh at least 3-5 new listings per day
  • Use maximum allowed hashtags that actually relate to your items
  • Share shop updates and behind-the-scenes content
  • Run sales promotions and bundle deals
  • Refresh stale listings

These best practices signal an active, engaging shop to potential followers.

Implementing a long-term social commerce strategy tailored to Depop culture and features ensures your small business stands out in its community. Follow users with an eye for trends, networking opportunities, and discovering unique styles and pieces that would appeal to your shared customer base. The connections you build can take your shop to the next level.