API for Dummies: Learning the Basics of APIs

If you‘re not a developer, the term "API" might seem foreign and intimidating. But in reality, APIs (short for Application Programming Interfaces) are a foundational part of modern software that enable all kinds of amazing digital experiences we take for granted.

In this beginner‘s guide, we‘ll break down exactly what APIs are, why they matter, how they work, and how you can start using them – all explained in simple terms that even non-techies can understand. By the end, you‘ll have a solid grasp of APIs and how they power much of the software you use every day.

What is an API?

An API is a set of rules and protocols that allow different software applications to talk to each other and exchange information or functionality. You can think of APIs as messengers that deliver requests and instructions between apps, websites, and devices.

For example, when you look up directions on Google Maps, the app uses APIs to request map data from Google‘s servers, access your phone‘s GPS to pinpoint your location, and draw the route onto the map interface. Behind the scenes, APIs handle all this complex communication and data exchange to provide a seamless user experience.

Why APIs Matter

APIs are the unsung heroes of the digital world. They work quietly in the background to connect different pieces of software and make them more useful and valuable. Some key reasons why APIs are so important:

Extending functionality: APIs allow developers to quickly add new features to their apps by leveraging existing software tools and datasets. Why reinvent the wheel when you can connect via API to an established service?

Enabling integrations: With APIs, separate software systems can be integrated together to share data and automate workflows. For instance, a CRM platform with an API could sync customer data with an email marketing tool.

Supporting innovation: APIs provide building blocks that fuel digital innovation. Startups and solo developers can build entirely new products by mixing and matching existing API-enabled tools and datasets.

Saving development time/cost: Using existing APIs is almost always faster and cheaper than trying to build complex functionality from scratch. Even large companies rely heavily on APIs for this reason.

Ultimately, APIs are about making software more open, modular, and extendable. Instead of isolated systems, APIs enable a more connected ecosystem where data and functionality can be easily shared.

Types of APIs

Not all APIs work exactly the same way. Let‘s break down a few of the most common types of APIs you‘ll encounter:


REST (Representational State Transfer) is the most common API architecture for web services. REST APIs communicate via HTTP requests to URLs that represent specific resources in the system. For example:

  • A GET request to /users would retrieve a list of user records
  • A POST request to /users would create a new user record
  • A PUT request to /users/123 would update the user record with ID 123
  • A DELETE request to /users/123 would delete that user record

REST APIs typically send and receive data in compact JSON format. The core idea is that URLs represent "things" (resources) in the system that can be interacted with via simple HTTP methods.


SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is an older API protocol that sends XML data over HTTP or SMTP. SOAP APIs tend to be more rigid and complex compared to REST.

Instead of URLs, SOAP uses "services" that are defined in a machine-readable WSDL (Web Services Description Language) file. Requests and responses are wrapped in verbose XML envelopes.

While SOAP is still used in some enterprise and legacy systems, REST has become the dominant API architecture due to its simplicity and scalability.

Other API types

There are various other kinds of APIs beyond web services:

Library APIs define how software libraries and frameworks can be used by other code. Think of libraries like jQuery or NumPy and their documentation for how to call their functions.

Operating System APIs specify how apps can request OS resources like memory, CPU, network, display, etc. Every OS has APIs that developers use to integrate with the underlying system.

Database APIs allow apps to read and write data to databases using standard interfaces like ODBC and JDBC. This enables database-agnostic code that can work with MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, etc.

Hardware APIs provide programmatic access to hardware components like cameras, microphones, sensors, GPUs, etc. Most physical devices now come with APIs for developers to tap into.

While there are differences between API types, they‘re all similar in providing a structured way for different software components to interact and share capabilities.

How APIs Work

We‘ve established that APIs shuttle requests and data between different software systems. But how do APIs actually work under the hood? Let‘s peek behind the curtain.

Most web APIs today follow the REST architecture, so we‘ll use a REST API as our example. Here‘s a simplified look at how an API request gets fulfilled:

  1. Request: To initiate the API request, the client application (like a mobile app or website) sends an HTTP request to the API‘s URL endpoint. The request includes the URL (which resource to access), an HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.), a body (data being sent, if any), and headers (metadata like authorization tokens).

  2. Routing: The API server receives the incoming request and examines the URL to determine which part of the codebase should handle it. Based on the API‘s defined URL routes, the server directs the request to the appropriate handler function.

  3. Processing: With the request routed, the API server runs the actual code to process the request. This may involve running calculations, accessing databases, calling other APIs, or performing other tasks. The server takes the HTTP request as input and prepares an HTTP response to send back.

  4. Response: Once processing is complete, the API server sends an HTTP response back to the client. The response includes a status code (like 200 OK or 404 Not Found), a body (the requested data or relevant message), and headers (metadata about the response).

  5. Client Handling: Finally, the client receives the response from the API and handles it accordingly. Depending on the status code and contents, the client may update its interface, show an error message, make additional API calls, or take other actions.

This request-response cycle is the core of how APIs operate. By accepting requests, processing them internally, and returning responses, APIs allow applications to access each other‘s data and functionality in a structured way.

Of course, there‘s a lot more going on in production APIs – authentication, rate limiting, caching, versioning, documentation, and so on. But the basic flow of clients requesting resources from API servers remains the same.

API Integrations

One of the biggest benefits of APIs is that they enable different software systems to integrate and work together. API integration refers to connecting two or more applications via their APIs so they can share data and automate processes.

For example, consider a business that uses Salesforce as their CRM and Mailchimp as their email marketing platform. With API integration, Salesforce could automatically add new leads to a Mailchimp subscriber list. Or Mailchimp could update a contact‘s info in Salesforce whenever they click an email link.

API integrations can get pretty sophisticated:

  • An Ecommerce store built on Shopify could automatically print shipping labels with FedEx whenever an order is processed, or allow users to pay via Stripe or PayPal upon checkout.

  • A project management tool like Asana could sync tasks into a team chat app like Slack, or automatically generate invoices in accounting software like QuickBooks when projects are marked complete.

  • A travel booking site could aggregate flight data from Sabre, hotel info from Expedia, destination guides from TripAdvisor, and accept payments via Braintree – all by connecting to each service‘s API.

The beauty of API integrations is that they allow specialized tools to retain their core product experience while augmenting their capabilities through external connections. APIs make software platforms more open and extensible.

APIs in the Real World

APIs are so ubiquitous that you probably interact with hundreds of them every day without even realizing it. Let‘s look at some popular real-world APIs and how they‘re used:

Google Maps API – The Google Maps API is used by countless websites and apps to embed custom, interactive maps. Real estate sites, store locators, delivery tracking apps, and many other tools wouldn‘t be possible without the Google Maps API.

Twilio API – Twilio provides a complete communications platform with APIs for voice calling, text messaging, video chat, and more. Apps like Uber, Airbnb, and Netflix use Twilio‘s APIs to power their comms.

Stripe API – Stripe‘s suite of payments APIs allow websites and apps to securely process credit card transactions, manage subscriptions, issue refunds, and accept alternative payment methods. Businesses like Lyft, Instacart, and Shopify rely on Stripe APIs for all their payments needs.

Twitter API – The Twitter API gives developers access to real-time tweets, user profiles, direct messages, ads, and other core Twitter data and functionality. This enables building all kinds of tools like social media monitoring apps, automated content posting bots, trend analysis dashboards, and more.

OpenWeather API – OpenWeather provides APIs with current weather data and forecasts for anywhere in the world. Tons of weather apps, as well as sports, agriculture, logistics, and other weather-dependent tools integrate weather info via the OpenWeather API.

YouTube API – Google‘s YouTube API allows developers to embed YouTube videos, manage playlists, moderate comments, and access video analytics. Everything from Coursera‘s online course platform to video editing and social media management tools use the YouTube API in some capacity.

There are public APIs for nearly anything you can think of: news, flight data, financial data, government records, university research datasets, And many, many more. Browsing API marketplaces like RapidAPI or Postman‘s Public API Network can give you a sense of the incredible breadth of APIs available.

Finding and Using APIs

Now that you have a solid understanding of APIs, you might be eager to start using them in your own projects. The great news is that there are tons of free and open public APIs you can start using right away, even with minimal technical skills.

Most APIs are very well documented, with detailed instructions, code snippets, and interactive tools to help you get started. Usually you‘ll need to sign up for an API key (a unique string that identifies your app) and then you can start making requests to the API by constructing URLs or using the provided code libraries.

Here are a few resources for finding exciting APIs to play with:

  • RapidAPI – A massive marketplace with thousands of APIs across every category. Has handy testing and code generation tools.
  • Public APIs GitHub repo – A extensive list of free public APIs of all kinds, from weather to cat pictures to dev jokes.
  • API List – A simple, searchable directory of free and paid APIs for developers.
  • Apipheny‘s Free API list – Another great collection of free and freemium APIs across many categories.


We covered a lot of ground in this guide to APIs for dummies. To recap, APIs are structured interfaces that allow different software systems to communicate and exchange data and functionality. APIs power the digital experiences we rely on every day by connecting apps, websites, databases, and devices.

There are REST APIs, SOAP APIs, library APIs, operating system APIs, and more – but they all serve a similar purpose of providing a clear, secure way for clients to request resources from servers. APIs have enabled an incredible flowering of software integrations and extensions that would be impossible in a pre-API world.

Hopefully you now feel empowered to explore APIs further and maybe even start dabbling with some free public APIs in your own projects. You may not be able to build the next Twitter on day one, but you can definitely get your feet wet with APIs and start to demystify what‘s happening behind the scenes in your favorite apps.

If you want to go deeper, there are tons more great resources out there, from API documentation to tutorials to courses and books on every aspect of APIs. But even having a basic literacy around APIs is hugely valuable in our increasingly software-driven world.

So go forth and start exploring the wonderful world of APIs! With thousands of APIs at your fingertips and plenty of friendly developer communities to help you out, there‘s never been a better time to learn.