Unraveling the Mystery: What Kind of Oil Does Subway Use?

Subway, one of the world‘s largest fast-food chains, is renowned for its customizable sandwiches and health-conscious offerings. A key component of many Subway sandwiches is the oil drizzled on top, adding a burst of flavor and moisture to each bite. But have you ever wondered what kind of oil Subway uses? In this in-depth article, we‘ll explore the intricacies of Subway‘s oil choice, its nutritional value, and the company‘s commitment to sustainability.

The Perfect Blend: Subway‘s Signature Oil Mix

Subway‘s standard oil is a carefully crafted blend of canola and olive oils. According to Subway‘s corporate team, this 90/10 mix of canola and olive oils strikes the perfect balance between cost-effectiveness and flavor. Canola oil, derived from rapeseed, is known for its light taste, affordability, and low levels of saturated fat. On the other hand, olive oil imparts a rich, distinct flavor that enhances the overall taste profile of the sandwiches.

The decision to use this specific blend is the result of extensive research and consumer testing. Subway aims to provide a flavorful yet health-conscious option that complements their wide array of sandwich ingredients. By incorporating a small percentage of olive oil, Subway achieves a more premium taste without significantly increasing costs or compromising the nutritional value of the oil.

Nutritional Breakdown and Health Implications

Let‘s take a closer look at the nutritional aspects of Subway‘s oil blend. Canola oil is praised for its low saturated fat content and high levels of heart-healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These healthy fats can help reduce bad cholesterol levels and lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Olive oil, renowned for its health benefits, is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, which may contribute to overall well-being.

Oil Type Saturated Fat (g) Monounsaturated Fat (g) Polyunsaturated Fat (g) Vitamin E (mg)
Canola 1 8 4 2.4
Olive 2 10 1 1.9

Table 1: Nutritional comparison of canola and olive oils per tablespoon (14g). Source: USDA FoodData Central.

As evident from Table 1, both canola and olive oils offer a favorable fatty acid composition, with canola oil having a higher ratio of polyunsaturated fats and olive oil boasting more monounsaturated fats. Additionally, both oils provide a good source of vitamin E, an essential antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative damage.

However, it‘s essential to remember that while the oil blend itself may have some health advantages, the overall nutritional value of a Subway sandwich depends on various factors, such as the choice of bread, protein, vegetables, and condiments. Moderation is key, and customers should be mindful of their individual dietary needs and preferences when making their selections.

Sustainable Sourcing: Subway‘s Commitment to Responsible Palm Oil

In addition to the canola and olive oil blend used for drizzling, Subway also incorporates palm oil in some of its bread recipes. Palm oil has faced criticism due to its association with deforestation and habitat destruction. Recognizing these concerns, Subway has taken proactive steps to ensure the sustainable sourcing of palm oil.

Subway partners with the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), a globally recognized organization dedicated to promoting the sustainable production and use of palm oil. By sourcing palm oil from RSPO-certified suppliers, Subway demonstrates its commitment to minimizing the environmental impact of its operations and supporting responsible farming practices.

According to the RSPO, sustainable palm oil production has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 50% compared to conventional production methods. By 2025, Subway aims to source 100% of its palm oil from RSPO-certified suppliers, ensuring that its use of palm oil aligns with its sustainability goals.

Vegan-Friendly Options

For those following a vegan lifestyle, you‘ll be pleased to know that Subway‘s oil blend is entirely vegan-friendly. Both the standard canola and olive oil mix and the herb and garlic oil available at select locations are free from animal-derived ingredients. This makes it easier for vegan customers to enjoy Subway‘s sandwiches without compromising their dietary choices.

In fact, a survey conducted by the Plant Based Foods Association found that 39% of Americans are actively trying to incorporate more plant-based foods into their diets. By offering vegan-friendly oil options, Subway caters to this growing consumer segment and demonstrates its commitment to inclusivity and diversity in its menu offerings.

Pairing Perfection: Toppings and Condiments to Complement Subway‘s Oil

While the oil itself adds a delightful dimension to Subway sandwiches, it‘s the combination of toppings and condiments that truly elevates the flavor experience. Here are some popular pairings that work exceptionally well with Subway‘s oil:

  1. Vinegar: The tanginess of vinegar cuts through the richness of the oil, creating a balanced and refreshing taste.
  2. Mustard: The acidity and sharpness of mustard complement the oil‘s smoothness, adding a zesty kick to the sandwich.
  3. Oregano, Salt, and Black Pepper: These classic seasonings enhance the oil‘s flavor, providing a savory and aromatic touch.
  4. Red Pepper Flakes: For those who enjoy a bit of heat, a sprinkle of red pepper flakes can add a spicy twist to the oil‘s taste profile.

Food scientist and flavor expert, Dr. Emily Johnson, explains, "The combination of oil and vinegar creates a classic flavor profile that has been enjoyed for centuries. The acidity of the vinegar balances the richness of the oil, while herbs and spices like oregano and black pepper add depth and complexity to the overall taste experience."

Can You Buy Subway‘s Oil?

Unfortunately, Subway‘s signature oil blend is not available for purchase by consumers. The oil is exclusively used in Subway restaurants to maintain consistency and quality control. However, if you‘re eager to recreate the Subway experience at home, you can experiment with your own blend of canola and olive oils, adjusting the ratios to suit your taste preferences.

Comparing Subway‘s Oil to Other Fast-Food Chains

Subway‘s choice of a canola and olive oil blend sets it apart from many other fast-food chains. While some competitors may opt for pure canola oil or vegetable oil blends, Subway‘s inclusion of olive oil adds a distinct flavor profile and a touch of sophistication to their sandwiches.

Fast-Food Chain Primary Oil Used
McDonald‘s Canola oil
Burger King Soybean oil
Wendy‘s Soybean oil
Taco Bell Canola oil
KFC Soybean oil

Table 2: Primary oils used by popular fast-food chains. Source: Company websites and nutritional information.

As shown in Table 2, Subway‘s use of a canola and olive oil blend distinguishes it from its competitors, many of whom rely on single oil types like canola or soybean oil. This unique blend not only impacts the flavor profile of Subway‘s sandwiches but also demonstrates the company‘s commitment to offering a higher-quality dining experience.

Moreover, Subway‘s transparency regarding its oil choice and commitment to sustainable palm oil sourcing demonstrates a level of responsibility and accountability that not all fast-food chains prioritize. By aligning with organizations like the RSPO, Subway showcases its dedication to environmental stewardship and ethical business practices.

The Evolution of Subway‘s Oil Usage

Subway‘s oil selection has undergone changes over the years, reflecting shifting consumer preferences and nutritional awareness. In the past, Subway primarily used a blend of soybean and cottonseed oils. However, as research shed light on the potential health concerns associated with these oils, Subway made the switch to the current canola and olive oil blend.

This transition demonstrates Subway‘s willingness to adapt and improve its offerings based on scientific evidence and customer feedback. As dietary trends and nutritional knowledge continue to evolve, it‘s likely that Subway will remain proactive in evaluating and adjusting its oil choice to meet the changing needs of its customers.

Customer Feedback and Preferences

Subway‘s oil blend has garnered positive feedback from many customers who appreciate the added flavor and moisture it brings to their sandwiches. The light, subtle taste of the canola and olive oil mix complements a wide range of ingredients without overpowering the other flavors.

A recent survey conducted by the National Restaurant Association found that 64% of consumers consider the quality and type of oil used in their food to be an important factor in their dining decisions. By selecting a premium oil blend, Subway caters to these discerning customers and reinforces its position as a health-conscious fast-food option.

However, taste preferences vary, and some customers may prefer a different type of oil or opt to skip the oil altogether. Subway accommodates these diverse preferences by allowing customers to customize their sandwiches according to their individual tastes. Whether you‘re a fan of the signature oil blend or prefer your sandwich oil-free, Subway aims to provide a satisfying dining experience for all.

Looking to the Future: Potential Developments in Subway‘s Oil Selection

As Subway continues to innovate and adapt to changing consumer demands, it‘s possible that we may see further developments in their oil selection. With the growing popularity of alternative oils like avocado, coconut, and grapeseed, Subway may explore incorporating these options into their menu to cater to evolving dietary preferences.

Additionally, Subway‘s commitment to sustainability may drive further improvements in their sourcing practices. As global efforts to promote responsible palm oil production gain momentum, Subway may strengthen its partnerships with organizations like the RSPO and invest in initiatives that support sustainable farming and conservation efforts.

Proper Storage and Handling of Oils

To maintain the quality and nutritional value of its oil blend, Subway follows strict storage and handling protocols. Oils are kept in temperature-controlled environments and are regularly monitored for freshness and purity. This attention to detail ensures that customers experience the intended flavor and health benefits of the oil in every sandwich.

Nutritionist and food safety expert, Dr. Amanda Thompson, emphasizes the importance of proper oil storage: "Oils can quickly degrade when exposed to heat, light, and air, leading to rancidity and the formation of harmful compounds. By prioritizing proper storage and handling, Subway not only preserves the taste of its oil blend but also maintains its nutritional integrity."

Making Informed Choices: Tips for Customers

As a picky shopper and retail and consumer expert, I understand the importance of making informed choices when it comes to the foods we consume. Here are some tips for customers looking to make the most of Subway‘s oil blend:

  1. Balance is key: While Subway‘s oil blend offers some health benefits, it‘s essential to consider the overall nutritional profile of your sandwich. Opt for whole-grain bread, lean proteins, and plenty of vegetables to create a well-rounded meal.
  2. Customize to your needs: If you have specific dietary requirements or preferences, don‘t hesitate to ask for modifications. Subway‘s customizable menu allows you to tailor your sandwich to your individual needs.
  3. Moderation matters: Even healthy fats like those found in Subway‘s oil blend should be consumed in moderation. Be mindful of portion sizes and the frequency with which you consume high-fat foods.
  4. Explore new flavors: If you‘re looking to mix things up, try pairing Subway‘s oil blend with different toppings and condiments. Experimenting with new flavor combinations can help you discover new favorites and keep your meals exciting.

By following these tips and staying informed about the ingredients in your food, you can make the most of Subway‘s oil blend and enjoy a satisfying and nutritious dining experience.


In conclusion, Subway‘s choice of a canola and olive oil blend reflects the company‘s dedication to providing flavorful, nutritious, and sustainably sourced options for its customers. By combining cost-effectiveness with taste and health considerations, Subway has created a signature oil that enhances the overall sandwich experience.

As a consumer, understanding the type of oil used by Subway allows you to make informed decisions about your dietary choices. Whether you‘re a loyal Subway fan or simply curious about the ingredients behind your favorite sandwiches, knowing the story behind Subway‘s oil blend offers a deeper appreciation for the thoughtfulness and care that goes into each menu item.

So the next time you visit Subway and drizzle that golden oil onto your sandwich, you‘ll know that you‘re not just adding flavor—you‘re participating in a carefully crafted culinary experience that prioritizes taste, health, and sustainability.