Web Scraping in Go: A Comprehensive Guide to Using Colly

Web scraping is the process of automatically extracting data from websites. It‘s an incredibly useful technique for gathering information that would be too time-consuming to collect manually. Some common use cases include monitoring prices, aggregating news/articles, analyzing sentiment, building datasets for machine learning, and much more.

While you can build a web scraper in just about any programming language, Go is an excellent choice. It‘s fast, powerful, and has a robust ecosystem of open source libraries for scraping. One of the most popular is Colly, a lightweight and lightning quick framework for extracting structured data from websites.

In this guide, we‘ll dive deep into web scraping with Go and Colly. I‘ll explain what Colly is, walk through a real example of how to use it to scrape data from a website, and share tips and best practices along the way. By the end, you‘ll have a strong foundation in web scraping with Go and the ability to build your own scrapers for your specific needs. Let‘s get started!

What is Colly?

Colly is an open source web scraping and crawling framework written in Go. It provides a clean and intuitive API for sending HTTP requests to web pages, traversing links, and extracting structured data using CSS selectors or XPaths. Under the hood, Colly uses Go‘s net/http library for making requests and the goquery library (similar to jQuery) for parsing HTML.

Some of the key features of Colly include:

  • Clean and simple API inspired by Python‘s Scrapy framework
  • Automatic cookie and session handling
  • Parallel scraping using Go routines
  • Caching, throttling, and request delays to avoid overloading servers
  • Built-in support for randomizing user agents and using proxies
  • Ability to create custom request headers, middlewares, and extensions
  • Integration with the Goquery library for easy parsing using CSS selectors

At its core, Colly uses an event-based model where you register "callbacks" to tell it what to do at different stages of the scraping process. For example, you can register a callback to be triggered whenever Colly visits a new page, encounters an HTML element that matches a certain selector, or finishes scraping a site. This makes it easy to modularize your scraping logic and keep your code clean.

Now that we have a high-level understanding of what Colly is and how it works, let‘s see it in action with a real example.

Scraping Hacker News with Colly

Let‘s say we want to scrape the front page of Hacker News and extract the top stories. For each story, we want to get the title, URL, score, author, and number of comments. Here‘s how we can do that with Colly:

First, let‘s create a new Go module for our scraper:

$ mkdir hackernews-scraper 
$ cd hackernews-scraper
$ go mod init github.com/yourusername/hackernews-scraper

Next, let‘s install Colly:

$ go get -u github.com/gocolly/colly/...

Now, create a new file called main.go and add the following code:

package main

import (


type Story struct {
    Title   string `json:"title"`
    URL     string `json:"url"` 
    Score   string `json:"score"`
    Author  string `json:"author"`
    Comment string `json:"comment"`

func main() {
    c := colly.NewCollector()

    stories := make([]Story, 0)

    // Find and visit all links
    c.OnHTML("a[href]", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {

    // Extract story information
    c.OnHTML(".athing", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
        story := Story{}
        story.Title = e.ChildText("a.storylink")
        story.URL = e.ChildAttr("a.storylink", "href")
        story.Score = e.ChildText(".score")
        story.Author = e.ChildText(".hnuser") 
        story.Comment = e.ChildText("a[href*=item]")
        stories = append(stories, story)


    enc := json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout)
    enc.SetIndent("", "  ")

    // Dump stories to stdout

Let‘s break this down step by step:

  1. We define a Story struct to hold the information we want to extract about each story. We add struct tags so we can easily encode it to JSON later.

  2. In our main() function, we create a new Collector instance using colly.NewCollector(). This is the top-level object that coordinates the scraping process.

  3. We create a slice called stories to hold all the Story structs we‘ll be extracting.

  4. We register an OnHTML callback to tell Colly to follow every link it encounters. The callback uses a CSS selector to find all a elements with an href attribute and instructs Colly to visit each of those links.

  5. We register another OnHTML callback, this time using a CSS selector to match elements with the athing class. This class is used for each story item on Hacker News. Inside the callback:

    • We create a new Story instance
    • We use Colly‘s ChildText and ChildAttr methods to extract the title, URL, score, author, and number of comments from the matching HTML element. These methods take a CSS selector to find the right child elements.
    • We append the Story to our stories slice
  6. We kick off the scraping process by calling c.Visit() with the URL we want to start scraping, in this case the Hacker News homepage.

  7. Finally, we use json.NewEncoder to JSON-encode our stories slice and print it out to stdout. The SetIndent method makes the output nicely formatted.

If you run this with go run main.go, you should see a JSON dump of the top stories on Hacker News, with their titles, URLs, scores, authors and number of comments!

Of course, this is just a simple example to demonstrate the basics. In a real project, you‘d probably want to do more with the data than just print it out. You could write it to a database, dump it to a file, expose it through a web API, visualize it, etc. You get the idea!

Tips for Effective and Responsible Scraping

Web scraping is a powerful technique, but with great power comes great responsibility. Here are some tips to keep in mind to scrape effectively and ethically:

  1. Respect robots.txt: Most websites have a robots.txt file that specifies which pages are allowed to be scraped. You should always check this file and respect its rules. Colly has built-in support for obeying robots.txt.

  2. Don‘t overload servers: Scraping can put a lot of load on websites if you make too many requests too quickly. Be nice and throttle your requests. Colly has built-in support for limiting the parallelism and delaying between requests.

  3. Use caching: If you‘re scraping the same pages multiple times, consider caching the results to avoid unnecessary requests. You can use a library like github.com/pmezard/go-difflib/difflib to cache HTTP responses on disk.

  4. Rotate user agents and IP addresses: Many websites will block scrapers if they make too many requests with the same user agent or IP address. Colly makes it easy to rotate user agents and use proxy servers.

  5. Handle errors gracefully: Scraping can be unpredictable. Websites change their layouts, pages move or disappear, and requests can fail for many reasons. Make sure your scraper can handle these situations without crashing.

  6. Don‘t steal content: Scraping is for gathering data, not intellectual property theft. Respect copyrights and terms of service. Give credit where it‘s due.

Going Further

We‘ve only scratched the surface of what‘s possible with web scraping in Go. Here are some ideas for taking your scraping skills to the next level:

  • Concurrent scraping: Colly makes it easy to scrape multiple pages in parallel using Go routines. This can dramatically speed up large scraping jobs.

  • Distributed scraping: For even larger jobs, you can distribute your scraper across multiple machines. The gore package provides a framework for distributed web crawling with Colly.

  • Scraping JavaScript-rendered content: Some websites render their content using JavaScript, which can make scraping more challenging. For these cases, you can use a library like chromedp or rod to control a real web browser and scrape the rendered HTML.

  • Automated testing: It‘s a good idea to write tests for your scrapers to ensure they keep working as websites change. You can use a library like goquery or testify to write unit tests for your scraping logic.

I encourage you to check out the Colly docs and examples directory for more ideas and sample code. The Colly community has also created many extensions and integrations with other libraries that you may find useful.


Web scraping is an incredibly useful skill to have in your tool belt as a developer. With the power of Go and Colly, you can gather data from the web quickly and easily. Whether you‘re monitoring prices, aggregating news articles, analyzing trends, or building machine learning datasets, Colly provides a clean and powerful framework for all your scraping needs.

In this guide, we‘ve covered the basics of web scraping with Colly, walked through a real example of scraping Hacker News, and discussed some best practices and ideas for more advanced scraping projects. I hope you feel empowered to start using Colly for your own scraping needs.

As you‘ve seen, Colly‘s API is intuitive and easy to use, even for those new to Go. Its event-driven architecture, built-in support for responsible scraping, and extensibility make it a joy to work with. And when combined with Go‘s built-in concurrency primitives and strong typing, you have a powerful toolkit for gathering structured data from the chaos of the web.

So what are you waiting for? Go forth and scrape! But always remember to do so responsibly and respectfully. Happy scraping!