How to Delete Your Instagram Account Permanently: The Ultimate Guide for Taking Control of Your Privacy

In today‘s social media obsessed era, Instagram has become almost inescapable. With over 1 billion monthly active users sharing filtered photos and life highlight reels, those seemingly perfect square images can end up taking over our lives.

But what if Instagram is no longer serving you? What if instead of enjoying catching up with friends, you find yourself falling into the comparison trap or wasting hours mindlessly scrolling? What if the idea of all your photos, messages and data being collected behind the scenes has started to make you uncomfortable?

You may be considering deleting your Instagram account. And if so, you’ve come to the right place!

In this ultimate, step-by-step guide, I’ll share everything you need to know to take control of your privacy and permanently delete your Instagram account for good.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • The top reasons to delete your Instagram account
  • Should you permanently delete or temporarily deactivate?
  • A beginner-friendly, illustrated guide to deleting your account
  • What life changes to expect on the other side
  • Tips for managing the transition smoothly

So whether Instagram is harming your mental health, wasting too much time or compromising your privacy, let’s look at why and how to delete your account – for good.

Why You Might Want to Delete Your Instagram Account

While Instagram can be enjoyable at times, there are also compelling reasons you may decide it’s time to leave it behind for good. Let‘s explore some of the top motivators for bidding farewell to Instagram.

It Can Damage Your Self-Esteem and Mental Health 💼

Multiple studies have indicated that spending time on Instagram can take a toll on users‘ mental health and self-image.

In fact, researchers found a direct link between time spent on Instagram and negative mood or body image issues:

[insert data table]

This effect is particularly strong when mindlessly scrolling through other people‘s feeds and getting caught up comparing lives rather than connecting with real friends.

Licensed therapist Amelia Dubczak explains:

"The comparison aspect of Instagram is the thief of joy. Seeing unrealistic perfection that mostly isn‘t real leads people to feel bad about themselves in relation to these unattainable standards."

Over time, this can chip away at your self-confidence and even contribute to anxiety or depression.

Scrolling Becomes Addictive 📱

The endless scroll is incredibly addicting by design. Instagram incorporates the same variable reward system used in slot machines to keep people compulsively pulling the lever, hoping for little dopamine hits.

With Instagram, we can‘t resist scrolling longer, hoping for exciting new photos or videos behind the next corner.

This explains why average daily usage is 53 minutes and rising! That adds up to nearly 6 full days per year on just one app!

If you find yourself lost in three-hour scrolling black holes on the regular, consider deleting Instagram to break the addiction. Reclaim your precious time for people and activities that truly matter.

You Value Your Privacy 🕵️‍♀️

We all know that if something online seems free, that‘s because you are the product. Instagram collects insane amounts of data about its users in order to profile behaviors to sell to advertisers.

Info gathered and analyzed includes your activity within Instagram, other apps and websites, location data, search history, demographic info and more – pretty much your digital life‘s biography!

Not cool for those valuing privacy in this era of rampant data mining.

Cadie Thompson, contributor to TechRepublic, warns:

"Instagram captures a trove of personal user data when people sign up, including email addresses, locations, IP addresses, battery levels, device info, search results, browsing history…"

Delete your account to #RegainYourPrivacy back once and for all!

You Could Use That Time More Wisely ✍️

Be honest – how much time have you lost falling down Instagram rabbit holes or distracted from important work?

Recoup dozens or even hundreds of hours once spent mindlessly scrolling. Invest that precious time into nurturing yourself through rest, relationships, hobbies, passion projects, learning new skills or self-care rituals.

Marcus, an accountant, noticed his priorities were out of balance when avoiding an important project through excessive Instagram scrolling.

“I realized I was avoiding working on a big project by endless Instagram scrolling," he admits. "I knew something had to change."

Reclaim your time and mental energy on the stuff that truly counts by leaving social media behind!

Should You Deactivate or Delete Your Instagram Account?

If you‘ve decided it‘s time to leave Instagram behind, you have a couple options of varying degrees of finality. Let‘s compare them.

Deactivating Your Account 👤

This option hides your Instagram profile and all content from view temporarily, while preserving everything to easily reopen your account later.


  • Pause Instagram without losing data
  • Easily reactivate within 30 days if desired
  • Test out life without Instagram


  • Data still exists in Instagram‘s systems
  • Temptation to reactivate may be strong

Overall deactivating is ideal if you just need a temporary social media cleanse or aren‘t quite sure about permanent deletion.

Deleting Your Instagram Account 🗑️

This permanently erases your account, all content and personal data from Instagram‘s servers over the course of 90 days.


  • Completely remove data from Instagram‘s systems
  • Prevent data from being sold or hacked
  • Make leaving social media final


  • Can‘t retrieve data or undo after 30 days
  • More difficult transition

Permanent deletion optimal for people who know Instagram has run its course in their lives, value privacy highly or find moderation/breaks unsuccessful.

Ultimately both deactivation and deletion can be great options depending on your tech preferences. Want to delete but unsure where to start? Keep reading for a simple step-by-step guide.

How to Permanently Delete Your Instagram Account

Ready to delete your account? Here is a detailed, beginner-friendly walkthrough to remove Instagram from your life permanently.

Optional: Download Your Instagram Data First

Not sure? Consider downloading an archive your profile data before deleting everything forever.

Here’s how to request your data file containing photos, messages, archive stories and more:

  1. Tap your profile picture
  2. Tap the menu bar
  3. Select Settings > Privacy and Security > Data Download
  4. Enter email and Instagram will email download link within 48 hours.

Now let‘s delete everything for good!

Step-by-Step Account Deletion

Here are the steps to follow to permanently delete your Instagram account:

  1. Open the Instagram app then tap your profile picture
  2. Select the menu bar then tap Settings
    Instagram Settings
  3. Scroll down and select Help > Help Center
    Instagram Help Center
  4. Choose Manage Your Account > Delete Your Account
    Delete Instagram Account
  5. Select "Permanently delete my account"
  6. Choose why you are deleting then tap Next
  7. Re-enter your password then tap Permanently delete

You will receive confirmation your account is scheduled for deletion.

Of course if you change your mind, simply log back in within 30 days to cancel. After that 30 day grace period however, deletion of all account data is irreversible!

What Happens When Instagram Deletes Your Account

Here‘s the gist of Instagram‘s account deletion process:

  1. Immediate Access Block: Your account disappears from view. You cannot log back in without canceling deletion.

  2. 30 Days: Your content remains safely in Instagram‘s system and you have the option to reverse deletion.

  3. 90 Days: All your posts, photos, messages, profile info and connected data erased from existence! Instagram history! 👋

So there you have – a simple, foolproof way to delete your Instagram account forever. Next let’s explore what changes you can expect to your life once Instagram exits stage left.

How Life Changes After Quitting Instagram

Deleting social media as popular as Instagram will inevitably cause some ripple effects. Here is what may shift for the better once you break free from Instagram for good.

Reclaim Dozens or Hundreds of Hours 🕜

Recoup significant chunks of time once drained down the Instagram scrolling blackhole. Put those hours into nurturing yourself and loved ones in deeper ways through restorative activities like:

  • reconnecting with old friends
  • launching that side business idea you’ve been dreaming about
  • reading an enthralling novel or bingeing that hot new Netflix show guilt-free
  • playing with your pet (or friend/partner‘s pet if you don‘t have one)
  • trying a challenging new recipe or baking your favorite cookies
  • phone-free nature walks to refresh your mental palette

The possibilities are endless when you limit social media‘s grip on your time!

Your Mood Will Lift 🤗

Multiple research studies have demonstrated less time on Instagram leading to:

  • Lower anxiety and depression
  • Higher self-esteem
  • Improved body image
  • Less loneliness and social isolation

"It was like coming up for fresh air after being trapped under murky water," says Sabrina, who deleted her account a year ago. "I‘m much happier without the pressure to curate a perfect life for social media."

When comparison and envy triggers are removed, mental health flourishes.

Your Privacy Is Protected 🕵️‍♀️

Once deleted, Instagram no longer has license to access, store or profit from your personal data and account history. Reclaim control over your digital privacy!

Take this opportunity to audit and adjust your privacy settings, leveraging tools like two-factor authentication on other sites storing sensitive info.

Relationships Can Deepen 👭

Without virtual connectivity tugging at your attention, you can invest that energy into nurturing the people right in front of you.

Plan regular device-free quality time to actively listen to friends, family members or your partner sharing stories and feelings without distraction. Prioritizing intimacy helps strengthen true emotional bonds.

Of course with such a big shift, the transition may feel rocky at times. Next we’ll explore tips to smooth the path.

Tips for Adjusting to Life After Instagram

Completely eliminating a giant player in the social media world can understandably take some getting used to. Here’s advice for adapting more smoothly to life post-Instagram:

Note "Phantom Limb" Feelings 🫳

In the early weeks, you may subconsciously reach for the app or feel an urge to share random moments from your day. This “phantom limb” phenomenon diminishes as new habits form.

Accept FOMO 😱

You may experience some fear of missing out around not seeing certain content or keeping tabs on people‘s activities. But remember – no one shares their mundane or negative moments! Social media always shows a carefully curated fraction of reality. 😉

Replace Mindless Scrolling 📜

When old scrolling urges arise, choose nourishing activities aligned with your values like volunteering, learning guitar, snuggling your pet, or baking. Redirect this mental energy into life-giving rather than life-draining habits.

Double Down on True Connections 🤝

Rather than digitally “catching up,” meet friends, family or partners for device-free meals, activities or heart-to-heart conversations. Deepening intimacy continues weaning off social media‘s dopamine hits.

Embrace the Pause ✋

Our society can feel uncomfortably addicted to constant busyness, notifications and distraction. But stillness often births renewal.

Be present with yourself in undistracted moments to rediscover buried passions and unlock new wellsprings of creativity.

The more attention placed back into your physical surroundings and relationships rooted in flesh-and-blood humanity versus filtered frames, the more your new normal will feel like home.

Within several weeks, you’ll realize just how little Instagram was adding value – and just how much freedom awaits without it! 🙌

In Summary

I hope this guide stirred up greater clarity around the pros (and cons) of deleting your Instagram account.

While Instagram certainly holds some entertainment value, its harms around mental health, privacy and time draining make a compelling case to leave it behind.

With my step-by-step instructions, deleting your account for good is totally doable. And with the right mindset adjustments, you’ll barely miss it once gone!

Think of all the life possibilities awaiting once freed from Instagram’s saturated filter on reality. The choice is yours!