The Ultimate Guide to Finding and Enjoying Sauerkraut at Walmart

As a picky shopper and retail expert, I know firsthand how challenging it can be to track down specialty ingredients like sauerkraut at big box stores. Walmart is known for its vast selection and low prices, but with so many aisles and products to navigate, locating that perfect jar of fermented cabbage can feel like a treasure hunt. Fear not, my fellow sauerkraut lovers – I‘ve put together the ultimate guide to finding and enjoying this tangy, nutritious condiment at Walmart and beyond!

Why Sauerkraut is a Smart Buy

Before we dive into the "where," let‘s talk about the "why." Sauerkraut isn‘t just a tasty topping for bratwurst and Reuben sandwiches – it‘s also incredibly good for you! As a fermented food, sauerkraut is:

  • Rich in probiotics that support digestion and gut health
  • Packed with immune-boosting vitamins C and K
  • High in fiber, which promotes feelings of fullness
  • Low in calories and fat

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Sarah Marjoram explains, "The fermentation process used to make sauerkraut creates beneficial bacteria known as probiotics. These good gut bugs have been shown to improve digestion, boost immunity, and even support mental health."

In fact, studies suggest that eating sauerkraut and other fermented foods may:

  • Reduce inflammation in the body
  • Lower risk of certain cancers
  • Aid in weight loss and management
  • Improve nutrient absorption
  • Enhance cognitive function and mood

One recent study published in the journal Foods found that consuming just 2 tablespoons of sauerkraut daily for 6 weeks significantly improved gut health and digestion in participants.

Navigating the Aisles: Where to Find Sauerkraut at Walmart

Now that you‘re convinced of sauerkraut‘s superpowers, let‘s talk about where to find it at your local Walmart. With a little insider knowledge, you can zero in on the best brands and deals in no time! Here‘s a handy aisle-by-aisle guide:

Aisle 1: Refrigerated Section
For the freshest, most probiotic-rich sauerkraut, head straight to the refrigerated foods section. Look near other fermented and pickled products like kimchi, pickles, and gourmet olives. Some popular brands to look for include:

  • Bubbies Pure Kosher Dills (32 oz jar) – $7.98
  • Farmhouse Culture Organic Kraut (16 oz jar) – $6.97
  • Wildbrine Organic Raw Fermented Sauerkraut (18 oz jar) – $5.98

Tip: Raw, unpasteurized sauerkraut will have the most beneficial bacteria and enzymes since it hasn‘t been heat treated. Check labels carefully to ensure you‘re getting the real deal!

Aisle 2: Canned Goods
For shelf-stable, budget-friendly options, cruise on over to the canned vegetable aisle. You‘ll usually spot sauerkraut near other pickled goodies like beets, artichokes, and cucumbers. Walmart stocks a solid selection of national brands like:

  • Libby‘s Crispy Sauerkraut (14.5 oz can) – $1.48
  • Frank‘s Kraut (14 oz can) – $0.98
  • Silver Floss Shredded Kraut (14.5 oz can) – $1.36
  • Vlasic German Style Sauerkraut (32 oz jar) – $3.64

Aisle 3: Condiments
Sometimes Walmart lumps all condiments together in a single section. If you strike out in the canned goods aisle, take a stroll through the land of ketchup and mustard to see if any stray jars of sauerkraut are hiding out.

Aisle 4: "Ethnic" Foods
Given sauerkraut‘s roots in German and Eastern European cuisine, you may have luck locating imported or small-batch brands in the international foods aisle (if your store has one). Keep your eyes peeled for authentic German and Polish varieties that may offer unique flavors and textures.

Aisle 5: The Deli
If your Walmart has a full-service deli counter, don‘t forget to scope it out for fresh sauerkraut sold in bulk. You can often find it near the specialty cheeses and cured meats, sold by the pound. Bonus: The deli is a one-stop-shop for pulling together a killer charcuterie board!

Of course, the easiest way to pin down the exact location of sauerkraut is to use Walmart‘s app or website to search your local store‘s inventory. Simply create a free account, enter your zip code, and search for "sauerkraut" to see which aisles are currently stocked.

Ingredients Matter: What to Look for When Buying Sauerkraut

Not all sauerkrauts are created equal! For the maximum health benefits and flavor, there are a few key things to look for when comparing jars and brands:

  1. Minimal Ingredients: The best sauerkraut contains just two simple ingredients: cabbage and salt. Avoid brands with long lists of preservatives, additives, or sweeteners which can interfere with the fermentation process and negate some of the health perks.

  2. Unpasteurized/Raw: Pasteurized sauerkraut has been heat-treated for longer shelf life, but this process also kills off the beneficial bacteria. For a true probiotic punch, opt for raw, unpasteurized sauerkraut (usually found in the refrigerated section).

  3. Organic Cabbage: Since cabbage is on the Environmental Working Group‘s "Dirty Dozen" list of produce most likely to contain pesticide residue, choosing organic sauerkraut can help limit your exposure to harmful chemicals.

To see how Walmart‘s sauerkraut offerings stack up, check out this handy comparison chart:

Brand Ingredients Organic? Raw/Unpasteurized? Cost per Oz
Bubbies Cabbage, salt No Yes $0.25
Farmhouse Culture Organic cabbage, organic caraway seeds, sea salt Yes Yes $0.40
Libby‘s Cabbage, water, salt, sodium benzoate No No $0.10
Vlasic Cabbage, water, salt, sodium benzoate No No $0.11
Wildbrine Organic green cabbage, organic red cabbage, sea salt Yes Yes $0.33

As you can see, raw organic sauerkrauts tend to cost a bit more per ounce than conventional pasteurized varieties. However, spending a little extra on a high-quality kraut can pay off in the long run when it comes to your health and taste buds!

Sauerkraut Sales and Trends

According to data from Statista, over 35 million Americans consumed sauerkraut in 2020. The fermented food market is projected to grow steadily in the coming years, reaching a value of $689 billion by 2023.

Sauerkraut sales and popularity vary by region, with consumption highest in the Midwest, Mid-Atlantic, and Northeast United States. These areas have large German and Eastern European populations and a long history of incorporating fermented foods into the local cuisine.

Walmart reports that sauerkraut sales peak during the fall and winter months, especially around Oktoberfest and New Year‘s Day. This could be due to the popularity of dishes like bratwurst, pork and sauerkraut, and Reuben sandwiches during the cooler months and holiday celebrations.

Fun Sauerkraut Facts & Trivia

  • The word "sauerkraut" literally translates to "sour cabbage" in German
  • Sauerkraut was originally invented as a way to preserve cabbage before the advent of refrigeration
  • During World War I, American companies rebranded sauerkraut as "liberty cabbage" to avoid anti-German sentiment
  • Sauerkraut was a staple food for 18th century sailors since the vitamin C prevented scurvy on long voyages
  • Over 2 million tons of sauerkraut are consumed worldwide each year
  • The world‘s largest sauerkraut producer is in Bear Creek, Wisconsin and cranks out over 100,000 tons annually
  • The fermentation process that creates sauerkraut can take anywhere from 1 week to 6 months, depending on the temperature
  • Homemade sauerkraut is incredibly easy to make with just 2 ingredients: cabbage and salt!

How to Enjoy Sauerkraut: Serving Ideas & Recipes

If you‘re new to sauerkraut, you might be wondering how to incorporate this tangy condiment into your meals. The good news is, sauerkraut is incredibly versatile and pairs well with a variety of dishes! Here are a few classic and creative ways to enjoy:

  • Pile it high on bratwurst, hot dogs, or sausage sandwiches
  • Add it to your favorite reuben, Rachel, or grilled Swiss cheese sandwich
  • Toss it into a grain bowl with quinoa, sweet potatoes, and sausage
  • Stir it into mashed potatoes or potato salad for a tangy kick
  • Mix it into scrambled eggs or a breakfast hash with peppers and onions
  • Saute it with sliced apples and onions to top a pork chop or chicken breast
  • Puree it into a creamy salad dressing or dip with Greek yogurt and herbs
  • Add it to tacos, burritos, or quesadillas for a pop of flavor
  • Ferment it with other veggies like beets, carrots, and onions for a colorful kraut blend

One of my favorite ways to use up a jar of sauerkraut is in a quick, German-inspired soup. Simply simmer chicken or veggie broth with chopped potatoes, onions, and kielbasa sausage. Stir in a cup or two of drained sauerkraut and some smoked paprika and you‘ve got a cozy, satisfying meal in minutes.

For a fresh take on a classic condiment, try mixing sauerkraut into your potato salad recipe in place of some of the pickles or relish. The kraut adds a pleasant tang and crunch that pairs perfectly with creamy dressing and tender potatoes.

Looking for more inspiration? Check out these creative sauerkraut recipes from some of my favorite food blogs:

Don‘t be afraid to get creative and experiment with using sauerkraut in all kinds of dishes – your gut will thank you!

Potential Downsides and Risks of Sauerkraut

While sauerkraut boasts an impressive array of health benefits, it may not be for everyone. Here are a few potential downsides and risks to consider:

  • Digestive upset: Some people find that sauerkraut causes gas, bloating, or diarrhea when they first start eating it. This is usually due to the sudden influx of probiotics and fiber and should resolve within a few days. Introduce sauerkraut slowly and drink plenty of water.

  • Sodium content: Sauerkraut is typically high in sodium due to the salt used in the fermentation process. If you are watching your salt intake, look for low-sodium varieties or rinse your sauerkraut before eating.

  • Histamine intolerance: Fermented foods like sauerkraut are high in histamines, which can cause symptoms like itching, headaches, and digestive upset in some people. If you are sensitive to histamines, you may need to limit your intake or avoid sauerkraut.

  • Compromised immune system: While rare, there is a very slight risk of food poisoning from unpasteurized sauerkraut if it was not fermented properly. If you have a weakened immune system, stick to pasteurized sauerkraut or make your own at home following safe fermentation practices.

As with any new food, pay attention to how your body responds when you add sauerkraut to your diet. If you experience any negative symptoms, scale back or talk to your doctor or registered dietitian for guidance.

The Bottom Line

Whether you‘re a sauerkraut connoisseur or a curious newbie, Walmart is a great place to explore this flavorful, fermented superfood. With a wide variety of brands and options at various price points, you‘re sure to find a sauerkraut to suit your taste buds and your budget.

By understanding the potential health benefits, key buying tips, and creative ways to use sauerkraut, you‘ll be well on your way to making this tangy condiment a staple in your fridge. Don‘t be afraid to experiment with different brands, flavors, and recipes to find your perfect match.

Remember, supporting your gut health and overall wellness can be as simple as adding a scoop of kraut to your plate each day. Whether you buy it or make it yourself, your body will thank you for this flavorful, nutrient-packed boost! Happy sauerkraut shopping!