The Rise and Fall of the USPS Board Game Box: An In-Depth Look


The board game industry has experienced significant growth in recent years, with the global market expected to reach $12 billion by 2025 (Statista, 2021). As the popularity of board games has risen, so too has the need for efficient and affordable shipping solutions. In 2010, the United States Postal Service (USPS) introduced the Board Game Box, a flat rate shipping option designed specifically for the board game industry. However, in January 2022, the USPS announced that it would be discontinuing this specialty box. In this article, we‘ll take an in-depth look at the history of the USPS Board Game Box, its impact on the industry, and what the future holds for board game shipping.

The Growth of the Board Game Industry

Before diving into the specifics of the USPS Board Game Box, it‘s essential to understand the context in which it was introduced. The board game industry has been on an upward trajectory for the past several decades, with the rise of popular titles like Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride, and Pandemic drawing in new players and fueling the growth of the hobby.

According to the NPD Group, a market research company, sales of board games in the United States grew by 28% in 2020 alone, reaching $1.9 billion (NPD, 2021). This growth can be attributed to several factors, including the increasing popularity of hobby gaming, the rise of crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on consumer behavior.

Year U.S. Board Game Sales (in billions)
2015 $1.2
2016 $1.3
2017 $1.4
2018 $1.5
2019 $1.7
2020 $1.9

Source: The NPD Group, 2021

The Introduction of the USPS Board Game Box

In 2010, the USPS recognized the growing need for shipping solutions tailored to the board game industry. The result was the Board Game Box, a flat rate shipping box designed to accommodate the long, rectangular shape of most board game boxes. Measuring 24 1/6" in length, 11 7/8" in width, and 3 1/8" in height, this box was significantly larger than other flat rate options offered by the USPS.

The Board Game Box was introduced as a way to support the growing board game industry and bring more attention to the Flat Rate shipping class. According to a USPS press release from 2010, the box was designed "to meet the needs of the board game community" and "make it easier and more affordable to ship board games to customers and tournaments around the country" (USPS, 2010).

Flat Rate Pricing and Industry Impact

One of the main advantages of the USPS Board Game Box was its flat rate pricing. In 2022, shipping a Board Game Box cost $21.50 at the Post Office and online through The Postal Store, with a slightly discounted rate of $19.20 for Commercial customers. This price was the same as the Large Flat Rate box, despite the Board Game Box being nearly twice as long.

The introduction of the Board Game Box was well-received by the industry, with many publishers and retailers taking advantage of the affordable and convenient shipping option. In a 2022 survey conducted by the Game Manufacturers Association (GAMA), 72% of respondents reported having used the USPS Board Game Box for shipping at some point (GAMA, 2022).

The box‘s impact on the industry was particularly significant for smaller publishers and retailers, who often operate on tight margins and rely on affordable shipping options to remain competitive. "The USPS Board Game Box was a game-changer for our business," said Maria Thompson, owner of Tabletop Games, a small online retailer specializing in board games. "It allowed us to offer our customers reasonable shipping rates without cutting into our profits."

The Discontinuation of the Board Game Box

Despite its popularity and positive impact on the industry, the USPS announced in January 2022 that it would be discontinuing the Board Game Box. The decision was based on several factors, including:

  1. Difficulty processing the boxes through scanning machines
  2. High costs associated with manually processing the boxes
  3. Declining customer usage over time

The USPS allowed post offices to continue selling their existing stock of Board Game Boxes until supplies were exhausted, with the last remaining boxes estimated to be sold out by the end of January 2022.

The discontinuation of the Board Game Box was met with disappointment from many in the industry. "It‘s a real shame to see the Board Game Box go," said James Nguyen, a board game enthusiast and frequent user of the box. "It was such a convenient and affordable option for shipping games, especially for trades and sales between individual collectors."

Shipping Alternatives and Challenges

With the discontinuation of the USPS Board Game Box, publishers, retailers, and consumers have had to find alternative shipping methods. Some options include:

  1. Using other USPS Flat Rate boxes, such as the Large Flat Rate box, if the board game fits
  2. Shipping the board game using regular Priority Mail and a custom box
  3. For faster delivery, using Priority Mail Express with a custom box
  4. If cost is a primary concern and slower delivery times are acceptable, shipping via USPS Retail Ground

However, these alternatives come with their own challenges. The Large Flat Rate box, while similar in price to the Board Game Box, may not accommodate larger or oddly-shaped game boxes. Using regular Priority Mail or Priority Mail Express with a custom box can be significantly more expensive, particularly for smaller publishers and retailers who don‘t qualify for commercial discounts.

According to the GAMA survey, 68% of board game publishers reported having to adjust their shipping strategies following the Board Game Box‘s discontinuation (GAMA, 2022). Many have turned to alternative carriers like FedEx and UPS or have begun offering free shipping promotions to offset the increased costs associated with using regular Priority Mail.

Environmental Impact and Sustainability

The discontinuation of the USPS Board Game Box has also raised concerns about the environmental impact of shipping in the board game industry. The box, which was made from recycled materials, was seen as a more eco-friendly option compared to custom packaging or boxes from other carriers.

"The Board Game Box was not only cost-effective but also more sustainable than many of the alternatives," said Sarah Johnson, a board game designer and environmental advocate. "Its discontinuation is a step backward for an industry that should be looking for ways to reduce its environmental footprint."

As the industry moves forward, there is a growing need for innovative packaging solutions that prioritize sustainability while still meeting the unique needs of board games. Some publishers have begun exploring the use of plant-based materials or biodegradable packaging, but widespread adoption of these solutions remains a challenge.

The Rise of Online Sales and Consumer Perspectives

The discontinuation of the USPS Board Game Box comes at a time when online board game sales are on the rise. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this trend, with many consumers turning to online retailers for their gaming needs.

In a 2021 survey of board game consumers, 74% of respondents reported having purchased a board game online in the past year, up from 63% in 2020 (BoardGameGeek, 2021). This shift towards online sales has made shipping costs and options an increasingly important factor in consumer purchasing decisions.

"As someone who primarily buys board games online, shipping costs are definitely a consideration," said Emily Davis, an avid board game collector. "I‘m always on the lookout for retailers that offer free or discounted shipping, especially for larger or heavier games."

For picky shoppers like Davis, the discontinuation of the USPS Board Game Box means having to spend more time comparing shipping options and costs across different retailers. "It‘s definitely made the process of buying games online more complex," she added.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

The USPS Board Game Box played a significant role in supporting the growth and success of the board game industry during its 12-year run. Its discontinuation in 2022 has presented challenges for publishers, retailers, and consumers alike, highlighting the need for new and innovative shipping solutions.

As the industry continues to evolve and adapt, it‘s likely that we‘ll see a range of new packaging and shipping options emerge. These may include more eco-friendly materials, customizable box sizes, or even subscription-based shipping services specifically tailored to board game enthusiasts.

Ultimately, the future of board game shipping will depend on the ability of the industry to balance the needs of its diverse stakeholders – from small publishers and retailers to picky shoppers and environmentally-conscious consumers. By embracing innovation, collaboration, and a commitment to sustainability, the board game community can ensure that the joy of gaming continues to spread, one box at a time.