How to Change Your Snapchat Username for Your Small Business

As a social media consultant focused on helping entrepreneurs build their online brands, I often get asked if business owners should change their Snapchat usernames. This decision requires careful consideration of the implications. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll walk you through everything you need to know if you‘re thinking about updating your Snapchat handle for your company.

Why You May Want to Change Your Username

There‘s a few reasons why you may want to change your Snapchat username for your small business:

  • Your brand name has changed. If you‘ve rebranded your company with a new name, you likely want your social media accounts to match. Updating your Snapchat handle ensures consistency across platforms.
  • Your current name is unprofessional. If you set up your Snapchat account hastily when you started your business, your handle may not convey the image you want now. A more polished name can strengthen your brand.
  • You want to separate personal and professional accounts. Some entrepreneurs maintain separate Snapchat accounts for personal and business use. This helps avoid mixing content.

Limitations to Know Before Changing Usernames

However, there‘s a few crucial limitations to understand first:

  • You can only change your username once per year. Snapchat severely restricts ability to alter handles, so choose wisely!
  • Verified accounts often lose badge. If you went through the verification process for a blue checkmark, changing your username means restarting verification.
  • Analytics reset. Switching your handle also resets insights into viewers and traffic. You lose visibility into historical metrics.

Step-By-Step Instructions

If you decide the pros outweigh the cons, here is how to change your Snapchat username:

  1. Open the Snapchat app and tap your profile icon
  2. Tap the settings (gear) icon
  3. Scroll down and select “Username”
  4. Enter your new desired business name
  5. Tap "Save" to make the change

It‘s that simple! Just be sure to promote your new username across your other social channels once it‘s updated so that your audience can find you.

Alternative Option: Create Secondary Account

For entrepreneurs worried about losing Snapchat insights history and verified checkmarks when changing names, there is another option – creating a secondary Snapchat account dedicated specifically for your brand.

With two co-existing accounts, you keep your personal handle intact but also gain a professional username tailored for your small business. This does require essentially starting from scratch in building a followers list, but protects your original metrics if maintaining them is a priority.

Key Takeaways

Changing your Snapchat handle for branding purposes takes careful thought. Before deciding, weigh the benefits of a consistent name across platforms with downsides like verification loss. If moving forward, choose wisely as only one alteration per year is permitted. With the right strategic approach, an updated Snapchat presence can help strengthen your small business’ online identity.