Is Requests a Built-In Python Library?

If you‘re getting started with Python web scraping or automating interactions with websites, you‘ve likely come across the requests library. Requests is a popular Python package that simplifies the process of making HTTP requests. But is requests actually part of Python‘s standard library? Let‘s take a closer look.

What is the requests library?

Requests is an elegant and simple HTTP library for Python. It abstracts the complexities of making requests behind a beautiful, simple API so that you can focus on interacting with services and consuming data in your application.

The requests library is used for making various types of HTTP requests, such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. Whether you‘re scraping data from websites, calling web APIs, authenticating user requests, or downloading files, requests likely has you covered.

Installing requests

While requests is a hugely popular Python library, it‘s important to understand that it is not part of Python‘s standard library. This means requests does not come bundled with your Python installation by default.

To use requests in your Python code, you first need to install the library. The recommended installation method is using pip, the standard package installer for Python. You can install requests with a simple pip command:

python -m pip install requests

It‘s also important to note that requests officially supports Python 3.7 and above. So make sure your Python version is compatible before attempting to install and use this library.

Features and benefits of requests

So why would you want to use the requests library instead of built-in Python modules for making HTTP requests? Here are some of the key features and advantages requests provides:

  • Simple, intuitive API for making requests by URL and accessing response data
  • Built-in support for common authentication mechanisms
  • Automatic handling of request/response headers and cookies
  • Ability to send custom headers, set timeouts, and handle sessions
  • Automatic encoding/decoding of request and response data
  • Integration with popular web frameworks and tools

Requests aims to make working with HTTP requests in Python as simple and straightforward as possible. The library takes care of many best practices and edge cases so you can concentrate on core application logic.

Basic usage and code examples

To illustrate how easy it is to use requests, here are a few basic code examples:

Sending a GET request and accessing response content:

import requests

response = requests.get(‘‘)


Sending a POST request with JSON data:

import requests

payload = {‘key1‘: ‘value1‘, ‘key2‘: ‘value2‘}

response =‘‘, json=payload)


As you can see, requests provides a clean, minimal interface for sending HTTP requests and working with response data. The same requests API allows you to make all kinds of requests, handle authentication, set custom headers, and much more.

Requests vs built-in Python libraries

You may be wondering how the requests library compares to built-in Python modules for making HTTP requests, such as http.client or urllib.

While the standard library offerings are sufficient for basic HTTP interactions, they are quite low-level and require more boilerplate code to use effectively. Requests aims to be more high-level, abstract away many implementation details, and provide an easier interface for common use cases.

Some specific advantages of requests over standard library modules:

  • Simpler API that requires less code to make HTTP requests
  • Automatic handling of connection pooling, sessions, and authentication
  • Better support for encoding request data (JSON, form-encoded, multipart, etc.)
  • More robust error handling and automatic decoding of response data
  • Extensive and well-maintained third-party plugin ecosystem

Ultimately, requests is a very popular choice for a reason – it makes working with HTTP in Python easier and more enjoyable compared to the standard library offerings. But for basic HTTP requests, the built-in modules can still get the job done.

Troubleshooting common errors

When working with the requests library, there are a few common errors you may encounter. Some of the most frequent include:

  • ConnectTimeout: The request timed out while trying to connect to the server. Possible causes include network issues or an unresponsive server.
  • ReadTimeout: The server did not send any data within the allotted amount of time.
  • ConnectionError: A network connection error occurred, typically due to DNS failure, refused connection, etc.
  • HTTPError: An HTTP error occurred, such as a 4xx client error or 5xx server error response.

Many of these errors can be handled using try/except blocks in your code. Requests also provides configuration options, such as timeout settings and retry logic, to fine-tune behavior. Enabling logging can also help with diagnosing issues.

When in doubt, consult the official requests documentation or look for answers on community forums. Chances are if you run into a problem, others have encountered it before and shared solutions.

Learning more about requests

There‘s a lot more to the requests library than we can cover here. To truly master this powerful tool, you‘ll want to dive into the official documentation and experiment with the API.

Some great resources for furthering your knowledge:

As you can see, there is a large ecosystem of documentation, tutorials, and extensions available to help you get the most out of the requests library. Take advantage of these resources as you work on your projects.


In conclusion, while the requests library is not part of Python‘s standard library, it is a hugely popular and widely-used tool for making HTTP requests from Python code. Compared to built-in modules, requests provides a simpler, higher-level API that takes care of many best practices and edge cases for you.

Before using requests in your projects, remember to install it using pip and ensure your Python version is compatible (3.7+). With a basic understanding of the API and common troubleshooting techniques, you‘ll be well on your way to making the most of this powerful library.

As you continue to learn and use Python for web scraping and interacting with web services, you‘ll likely find the requests library to be an indispensable part of your toolkit. Its elegant design and rich feature set make it well-suited for a wide variety of use cases. So dive in, experiment, and see what you can create!