The Ultimate Guide to USPS Virtual Mailboxes: Convenience, Security, and Cost Savings

Are you tired of constantly checking your physical mailbox for important letters and packages? Do you worry about the security of your mail when you‘re away from home for extended periods? Or perhaps you‘re a small business owner looking to streamline your mail handling processes and reduce costs. If any of these sound familiar, a USPS virtual mailbox might be the perfect solution for you.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive deep into the world of virtual mailboxes, exploring their many benefits, how they work with the USPS, and how to choose the best provider for your needs. As a retail and consumer expert with a picky eye for detail, I‘ll share my insights and analysis to help you make an informed decision.

What is a Virtual Mailbox?

A virtual mailbox is a service that provides you with a physical mailing address where you can receive letters and packages. But instead of having to pick up your mail in person, everything is scanned and uploaded to a secure online portal that you can access from anywhere with an internet connection.

When you receive new mail, you‘ll get an instant notification via email or mobile app. You can then log in to view high-resolution scans of the exterior of the envelopes and packages. From there, you can decide what you want done with each piece of mail:

  • Scan the contents of the envelope so you can view, download, or print the documents
  • Leave the mail unopened and request secure shredding and recycling
  • Forward the mail to another address, such as your home or office
  • Hold the mail for in-person pickup at the facility
  • Deposit any received checks directly into your bank account

Virtual mailboxes offer a level of convenience, security, and flexibility that traditional mailboxes simply can‘t match. But how prevalent are they? According to a report by Grand View Research, the global virtual mailbox services market size was valued at USD 215.7 million in 2020 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.9% from 2021 to 2028.

Virtual Mailbox Market Growth

How Do Virtual Mailboxes Work with USPS?

The United States Postal Service (USPS) does not directly provide virtual mailbox services to consumers. However, they work with authorized third-party Commercial Mail Receiving Agencies (CMRAs) that handle mail on behalf of their customers while complying with strict USPS regulations.

When you sign up for a virtual mailbox service, you‘ll be assigned a unique address where you can receive mail and packages from any carrier, including USPS, FedEx, and UPS. This address will include a PMB (private mailbox) number to identify your individual box.

To get started, you‘ll need to complete USPS Form 1583, which authorizes the CMRA to receive mail on your behalf. This form requires notarization and two forms of identification. You‘ll also need to submit a change of address form to have your mail forwarded from your old address to your new virtual address.

Once your account is set up, the CMRA will receive and process your mail according to your instructions. They‘ll send you notifications whenever new mail arrives, and you can manage everything through your online dashboard. All mail and information is stored securely in access-controlled warehouses with 24/7 monitoring and digital encryption.

Benefits of Virtual Mailboxes for Individuals and Businesses

Virtual mailboxes offer a wide range of benefits for both individuals and businesses. Some of the key advantages include:

1. Convenience and Accessibility

With a virtual mailbox, you can check your mail anytime, anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection. This is especially valuable for frequent travelers, digital nomads, or anyone who wants to manage their mail on their own schedule without being tied to a physical location. No more worrying about missing important letters or packages while you‘re away.

2. Privacy and Security

Using a virtual mailbox helps keep your personal address private, reducing the risk of spam, junk mail, and identity theft. Your mail is stored in a secure facility with strict access controls and surveillance. Digital scans are encrypted to protect your information. You have complete control over who can view and handle your mail.

3. Streamlined Mail Management for Businesses

Virtual mailboxes can be a game-changer for small businesses looking to simplify their mail processing. With a virtual mailbox, you can:

  • Centralize all business mail in one secure online location for easy sorting, sharing, and storage
  • Automatically deposit checks without trips to the bank
  • Maintain a professional business address even if your office location changes
  • Reduce mail clutter and improve organization
  • Save time spent managing mail so you can focus on core business activities

4. Cost Savings

For businesses, virtual mailboxes can provide significant cost savings compared to traditional mail handling. With a virtual mailbox, you can:

  • Eliminate the need for a physical office space to receive mail
  • Reduce labor costs associated with sorting and distributing mail
  • Save on printing and paper costs by receiving digital scans instead of physical copies
  • Get discounted shipping rates for package forwarding

According to a survey by Earth Class Mail, businesses that switched to virtual mailboxes saved an average of $20,000 per year on mail-related costs.

5. Environmental Benefits

Virtual mailboxes are an eco-friendly alternative to physical mail. By receiving scans instead of paper copies, you can significantly reduce your environmental footprint. Earth Class Mail estimates that if the average office worker received all their mail digitally, they would save over 23 pounds of paper per year. Across the U.S., that adds up to nearly 2.5 million tons of paper waste eliminated annually.

Choosing the Right Virtual Mailbox Provider

With dozens of virtual mailbox providers on the market, how do you choose the right one for your needs? Here are some key factors to consider:

Reputation and Experience

Look for a provider with a track record of reliable service and positive customer reviews. Check how long they‘ve been in business and what kind of experience they have with handling mail securely. Make sure they are a registered CMRA authorized by the USPS.

Locations and Addresses

Consider where you need your mailing address to be located. Some providers have multiple locations across the country, while others specialize in a particular city or region. If you‘re a business, you may want an address in a major city or financial district to enhance your professional image.

Pricing and Features

Virtual mailbox pricing can vary widely depending on the provider, plan, and features. Some key things to look for include:

  • Monthly base cost and included services (e.g. number of free scans or recipients)
  • Pricing for additional services like mail forwarding, check deposit, or long-term storage
  • Availability of mobile apps or integrations with other tools
  • Security features like encryption and access controls

Here‘s a comparison of pricing and features for some popular virtual mailbox providers:

Provider Starting Price Free Scans Recipients Mobile App Check Deposit
Earth Class Mail $19/month 50/month 1 Yes $10/check
iPostal1 $9.99/month 30/month Unlimited Yes $7/check
Anytime Mailbox $9.99/month 30/month 1 Yes $10/check
US Global Mail $9.95/month 10/month 1 No $10/check

Security and Compliance

Make sure the provider you choose takes security seriously and complies with all relevant regulations. Look for features like:

  • Secure, access-controlled facilities with 24/7 monitoring
  • Background checks for all employees handling mail
  • Encryption and secure servers for digital data and scans
  • HIPAA compliance for handling sensitive medical information
  • Registered agent service for businesses

Setting Up Your USPS Virtual Mailbox

Once you‘ve chosen a provider, setting up your virtual mailbox is relatively straightforward. Here‘s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Select a plan and location for your virtual mailbox address.
  2. Complete the USPS Form 1583 and get it notarized. You‘ll need to provide two forms of ID.
  3. Submit the form to your provider along with copies of your ID.
  4. Request mail forwarding from your old address to your new virtual address.
  5. Configure your account settings and preferences for mail handling.
  6. Start receiving and managing your mail through your online dashboard!

The Future of Virtual Mailboxes

As the world continues to go digital, virtual mailboxes are poised for even greater growth and adoption. Some exciting developments on the horizon include:

  • AI and machine learning for smarter mail sorting and filtering
  • More integrations with popular business tools like Slack, QuickBooks, and
  • Blockchain technology for added security and authentication of mail and digital assets
  • Expansion into new verticals like medical records management and legal document processing
  • Partnerships with more carriers and logistics providers for global mail consolidation


Virtual mailboxes are a smart choice for anyone looking to simplify their mail management, enhance security, and save time and money. By partnering with authorized CMRAs, the USPS has made it possible to enjoy all the benefits of a physical mailing address without any of the hassles of traditional mail.

Whether you‘re a frequent traveler, digital nomad, or small business owner, a virtual mailbox can help streamline your operations, reduce clutter, and give you greater peace of mind. With affordable pricing, robust features, and strong security measures, it‘s no wonder that more and more people are making the switch to virtual mailboxes.

When selecting a virtual mailbox provider, be sure to consider factors like reputation, pricing, features, and security. Look for a provider that offers transparent pricing, a user-friendly platform, and strong compliance with USPS regulations.

As virtual mailbox technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more exciting features and integrations in the years to come. By embracing this digital mail revolution, you‘ll be well-positioned to stay organized, secure, and productive no matter where life takes you.