Verizon Slogan: The Meaning and Evolution Behind "5G Built Right"

As one of the largest and most well-known wireless carriers in the United States, Verizon has worked hard to position itself as a leader in network coverage, reliability, speed and technology. A key part of shaping this brand identity and messaging it to consumers has been Verizon‘s slogans. Over the years, Verizon has used a variety of slogans to highlight its competitive advantages and core values.

The most recent Verizon slogan is "5G Built Right" which puts the focus squarely on the company‘s efforts to roll out 5G technology. But this is just the latest in a long line of slogans Verizon has used. Let‘s take a closer look at the history and meaning behind Verizon‘s slogans, what they say about the company‘s priorities and brand, and ultimately how effective they‘ve been.

The Evolution of Verizon‘s Slogans

Since its founding in 2000 (after the merger of Bell Atlantic and GTE), Verizon has cycled through a number of different slogans, each with a slightly different focus and meaning. Here are some of the most notable:

  • "Can you hear me now? Good." (2002-2011) – This famous slogan and ad campaign featuring the "Test Man" character highlighted Verizon‘s expansive network coverage. The message was that no matter where you are, you can get a strong, reliable Verizon signal.

  • "Rule the Air" (2008-2011) – Verizon used this slogan to promote the speed and performance of its 3G network, which it argued was the best in the industry. The idea was that with Verizon, you can "rule" and get the most out of the mobile experience.

  • "Powerful Answers" (2013) – As smartphone adoption took off, this slogan shifted focus to how Verizon‘s network and technology could provide solutions to your mobile needs. Verizon has the "answers" to keep you connected.

  • "Better Matters" (2016-2018) – This slogan made the case for why consumers should choose Verizon over competitors, arguing that a "better" network, service, and tech experience matters. It indirectly poked at rivals.

  • "Built Right" (2019) – Verizon started using this slogan to highlight the overall quality and capability of its network. Everything about how Verizon is "built" is done "right" – reliably, quickly, powerfully.

  • "5G Built Right" (2020-present) – Verizon evolved "Built Right" to focus specifically on its 5G network rollout. The slogan implies Verizon is deploying 5G the "right" way compared to competitors.

As you can see, while the specific slogans have changed, the overarching theme has been that Verizon offers the best, most expansive, and most powerful network and mobile experience. The slogans consistently hammer home the message that Verizon is a leader in whatever the latest wireless technology is at the time.

"From a consumer perspective, Verizon‘s slogans make a clear promise – to provide unparalleled network coverage, speed and reliability," says Melanie Bauer, a retail and consumer behavior expert. "The progression of the slogans mirrors the evolution of wireless technology and consumer needs – from basic connectivity to mobile internet to 5G experiences. At each phase, Verizon is positioning itself as the best choice for the most wanted network features."

The Meaning of "5G Built Right"

So what exactly does Verizon mean by its current "5G Built Right" slogan? On the surface, it‘s highlighting that Verizon is in the process of deploying 5G technology for faster mobile speeds. But there are a few deeper meanings and messages behind the word choice:

  • "5G" – 5G is the fifth generation of cellular networks, promising much faster data speeds, lower latency, and the ability to connect many more devices. By putting "5G" front and center in the slogan, Verizon is staking its claim in this new technology and making it core to its brand.

  • "Built" – This word emphasizes that Verizon isn‘t just providing 5G service but actually doing the hard work of constructing and deploying a whole new network infrastructure. "Built" implies the physical and technological effort involved.

  • "Right" – By saying it‘s building 5G "right", Verizon is implying a sense of quality and superiority over competitors. It wants consumers to believe Verizon is taking the proper approach to 5G that will make its network the best.

Verizon is using "5G Built Right" to position itself as the leader in 5G and shape perception that it will provide the highest quality next-gen network. The slogan fits into Verizon‘s overall brand strategy of promoting itself as the best choice for fast, reliable mobile service.

"‘5G Built Right‘ is a powerful statement from Verizon to tell customers it‘s taking network quality seriously," according to Bauer. "In a commoditized telecom market, having the best network is a key differentiator. Verizon wants ‘5G Built Right‘ to convince people that even if its 5G rollout isn‘t first, it will be the best and most advanced."

Head-to-Head: Verizon 5G vs. the Competition

Verizon‘s focus on 5G network leadership with the "Built Right" slogan comes as the wireless industry is fiercely competing in this new technology battle. All three major carriers are racing to blanket the country with 5G for both mobile and fixed wireless service.

Here‘s how Verizon stacks up against top rivals T-Mobile and AT&T in 5G so far:

5G Network Availability

Carrier 5G Coverage (POPs) Availability
T-Mobile 305M 92%
AT&T 250M 75%
Verizon 230M 70%

Source: OpenSignal, November 2022

As of late 2022, T-Mobile had the widest 5G network coverage, reaching 305 million people (92% of the population), followed by AT&T at 250 million (75%), and Verizon at 230 million (70%).

5G Download Speeds

Carrier 5G Download Speed
Verizon 138 Mbps
AT&T 85 Mbps
T-Mobile 216 Mbps

Source: Ookla, Q3 2022

In terms of average 5G download speeds, Verizon clocked in at 138 Mbps, compared to 85 Mbps for AT&T and 216 Mbps for T-Mobile.

5G Availability

Carrier 5G Availability
Verizon 36%
AT&T 29%
T-Mobile 62%

Source: OpenSignal, November 2022

5G availability – the % of time users are connected to a 5G signal – was at 36% for Verizon, 29% for AT&T and 62% for T-Mobile.

The data shows that Verizon‘s 5G is currently lagging T-Mobile and even AT&T by some measures. That may be why Verizon is leaning so heavily into the aspirational "5G Built Right" slogan to convince consumers its network approach is superior and worth waiting for.

"Verizon is trying to shift the 5G narrative from just speed and coverage to quality and reliability with ‘5G Built Right‘," Bauer suggests. "It wants to plant a seed that Verizon 5G may not be first but will be best in the long run. The slogan capitalizes on Verizon‘s brand equity around network leadership to buy time as it catches up on actual 5G deployment."

Slogans Drive Perception But Performance Matters Most

At the end of the day, a slogan is only as powerful as the network and customer experience backing it up. Catchy phrases can shape brand perception and even purchasing intent. But if the underlying service doesn‘t live up to the marketing hype, slogans quickly lose their meaning.

"A slogan sets expectations. If a carrier says they‘re ‘building 5G right‘, they better deliver a network that‘s noticeably better," says Bauer. "If not, the slogan will ring hollow and could even damage long-term brand credibility."

For Verizon, the "5G Built Right" slogan has become a focal point across its marketing. You can‘t watch an NFL game, browse a tech site, or walk into a Verizon store without seeing the phrase. Here‘s how Verizon is using "5G Built Right":

  • TV Ads – Verizon spent an estimated $85 million on "5G Built Right" television ads in 2021 alone, more than rivals AT&T and T-Mobile combined. (Statista)

  • Digital – The main Verizon website and all digital properties heavily feature the slogan and 5G as the core value prop. Verizon runs extensive digital advertising on tech and news sites promoting 5G.

  • Social Media – Verizon‘s Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts constantly post about 5G using #5GBuiltRight. The slogan is the key message for engaging on social.

  • Retail Stores – All Verizon retail locations have "5G Built Right" signage and reps are trained to speak to the 5G network in customer interactions.

  • Sponsorships – From the NFL to music festivals, Verizon plasters "5G Built Right" across its event sponsorships and experiential marketing.

Verizon 5G Built Right marketing examples

Clearly, Verizon is going all-in on the "5G Built Right" messaging. The concentrated, multichannel promotion aims to hammer home the idea that Verizon = 5G superiority in consumers‘ minds.

Will it work? Some branding experts believe "5G Built Right" is a smart play for Verizon to lean into its historical strength around network quality. "Verizon‘s brand is built on the idea of being the most reliable network," says Emily Vernon, a senior brand strategist. "5G is just the latest frontier for them to claim that territory."

Vernon thinks the "Built Right" concept is broad enough to encapsulate multiple aspects of the network experience. "It telegraphs speed, coverage, consistency, and quality all at once – which are the key factors people care about in a 5G carrier."

But others argue the slogan only works if Verizon meaningfully delivers on the "Built Right" promise out in the real world.

"The ‘built right‘ wording sets a high bar – it‘s almost an engineering challenge." says Mike Campbell, a telecom industry consultant. "If consumers find that T-Mobile and AT&T 5G are faster or more widely available, trust in Verizon will take a hit."

Indeed, if Verizon‘s 5G continues to lag competitors in independent studies, the "Built Right" claim may start to feel like an empty tagline rather than a reflection of reality.

Ultimately, 5G will be hugely important to the future of carriers like Verizon. The technology is expected to drive over $1.5 trillion in GDP growth and create 4.6 million jobs in the U.S. alone by 2035 (Accenture). Having the best 5G network and owning that perception with consumers will be critical for Verizon‘s business.

"5G is a major bet for Verizon, and the ‘5G Built Right‘ slogan is the tip of the spear," Campbell adds. "But no matter what the marketing says, the proof has to come in the pudding of the network itself. Verizon needs to make ‘5G Built Right‘ a reality, not just a tagline."

The Bottom Line

"5G Built Right" is the culmination of Verizon‘s decades-long quest to position itself as the industry leader in network reliability, technology, and performance. The slogan aims to convince consumers that Verizon‘s 5G, even if not first to market, will be the best.

But while "5G Built Right" is an ambitious and catchy marketing phrase, it now puts pressure on Verizon to over-deliver on actual 5G results. As T-Mobile grabs the early lead on 5G speed and availability, Verizon needs its network to live up to the "Built Right" hype to maintain credibility.

Ultimately, the true test of "5G Built Right" won‘t just be how many ads or social posts it appears in, but whether real 5G performance convinces customers that Verizon is still the king of network experience.

"Verizon has spent 20 years building a reputation for reliability. Now the company needs to make sure 5G enhances, rather than undermines, that hard-won brand," concludes Bauer. "If the Verizon 5G network does turn out to be ‘built right,‘ this could be a legendary marketing slogan. If not, it may go down as an overreach that highlighted how Verizon fell behind."

Only time, and the 5G race, will tell.