The Ultimate Guide to Instacart Demo Orders (2023)

If you‘re a new Instacart shopper, you may have noticed an unfamiliar feature in your Shopper app called "Demo Orders." What exactly are these simulated shopping batches, and how can they help you prepare for the real deal?

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive deep into everything you need to know about demo orders on Instacart. By the end, you‘ll understand:

  • What demo orders are and how they work
  • Why Instacart provides this training tool
  • How to access and complete demo orders in the app
  • Mistakes to avoid and tips for success
  • The future of demo orders as Instacart evolves

Whether you‘re a seasoned shopper or just getting started, this resource will help you make the most of demo orders to level up your skills. Let‘s jump in!

Instacart‘s Explosive Growth

To understand the importance of demo orders, we first need to look at some key stats around Instacart‘s business:

  • Instacart is available to 85% of U.S. households and 70% of Canadian households
  • The platform partners with more than 600 national, regional and local retailers
  • Instacart Express membership has grown by over 300% in the past year
  • Shopper community grew by more than 50% in 2022
  • Buyer base has increased to nearly 10 million monthly active users

Source: Instacart internal data, 2022

As you can see, Instacart is experiencing massive growth across the board. More customers are relying on the service than ever before, which means the stakes are high for providing excellent experiences.

At the same time, the influx of new shoppers means that training resources must be robust, accessible and effective to maintain quality standards. That‘s where demo orders come in!

What Are Instacart Demo Orders?

Put simply, Instacart demo orders are mock shopping batches built into the Shopper app to help new shoppers practice the order flow from start to finish. They closely mimic real orders, but with some key differences:

Real Orders Demo Orders
Actual store locations Fictitious store assignment
Real customers with order notes Simulated customer and generic notes
Live inventory and out-of-stocks Curated product assortment
Shopper payment via Instacart card No money exchanged
Batch payment + tips earned No earnings for demo orders

Source: Instacart Shopper Help Center

When you start a demo order, you‘ll go through all the same steps as a real batch, including:

  1. Reviewing order details and accepting batch
  2. Navigating to the mock store
  3. Picking and scanning items
  4. Communicating with the "customer"
  5. Processing replacements and refunds
  6. Checking out (demo only)
  7. Delivering to fictitious address

Demo orders are essentially a dress rehearsal, letting you explore the Shopper app and get comfortable with the process before real customers are relying on you.

Why Instacart Offers Demo Orders

According to Nilam Ganenthiran, President of Instacart:

"Instacart is committed to providing shoppers with the tools and resources they need to succeed. Demo orders allow new shoppers to get hands-on practice in a low-stakes environment, building confidence for their first real batches."

There are several reasons why Instacart has invested in developing this training tool:

1. Practice makes perfect

Throwing new shoppers into the deep end with real orders right away is risky. Demo orders provide a controlled space to take your time, make mistakes, and solidify your process before the timer starts.

2. App feature discovery

The Instacart Shopper app is packed with useful tools, from item scanning to chat functions to navigation aids. Exploring a demo order slowly allows you to test out features you may miss if you‘re rushing through your first real batch.

3. Reduce new shopper anxiety

Starting a new job is stressful, especially in the fast-paced world of grocery delivery. Demo orders build confidence and calm nerves by showing shoppers that the process is doable.

In fact, studies show that realistic job previews like demo orders can improve new hire retention by up to 21.5% (Source: Glassdoor).

4. Protect the customer experience

Well-trained shoppers lead to satisfied customers. By ironing out mistakes in demo orders, shoppers can avoid issues like missing items, incorrect replacements, and late deliveries that frustrate real Instacart users.

5. Identify unprepared shoppers

On the flip side, shoppers who struggle with basic instructions in the relaxed demo environment raise a red flag. These individuals may not be cut out for the pressure of real orders.

How to Access Demo Orders

Getting started with demo orders is easy once you know where to look. Here‘s how to find them in the Shopper app:

  1. Open the menu by tapping the three lines in the upper left corner
  2. Look for the "Demo Orders" option below your earnings and profile settings
  3. Tap "Demo Orders" to browse sample batches from different store brands
  4. Select any demo order to view details like item list and delivery address
  5. Hit "Accept Order" to enter the mock shopping flow

Demo order example screen

Once you‘ve loaded a demo order, simply follow the in-app instructions to complete each step. Feel free to restart demos as many times as you‘d like – the goal is to practice until you feel fully prepared!

Common Demo Order Mistakes

While demo orders are designed for stress-free practice, some new shoppers still run into troubles. Watch out for these common blunders:

1. Trying to shop the demo IRL

The #1 mistake is attempting to fulfill a demo order in a real store. Remember, the assigned location is fictional! Shoppers who try to buy demo items with their Instacart card will be sorely disappointed at checkout.

2. Rushing and ignoring instructions

Demo orders have no real time limit, so take your time. Read all the instructions carefully, even if they seem obvious. This is your chance to practice good habits.

3. Skimming over item details

Instacart demo orders use realistic product images and descriptions to help you learn to identify items quickly. Pay close attention to sizes, colors, flavors, etc. This will make your first real orders much smoother!

4. Avoiding customer communication

Don‘t be shy about using the chat feature in demo orders, even though the "customer" is fake. Pretend they are real and practice sending polite greetings, substitution suggestions, and status updates.

5. Forgetting to insulate cold items

One overlooked detail in demo orders is practicing your hot/cold bag strategy. As you shop, think about how you would keep frozen and refrigerated products at a safe temperature in a real batch.

If you can avoid these pitfalls and treat demo orders as a serious training tool, you‘ll be well ahead of the curve when you start shopping for real.

Tips for Demo Order Success

What if you want to go beyond just avoiding mistakes and truly maximize the value of demo orders? Try these pro tips to take your practice to the next level:

1. Focus on store layout

Pay attention to the way demo orders group products by category (produce, deli, pantry, etc.). This will help you create a mental map of real store layouts so you can shop more efficiently.

2. Master the scan tool

Did you know you can scan items directly from the item list or product page? Experiment with your scanning speed and accuracy in demo orders. The faster you can locate and scan products, the more batches you can complete per hour.

3. Practice smart replacements

Demo orders will include out-of-stock items on purpose. Take your time considering good substitutions based on price, size, brand, and customer preferences. See if you can guess which options the "customer" will approve!

4. Get to know your resources

Browse through the Help Center while you have a demo order open. Get familiar with articles on basic policies, app troubleshooting, safety guidelines, and shopper perks. Knowing how to find info quickly is an advantage.

5. Jot down questions

As you practice, keep a notebook handy to jot down any questions that come up. What are you still unsure about after completing a few demo orders? Bring these questions to the Shopper Success team or your fellow shoppers in online forums.

Demo orders are what you make of them. Challenge yourself to master the whole flow and feel fully confident before you hit the real batch list!

The Future of Instacart Demo Orders

Instacart‘s demo order system has come a long way since the early days. Shopper feedback has led to more realistic item catalogs, diverse store options, and precise navigation features.

But there‘s always room for improvement. Some shoppers have requested:

  • Interactive demos for produce weighing
  • Practice with deli/bakery/meat counter orders
  • Demos for alcohol and prescription delivery
  • More challenging customer communication scenarios
  • Simulated app crashes and order issues to troubleshoot

Potential future of demo orders

Instacart‘s product team is constantly reviewing this feedback and planning exciting updates to demo orders. In the future, we may see:

Feature Benefit
Advanced demo tiers New practice levels for experienced shoppers looking to upskill
Demo order leaderboard Compete with other shoppers to achieve the highest speed and accuracy
Skill-specific drills Targeted practice for areas like produce picking, bagging, or chat etiquette
Customer demos Opportunities for customers to practice placing smart, clear orders
Paid training incentives Earn bonuses or entry into higher earning tiers by completing demo orders

It‘s an exciting time to be an Instacart shopper. Stay tuned for these potential upgrades and get ready to keep learning!

Key Takeaways

We covered a ton of ground in this ultimate guide to Instacart demo orders. Let‘s recap the most important points:

  • Demo orders are practice runs that mimic the real Instacart full-service shopping flow
  • They are located under a special menu in the Shopper app
  • Demos are not real orders – never try to complete them in an actual store!
  • Instacart offers demos to help new shoppers build skills and confidence
  • Avoid common demo mistakes like rushing and skimming
  • Follow pro tips to make the most of your practice time
  • Get excited for potential new features for demo orders in the future!

Remember, while demo orders are a fantastic training tool, they are 100% optional. It‘s up to you to decide how much practice you need before diving into real batches.

I hope this guide has given you a comprehensive overview and some valuable strategic advice for mastering demo orders. For more tips for new Instacart shoppers, check out the rest of our blog.

Happy shopping!