Missing "Add to Story" Button on Instagram? How to Fix It in 2024

As a social media marketing consultant specializing in assisting small businesses, I‘ve seen many entrepreneurs and Instagram users struggle with the disappearing "Add post to your story" button. This super helpful sharing feature lets you easily repurpose content to your own Instagram Stories, but it can frustratingly go missing without warning.

According to Instagram’s own user reports, the missing Instagram Story button is a fairly common complaint impacting thousands of accounts. When it happens, engagement can suffer from not being able to recirculate content to new audiences.

Luckily there are a few straightforward troubleshooting tips that can often restore the “Add post to your story” option quickly. In this detailed guide, I’ll walk through the top solutions to bring back the missing Story sharing button based on my experience helping small business clients fix this bug.

Why Does the “Add to Story” Button Disappear on Instagram?

Before diving into the troubleshooting, it’s helpful to understand the main reasons you may not see the option to share a post to your Instagram Story:

  • The post owner disabled resharing: Individual users can turn off the setting allowing others to share their posts to Stories. You‘ll have to ask them to re-enable it.
  • Instagram is testing the new Reshare sticker: In some regions, Instagram has been rolling out a new Reshare sticker to replace the original sharing feature.
  • App glitch or bug: Like any technology, sometimes bugs happen! Outdated app versions or random glitches are often to blame.

According to Instagram’s 2022 announcements, the Reshare sticker test is the most common current cause, expanding to more countries after an initial launch in the US last year.

Now let’s explore the top solutions to get the “Add post to your story” button working again.

Use Instagram‘s New Reshare Sticker

If you can‘t find the usual Story sharing option, the new Reshare sticker is likely your ticket to reposting content.

Here are the simple steps to share a post using the Reshare sticker:

  1. Tap the plus (+) icon to start a new Story.
  2. Select the “Reshare” sticker from the left side of the creative tools.
  3. Choose the post you want to share.
  4. Tap “Share” and the post will be added as a sticker to your Story!

Easy as that. The Reshare sticker looks and functions similarly to the original sharing button. So whenever that’s missing, just use this new sticker instead.

Scroll Down Your Full Sharing List

Believe it or not, the “Add post to your story” option sometimes gets pushed further down your sharing list, rather than appearing at the top as usual.

To find it:

  1. Tap the arrow below the post to bring up the sharing menu.
  2. Scroll allll the way down your full list of followers and close friends.
  3. The “Add post to your story” option may be buried at the very bottom—tap it to share.

If your sharing list is super long, it can take awhile to scroll through. But give this a try next time the button seems to disappear.

Update or Reinstall the Instagram App

Outdated app versions often cause bugs like the missing Story button. Follow these troubleshooting tips:

  • Update the app in your device’s app store to the latest version. This instantly fixes many issues.
  • If updating doesn’t work, uninstall and reinstall Instagram to give the app a fresh start.

Reinstalling Instagram clears out any corrupted data or old settings that could be causing glitches. I recommend this simple fix to all my clients struggling with app issues.

Try Sharing From a Different Device

Does the “Add to Story” button work properly when you try sharing the post from a friend’s Instagram app?

Testing on another device helps determine if the issue is isolated to your personal device, or affecting Instagram more broadly.

You can also switch between Android and iOS to see if the problem only occurs on one platform. Changing devices is an easy way to rule out device-specific bugs.

Ask the Original Poster to Re-Enable Resharing

When all else fails, kindly ask the original poster to check their settings and turn post resharing back on. Here‘s how:

  1. Go to their profile and tap the 3-line Menu.
  2. Select “Settings” then “Privacy” and go to “Story”.
  3. Under “Allow Resharing”, switch it ON to enable sharing again.

Many users turn off resharing without realizing it blocks others from repurposing their content. As a courtesy, inform post owners if their setting seems to be preventing you from sharing their posts.

Key Takeaways

  • Check for Instagram‘s new Reshare sticker option when the regular sharing disappears.
  • Scroll down your full sharing list—the button may just be hidden further down.
  • Update or reinstall the Instagram app to fix bugs causing the issue.
  • Try sharing from a different device to see if it‘s an isolated problem.
  • Kindly ask the original poster to re-enable post resharing to Stories.

I hope these detailed troubleshooting tips help you regain access to the super useful “Add post to your story” button on Instagram. As you can see, the problem is usually an easy fix.

Let me know if any other questions come up around troubleshooting Instagram or strategically growing your account‘s reach and engagement! I‘m always happy to help fellow small business owners and entrepreneurs succeed on social media.