Why HTTPS Is Not Used for All Web Traffic: A Data Scraping Expert‘s Perspective

In the world of web scraping and data extraction, understanding the intricacies of website security is crucial. One of the most important aspects of online security is the use of HTTPS, a protocol that encrypts the communication between a user‘s browser and a website. Despite its clear benefits, HTTPS is not used for all web traffic. In this article, we‘ll explore the reasons behind this and discuss the implications for web scraping and data extraction.

The Importance of HTTPS

HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is an extension of the HTTP protocol that adds a layer of encryption to protect the data exchanged between a user‘s browser and a website. This encryption is achieved through the use of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) or TLS (Transport Layer Security) certificates, which are issued by trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs).

The primary benefits of HTTPS include:

  1. Data Integrity: HTTPS ensures that the data transmitted between the browser and the website has not been tampered with or altered by third parties.

  2. Privacy: Encryption prevents unauthorized access to sensitive information, such as passwords, credit card numbers, and personal details.

  3. Authentication: HTTPS helps users verify that they are communicating with the intended website and not an imposter.

The State of HTTPS Adoption

Despite the clear advantages of HTTPS, not all websites have implemented it. According to the SSL Pulse survey conducted by Qualys SSL Labs, as of February 2023, only 71.3% of the top 150,000 websites use HTTPS by default (source: SSL Pulse).

However, the adoption of HTTPS has been steadily growing over the years. Let‘s Encrypt, a free and open Certificate Authority, has played a significant role in this growth by providing free SSL/TLS certificates. Since its launch in 2015, Let‘s Encrypt has issued over 2 billion certificates, securing more than 300 million websites (source: Let‘s Encrypt Stats).

The following table shows the growth of HTTPS adoption among the top 1 million websites over the past five years (source: HTTPArchive):

Year HTTPS Adoption
2018 45.5%
2019 56.1%
2020 69.1%
2021 77.8%
2022 82.5%

Reasons Why HTTPS Is Not Used Everywhere

Despite the growing adoption of HTTPS, several factors contribute to its lack of universal usage:

  1. Cost and Complexity: Implementing HTTPS requires obtaining and installing an SSL/TLS certificate, which can be costly and technically challenging, especially for small websites with limited resources.

  2. Lack of Awareness: Some website owners and developers may not fully understand the importance of HTTPS or may not prioritize its implementation.

  3. Legacy Systems: Older websites and web applications may not be compatible with HTTPS, making the transition difficult and time-consuming.

  4. Performance Concerns: HTTPS encryption can slightly increase the load time of web pages, leading some website owners to avoid its implementation to optimize performance.

The Impact of HTTPS on Web Scraping

For web scraping and data extraction, the use of HTTPS can present both challenges and opportunities:

  1. Increased Difficulty: Scraping HTTPS websites requires handling SSL/TLS certificates and encryption, which can be more complex than scraping HTTP websites.

  2. Performance Overhead: The additional encryption and decryption processes involved in HTTPS can slightly slow down web scraping tasks.

  3. Enhanced Security: Scraping HTTPS websites ensures that the data being extracted is authentic and has not been tampered with in transit.

  4. Ethical and Legal Considerations: Scraping HTTPS websites raises questions about the ethics and legality of accessing and extracting data from secure web pages.

To effectively scrape HTTPS websites, data extraction experts must:

  • Use web scraping tools and libraries that support HTTPS and handle SSL/TLS certificates correctly
  • Optimize their scraping scripts to minimize the performance impact of HTTPS
  • Ensure that their scraping practices comply with the website‘s terms of service and applicable laws and regulations

Best Practices for Transitioning to HTTPS

For website owners and developers looking to transition from HTTP to HTTPS, the following best practices can help ensure a smooth and successful migration:

  1. Choose a Reliable Certificate Authority: Select a trusted CA, such as Let‘s Encrypt, to obtain your SSL/TLS certificate.

  2. Install and Configure the Certificate Correctly: Ensure that the certificate is installed and configured properly on your web server to avoid security vulnerabilities and browser warnings.

  3. Update Internal Links and References: Modify all internal links, resources, and references within your website to use HTTPS instead of HTTP.

  4. Set Up Permanent Redirects: Implement 301 (permanent) redirects from HTTP to HTTPS to ensure that users and search engines are directed to the secure version of your website.

  5. Monitor and Renew Certificates: Regularly monitor your SSL/TLS certificates and renew them before they expire to maintain uninterrupted HTTPS protection.


In conclusion, while HTTPS is not yet used for all web traffic, its adoption is growing steadily, thanks to the efforts of organizations like Let‘s Encrypt and the increasing awareness of the importance of web security.

For web scraping and data extraction professionals, understanding the challenges and opportunities presented by HTTPS is crucial for effective and responsible data gathering. By following best practices and staying informed about the latest developments in web security, data extraction experts can navigate the complexities of scraping HTTPS websites and ensure the integrity and privacy of the data they collect.

As the internet continues to evolve, it is likely that HTTPS will become the default standard for all web traffic, making it essential for website owners, developers, and data extraction professionals to adapt and prioritize security in their online endeavors.