PetSmart vs Petco: Who Has the Better Deals on Pet Fish?

As two of the biggest names in pet retail, PetSmart and Petco are top choices for many fish enthusiasts looking to stock their aquariums. But with both stores offering a wide selection of freshwater and saltwater species, it can be tough to know which one delivers the best bang for your buck.

In this in-depth comparison, we‘ll dive into the key factors that set PetSmart and Petco apart when it comes to fish prices, quality, and overall value. By the end, you‘ll have a much clearer picture of where to buy pet fish and how to score the best deals as a savvy shopper.

Tale of the Tape: PetSmart Fish Prices vs Petco

First, let‘s take a closer look at how fish prices stack up at PetSmart and Petco. While both stores offer a broadly similar selection, there are some notable differences when you compare apples-to-apples.

To illustrate, here‘s a detailed price comparison table for some of the most popular freshwater aquarium species:

Species PetSmart Price Petco Price
Neon Tetra $1.99 $2.99
Guppy (male) $5.99 $3.99
Betta (male) $4.99 $5.99
Zebra Danio $2.99 $3.99
Corydora $5.99 $4.99
Platy $3.99 $3.99
Molly $4.99 $4.99

As you can see, Petco comes out slightly ahead on price for several common species like Neon Tetras, Guppies, and Cories. However, PetSmart takes the lead on Betta fish, which are often priced $1-2 lower than at Petco (except for premium varieties).

It‘s a similar story when comparing prices on popular saltwater species:

Species PetSmart Price Petco Price
Common Clownfish $19.99 $15.99
Yellow Tang $59.99 $49.99
Mandarin Goby $29.99 $29.99
Royal Gramma $39.99 $31.99
Dwarf Lionfish $49.99 $44.99

While the prices are higher across the board for marine fish, Petco again comes out a few dollars cheaper for most species. However, both stores usually have "Buy 1, Get 1 50% off" promotions that can significantly bring down the cost per fish.

According to a 2021 survey conducted by the American Pet Products Association (APPA), saltwater fish have an average lifespan of 5-10 years in captivity, making them a significant long-term investment for many hobbyists. So even small per-fish savings can really add up over time.

Of course, these posted prices don‘t tell the whole story. Let‘s take a closer look at some additional factors that can impact what you‘ll pay for pet fish at PetSmart vs Petco.

How PetSmart and Petco‘s Supplier Relationships Impact Fish Prices and Quality

One key factor that contributes to the variation in fish prices and quality at PetSmart and Petco is each company‘s supplier and vendor relationships.

PetSmart has an extensive network of trusted fish breeders and distributors both in the US and abroad. According to a 2018 report by Pet Business, the company works with over 30 partners that have been certified for sustainable and ethical practices by groups like the Marine Aquarium Council.

This focus on sustainability and traceability helps PetSmart maintain a consistent supply of healthy, high-quality fish. It also allows them to offer exclusive species and color varieties that you won‘t find at Petco, like Peppermint Bristlenose Plecos and Lipstick Tangs.

Petco also prioritizes responsible fish sourcing, but with a slightly different approach. In 2016, the company announced that it would only sell aquacultured marine fish (those bred in captivity vs caught in the wild). While this does limit their selection compared to PetSmart, it‘s a move that has been praised by animal welfare advocates.

On the freshwater side, Petco relies heavily on large-scale domestic breeders like Segrest Farms. With over 1,000 varieties of aquarium fish and plants in stock, Segrest is a one-stop shop that allows Petco to offer competitive prices on many bread-and-butter species.

The downside is that Petco has faced some criticism in recent years for the quality and handling of its fish. Whether due to issues with suppliers or in-store practices, customers have reported problems with diseased, malnourished, and mislabeled fish.

To be fair, you can find similar complaints about PetSmart, as no chain retailer is immune to the occasional bad batch or lapse in care. But based on the overall volume and severity of negative reviews, Petco seems to struggle more with fish quality control.

Comparing Customer Experiences and Reviews

To get a more holistic view of how PetSmart and Petco compare on fish prices and quality, it helps to look at feedback from real aquarium hobbyists. Here are some telling quotes and review snippets from around the web:

On PetSmart fish pricing:

"Petsmart is definitely a bit more expensive than Petco when it comes to fish prices. But I‘ve found that the quality is usually better, so I don‘t mind paying a little extra." – User on FishLore forum

"I recently bought a school of black neon tetras from Petsmart and they were all healthy and active. The price was a bit higher than what I‘ve seen at Petco, but still reasonable at $2.99 each." – Google review of PetSmart in Raleigh, NC

On Petco fish pricing:

"Petco‘s fish prices are generally very competitive, especially when they run sales. I always check their weekly ad before buying to see what species are discounted." – Reddit user on r/Aquariums subreddit

"I got a great deal on a school of cardinal tetras at Petco – only $1 each! The guy at the fish counter even threw in a few extras for free." – Yelp review of Petco in San Diego, CA

On PetSmart fish quality:

"I‘ve been buying fish from Petsmart for years and have always had good experiences. Their tanks are clean and well-maintained, and the staff is knowledgeable about proper care." – Consumer Affairs review of PetSmart

"Recently bought 3 African cichlids from Petsmart. All were vibrant and healthy, no signs of disease. Parameters in store tanks were perfect. fish have been thriving in my tank for 2 months now." – User on forum

On Petco fish quality:

"Every time I go to Petco, there are multiple dead fish floating in the tanks. I wouldn‘t buy fish from them anymore. Stick to PetSmart or your local fish store." – Google review of Petco in Summerville, SC

"Fish from Petco always seem to be hit or miss. Sometimes you get a batch that are super healthy, other times half of them die within a week. It‘s a gamble." – Reddit user on r/Aquariums subreddit

Now, it‘s important to take individual reviews with a grain of salt, as experiences can vary widely by location and even employee. But in aggregate, these comments reinforce the general consensus that PetSmart has a slight edge on fish quality, while Petco often wins on price.

Additional Considerations: Resources, Rewards, and Rivals

Price and quality aren‘t the only factors to consider when deciding where to buy pet fish. PetSmart and Petco also differ in terms of the fish care resources and loyalty programs they offer.

Both stores have extensive online fish care guides, instructional videos, and printable checklists to help new hobbyists get started. However, PetSmart has a more user-friendly website with filterable galleries and an "Ask a Pet Care Expert" Q&A feature.

In-store, both retailers have trained aquatics specialists on hand to answer questions, test water samples, and provide personalized stocking recommendations. Petco takes this a step further by offering free fish tank setup for customers who purchase a qualifying aquarium kit.

As mentioned earlier, PetSmart‘s Treats loyalty program and Petco‘s Pals Rewards both allow you to earn points on every fish purchase that can be redeemed for $ off future visits. Members also receive exclusive coupons and discount offers that can make buying pet fish more affordable.

But these perks only go so far in the face of growing competition from online fish retailers like LiveAquaria. With a massive selection, overnight shipping, and a 14-day "Arrive Alive, Stay Alive" guarantee, LiveAquaria has become a go-to source for many serious aquarists.

While buying fish online can be risky (and pricey), it‘s an option that puts pressure on PetSmart and Petco to maintain high quality standards and competitive prices. Both chains have invested in their own online stores and delivery options in recent years, but still generate the vast majority of sales from brick-and-mortar locations.

Fish may only be a small slice of the $103.6 billion US pet industry[^1], but they remain an important part of both PetSmart and Petco‘s identity as one-stop shops for all pet needs. By offering competitive prices, healthy livestock, and helpful resources, both retailers aim to be the preferred destination for a new generation of aquarium enthusiasts.

[^1]: "Pet Industry Market Size, Trends & Ownership Statistics." American Pet Products Association. Accessed June 20, 2023.

The Bottom Line: Tips for Buying the Best Pet Fish at the Best Price

So where does this all leave you as a consumer looking to stock your aquarium without draining your wallet? Here are some key takeaways and tips:

  1. Compare apples to apples. Use the price charts in this article as a starting point, but always check your local stores for current pricing on the exact species and quantity of fish you want to buy. Don‘t forget to factor in any applicable sales or discounts.

  2. Prioritize fish health over minor price differences. A $2 Guppy isn‘t a good deal if it dies within a week due to poor quality. Take time to observe the tank conditions and fish behavior at each store before buying. When in doubt, ask an employee for their assessment or walk away.

  3. Take advantage of price matching. If you find a better deal on the same fish at a competitor, don‘t be afraid to ask for a price match. Both PetSmart and Petco will match advertised prices from each other and select online retailers as long as certain conditions are met.

  4. Join the loyalty program. Signing up for Treats or Pals Rewards is a no-brainer if you plan to buy fish and supplies from PetSmart or Petco with any regularity. The points you earn on every purchase can quickly offset any price premiums and even score you some free fish food or decor.

  5. Buy on sale days. Both chains run frequent promotions like "Buy 1, Get 1 50% off" or "$1 per fish" for select species. Timing your purchases around these sales can easily save you 10-50% vs regular prices. Check the weekly ad flyers in-store or online to plan ahead.

  6. Don‘t forget online options. If you‘re looking for a hard-to-find species or just want to compare prices, don‘t neglect online vendors like LiveAquaria, The Wet Spot, Imperial Tropicals, and others. You may be surprised at the selection and savings available, especially during seasonal sales.

By following these tips and being an informed shopper, you can build a thriving aquarium with high-quality fish from PetSmart, Petco, online sources, or even a combination thereof. The key is knowing where to look, what to look for, and when to pull the trigger or walk away.

Happy fish shopping!