How Small Businesses Can Back Up Snapchat Memories: An Entrepreneur‘s Guide

As a small business owner, you know the importance of connecting with customers on social media. And studies show an incredible 90% of Snapchat‘s users are between the ages of 13 and 24 – making it a prime platform for youth marketing.

But all that precious Snapchat content you‘ve posted to attract those younger demographics…is it securely backed up?

Losing those fun Stories or creatively filtered snaps due to a lost phone or accidental deletion means losing touch with hard-won followers. As an entrepreneur, you can‘t afford that!

So in this article, I‘ll show you how backing up Snapchat properly fits into your small business social strategy.

Why Snapchat Backup Matters for Your Brand

Posting daily marketing content on Snapchat builds engagement and recognition for your small business. But without backup, all that branded content could disappear instantly!

Graph showing rising popularity of Snapchat

Snapchat has grown at lightning speed to over 280 million daily users. As Snapchat continues its meteoric rise, your business needs a branded presence on the platform to stay relevant.

Losing your accumulated Snapchat posts due to data loss means losing all that valuable branding and engagement. By investing a few minutes in Snapchat backup, you protect your hard work!

Step-By-Step Guide to Back Up Your Snapchat Memories

Saving individual snaps is helpful, but for full protection you need to back up your Stories too using Snapchat’s built in Memories feature. And if you’re anything like me you have at least a dozen Stories and daily snaps to keep track of for your small business marketing.

So here are the exact steps for easily backing up all your branded Snapchat content:

Snapchat Memories on iOS

  1. Tap and hold to select multiple stories/snaps to export to camera roll
  2. Tap Export at the bottom once selection is complete
  3. Choose Camera Roll as destination

Snapchat Memories on Android

  1. Make new Story and add your brand content snaps you want backed up
  2. Tap the 3 dot menu > Save Story
  3. Select Save to Camera Roll option

Following these steps on iPhone or Android backs up all the branded photos, videos and stories you’ve carefully curated for marketing on Snapchat. Easy!

My Top 3 Backup Tips for Small Business Owners

As a small business owner ensuring Snapchat content stays safely backed up, here are my top recommendations:

Use Multiple Backup Points. In addition to Snapchat Memories, enable backups to cloud storage like Google Drive for maximum protection.

Save Highlights to Camera Roll. Manually saving any of your best performing snaps/stories to the camera roll adds an extra backup point.

Have a Social Media Policy. Document your branded Snapchat process including backup protocols so your success stays repeatable as your small business scales.

The key is using Snapchat’s built-in tools plus external backup layers to protect your hard-earned marketing brand presence. Small effort for huge reward!

Final Thoughts

Backing up Snapchat memories may seem like just another social media chore, but for small business owners it is critical for maintaining your brand identity. By investing a few minutes routinely, you ensure your followers continue engaging with your stories, photos and videos even if disaster strikes your device!

What tips do you have for small businesses backing up Snapchat? I’d love to hear how you incorporate Snapchat into your marketing approach in the comments. Happy snapping!