Mastering Page Loading Waits in Puppeteer: An Expert‘s Guide

Web scraping has become an essential tool for businesses looking to gather data from websites at scale. But as any experienced scraper knows, one of the biggest challenges is reliably extracting data from modern websites that are heavily reliant on JavaScript and asynchronous loading.

According to a study by the HTTP Archive, the median website in 2020 required 73 separate JavaScript requests to fully render the page. This represents a significant increase from just a few years ago, and highlights the importance of robust waiting and monitoring for web scraping workloads.

When working with tools like Puppeteer, a Node.js library for controlling a headless Chrome browser, effectively navigating and waiting for these complex pages is critical to avoiding race conditions and ensuring reliable data extraction.

In this expert guide, we‘ll dive deep into Puppeteer‘s waiting methods, discuss common challenges and solutions, and provide detailed code walkthroughs and data-driven best practices to help you master page loading waits in your scraping projects.

Understanding Page Loading Events

Before we jump into Puppeteer-specific techniques, it‘s important to understand the different events that fire during a typical page load.

The two main events are:

  1. DOMContentLoaded – fires when the initial HTML document has been completely loaded and parsed, without waiting for external resources like stylesheets and images to finish loading.
  2. load – fires when the whole page has loaded, including all dependent resources.

In general, DOMContentLoaded is fired considerably earlier than load, and is often sufficient for scraping needs, as it indicates the page‘s DOM is ready to be interacted with. However, if the data you need to scrape is lazy-loaded or rendered by JavaScript after the initial DOM load, you‘ll need to wait for additional events.

To illustrate the difference, here‘s a chart showing the median time to DOMContentLoaded and load events for popular websites:

Website DOMContentLoaded (ms) Load (ms)
Wikipedia 578 1,210
Amazon 1,315 3,447
New York Times 934 4,758
Reddit 579 1,375

Source: HTTP Archive (December 2020)

As you can see, there‘s a significant gap between the DOMContentLoaded and load events, especially for feature-rich sites. This underscores the importance of understanding each site‘s specific loading patterns and choosing the appropriate events to wait for.

Using waitForSelector Effectively

One of the most common Puppeteer methods for waiting on page elements is waitForSelector. This method waits until the specified selector appears in the DOM, or times out if it doesn‘t appear within the specified timeout period (defaulting to 30 seconds).

Here‘s a simple example of waiting for an element with the .title CSS class to appear:

await page.waitForSelector(‘.title‘);

By default, waitForSelector will wait until the element is added to the DOM, but not necessarily visible. To wait until the element is visible on the page, you can pass the visible option:

await page.waitForSelector(‘.title‘, { visible: true });

This is useful for cases where an element may be present in the DOM but not yet displayed, such as content hidden behind a tab or JavaScript-controlled UI.

You can also specify a custom timeout period in milliseconds:

await page.waitForSelector(‘.title‘, { timeout: 5000 });

Here the wait will timeout and throw an error after 5 seconds if the .title element hasn‘t appeared.

Waiting for Disappearance

Sometimes you may need to wait for an element to disappear from the DOM, such as a loading spinner or interstitial ad. You can do this by combining waitForSelector with the hidden option:

await page.waitForSelector(‘.spinner‘, { hidden: true });

This will wait until the .spinner element is no longer visible on the page.

Combining with Other Methods

waitForSelector is often used in combination with other Puppeteer methods like click and type to perform actions on the page once elements are ready. For example:

await page.waitForSelector(‘.search-input‘);
await page.type(‘.search-input‘, ‘puppeteer‘);

This code waits for a search input to appear, types "puppeteer" into it, then clicks the search button.

Navigating with waitForNavigation

Another key method is waitForNavigation, which waits for the page navigation to complete after an action like a click or form submission. It‘s important to use this method when you expect a new page to load as a result of the action.

Here‘s an example of combining waitForSelector, click, and waitForNavigation to navigate through a pagination control:

let currentPage = 1;
while (currentPage <= 10) {
  // Wait for and click next page link
  await page.waitForSelector(`.page-link[data-page="${currentPage + 1}"]`);
  await Promise.all([
    page.waitForNavigation(),`.page-link[data-page="${currentPage + 1}"]`)  

  // Scrape data from current page
  // ...


This code clicks through a series of numbered pagination links, waiting for each new page to load before scraping its data, up to page 10.

The Promise.all syntax allows you to concurrently wait for the navigation and perform the click action. This is important to avoid race conditions where the navigation completes before the click event is registered.

By default, waitForNavigation waits for the load event to fire. You can customize this by passing the waitUntil option:

await page.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: ‘domcontentloaded‘ });

Valid options are:

  • load – wait for the load event to fire (default)
  • domcontentloaded – wait for the DOMContentLoaded event
  • networkidle0 – wait until there are no more than 0 network connections for at least 500 ms
  • networkidle2 – wait until there are no more than 2 network connections for at least 500 ms

Waiting for Complex UI

Modern web pages often use lazy loading, infinite scroll, and other techniques to dynamically load more content as the user interacts with the page. Reliably scraping this type of content requires careful waiting and monitoring.

Here‘s an example of scrolling through an infinite scroll page until a certain number of items have loaded:

async function scrollToItem(itemCount) {
  let loadedItems = 0;
  while (loadedItems < itemCount) {
    loadedItems = await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelectorAll(‘.item‘).length);
    await page.evaluate(() => window.scrollBy(0, window.innerHeight));
    await page.waitForTimeout(1000);

await scrollToItem(100);

This code repeatedly scrolls the page and checks the number of loaded .item elements until the desired count is reached. The waitForTimeout call introduces a slight delay to allow the page to catch up with the scroll events.

For lazy loaded content that appears based on viewport visibility, you can use the IntersectionObserver API to detect when elements come into view:

await page.evaluate(() => {
  window.lazyObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {
    entries.forEach(async (entry) => {
      if (entry.isIntersecting) {
        const lazyImage =;
        if (!lazyImage.src && lazyImage.dataset.src) {
          lazyImage.src = lazyImage.dataset.src;

  document.querySelectorAll(‘.lazy-image‘).forEach((img) => {

await page.waitForTimeout(1000); 

This code sets up an IntersectionObserver to watch for .lazy-image elements to come into the viewport, then sets their src attribute to trigger the lazy load. The final waitForTimeout gives the images a chance to actually load.

Monitoring Network Activity

Sometimes the data you need to scrape is loaded via XHR requests after the initial page load. You can use Puppeteer‘s request interception and event monitoring features to wait for these requests to complete.

Here‘s an example of waiting for a specific API response:

await page.setRequestInterception(true);

const responsePromise = page.waitForResponse(
  (response) =>
    response.url().includes(‘/api/data‘) && response.status() === 200


const response = await responsePromise;
const data = await response.json();

This code enables request interception, sets up a waitForResponse promise that resolves when a response matching the specified URL and status code is received, then clicks a button to trigger the request.

You can also use waitForRequest in a similar fashion to wait for specific outgoing requests, or monitor all requests and responses by listening to the request and response events:

page.on(‘request‘, (request) => {
  console.log(`Request: ${request.url()}`);

page.on(‘response‘, (response) => {
  console.log(`Response: ${response.url()} (${response.status()})`);

Choosing the Right Waiting Strategy

With all the different waiting methods available, it can be tricky to know which one to use for a given situation. As a general rule, you should use the most specific waiting method that matches your use case.

  • If you‘re waiting for a specific element to appear after page load, use waitForSelector.
  • If you need to navigate to a new page after an action like a click, use waitForNavigation.
  • If you‘re waiting for a specific network request or response, use waitForRequest or waitForResponse.
  • If you need to wait for a more complex condition, like multiple elements or a certain page state, use waitForFunction.

It‘s also important to consider the trade-offs between different waiting strategies. More specific waits like waitForSelector are generally more reliable and performant than general ones like waitForTimeout, but may require more upfront setup and knowledge of the page structure.

Ultimately, the right waiting strategy depends on the specific website you‘re scraping and the data you‘re trying to extract. It often takes some experimentation and iteration to find the optimal approach.

Avoiding Common Waiting Pitfalls

Even with careful waiting, there are several common issues that can cause scraping scripts to fail or produce inconsistent results:

Flaky Selectors

Using selectors that are too general or brittle can lead to Elements Changing Over Time causing waits to fail inconsistently. Where possible, use specific, stable selectors like IDs or data attributes rather than generic class names or tag selectors.

Unconditional Waits

Avoid using fixed waitForTimeout calls without any conditionality. These can lead to race conditions if the page load takes longer than expected, and add unnecessary delay if the load is faster. Always prefer conditional waits that resolve as soon as their criteria are met.

Missed Edge Cases

It‘s easy to assume data will always be structured consistently across pages, but many sites have edge cases like missing elements or different layouts that can break naive waiting logic. Make sure to test your waiting code across a representative sample of pages, and build in appropriate error handling.

Waiting Too Long

While it‘s important to allow sufficient time for pages and data to load, waiting too long can make your scraper slow and inefficient. Experiment with different timeout settings to find the sweet spot between reliability and performance for each site.

As a starting point, here are some common timeout values used by popular web scraping tools and frameworks:

Tool/Framework Default Timeout
Scrapy 180s
Puppeteer 30s
Playwright 30s
Selenium 300s

Source: Official documentation for each tool/framework

Keep in mind these are just defaults – you‘ll likely want to adjust them based on the specific characteristics of the sites you‘re scraping.

Scaling and Monitoring

As you scale your scraping workloads to handle larger volumes of pages and data, waiting and monitoring can become more challenging. Some tips for scaling effectively:

  • Use concurrent requests where possible to minimize overall wait time. Puppeteer‘s Promise.all is great for this.
  • Distribute your scraping workload across multiple machines or cloud instances to improve throughput.
  • Implement robust error handling and retries to gracefully handle failed waits and timeouts.
  • Monitor key metrics like page load times, wait times, and timeout rates to identify performance bottlenecks.
  • Consider using a managed scraping service like Scraping Bee that can handle scaling and monitoring for you.

Here‘s an example of using Puppeteer with Scraping Bee to handle waiting and rendering for a large scraping job:

const scrapingBeeClient = new ScrapingBeeClient(‘YOUR_API_KEY‘);

const response = await scrapingBeeClient.get({
  url: ‘‘,
  wait_for: ‘.title‘, 
  wait_for_timeout: 10000,

const html = await response.text();

This code sends a request to the Scraping Bee API to load the specified URL, waiting for the .title selector to appear before returning the rendered HTML. Scraping Bee handles the underlying browser automation and waiting, allowing you to focus on the data extraction logic.


Effective waiting is a critical yet often overlooked aspect of web scraping, especially when dealing with modern JavaScript-heavy websites. By leveraging Puppeteer‘s flexible waiting methods and following best practices around selectors, timeouts, and error handling, you can build scrapers that are both robust and performant.

The key is to always tailor your waiting strategy to the specific needs of each site and use case, and to continuously monitor and optimize your scraping pipeline as you scale.

With the techniques and insights covered in this guide, you‘re well-equipped to handle even the most challenging waiting scenarios and take your scraping projects to the next level. Happy scraping!