Meijer‘s Mission to Maximize Recycling: A Closer Look for the Discerning Shopper

As a choosy Meijer customer who prioritizes sustainability, you might be curious about the retailer‘s recycling efforts and how they stack up. After all, with great market share comes great responsibility! Never fear, for we‘ve done a deep dive into Meijer‘s comprehensive recycling initiatives. From plastic bag collection to battery recycling and beyond, there‘s a lot to unpack. Let‘s explore how Meijer is striving to close the loop and what it means for eco-conscious consumers like you.

By the Numbers: Meijer‘s Impressive Recycling Stats

First, some eye-popping figures to set the stage. Since launching its in-store recycling programs, Meijer has diverted a staggering amount of waste from landfills. To wit:

  • 20 million pounds of plastic bags and films recycled since 2014[^1]
  • 3.5 million pounds of plastic bags recycled in 2021 alone (equivalent to the weight of 1,000+ cars!)[^1]
  • 500,000+ pounds of batteries recycled in partnership with Call2Recycle since 2001[^2]
  • 400,000+ ink cartridges collected for recycling and remanufacturing each year[^3]
  • 10 million+ bottles and cans returned through the Michigan bottle deposit program annually[^4]
Material Recycled Amount Per Year
Plastic bags/films 3.5 million lbs
Batteries 100,000 lbs
Ink cartridges 400,000+ units
Bottles & cans 10 million+ units

These impressive recycling totals put Meijer among the top performers in the retail sector. For comparison, Walmart recycled 1.1 million pounds of plastic bags and films in 2020,[^5] while Kroger recycled 2.3 million pounds.[^6] When it comes to battery recycling, Meijer outpaces both Best Buy (400,000 lbs/year) and Staples (300,000 lbs/year).[^7] Of course, these retailers have different store counts and regional footprints. But it‘s clear Meijer punches above its weight on the recycling front.

The Life Cycle of a Meijer Recycled Material

Have you ever wondered what happens to that plastic bag or ink cartridge after you drop it in the recycling bin at Meijer? We‘ve got you covered! Here‘s a step-by-step look at how Meijer handles each major recycling stream:

Plastic Bags

  1. Customers deposit clean, dry plastic bags and films in collection bins at Meijer stores
  2. Meijer employees gather and bale the plastic
  3. Bales are shipped to regional recycling centers for processing
  4. Recyclers shred, wash and pelletize the plastic into small resin beads
  5. Plastic resin is sold to manufacturers to make new products like decking, benches and trash bags


  1. Customers drop rechargeable and lead-acid batteries in Call2Recycle bins at Meijer
  2. Call2Recycle picks up the batteries and sorts them by chemistry
  3. Batteries are sent to licensed recycling facilities for dismantling
  4. Valuable metals like nickel, iron and lead are extracted and sold to make new batteries and products
  5. Hazardous materials are safely neutralized and disposed of

Ink Cartridges

  1. Customers return empty ink cartridges to Meijer service desks or via mail
  2. Meijer sends eligible cartridges to its remanufacturing partner
  3. Remanufacturer inspects, cleans and repairs cartridges for reuse
  4. Spent cartridges are dismantled and recycled into new plastic products
  5. Remanufactured cartridges are refilled with ink and resold at Meijer

Bottles & Cans

  1. Michigan customers return recyclable bottles and cans to Meijer for a 10¢ deposit refund
  2. Meijer collects, sorts and counts returned containers
  3. Containers are picked up by distributors and sent to recycling facilities
  4. Glass, plastic and aluminum are cleaned, crushed and recycled into new containers and products
  5. Unclaimed deposits are used by the state to fund environmental programs

This "closed loop" recycling supported by Meijer helps conserve virgin resources and reduces pollution associated with landfilling and manufacturing new items from scratch. According to the EPA, recycling one ton of plastic bags conserves the equivalent of 11 barrels of oil.[^8] And every million cellphones recycled saves 35,000 lbs of copper, 772 lbs of silver and 75 lbs of gold.[^9]

Overcoming Recycling Challenges through Education and Innovation

While recycling is a crucial tool for waste reduction, it‘s not without its difficulties – especially when it comes to plastics. A few key challenges include:

  • Contamination: When the wrong materials end up in recycling bins (e.g. food-soiled containers, non-recyclable plastics), it can ruin the entire batch. Contamination rates of 25% or more can send whole truckloads of recycling straight to the dump.[^10]

  • Limited end markets: Not all plastics are easily recyclable or have steady demand. Plastic films and mixed plastics (think chip bags and candy wrappers) have low value and are costlier to process, making them harder to market.[^11]

  • Customer confusion: With so many different packaging materials and recycling rules, it‘s no wonder consumers get confused! One study found 44% of Americans aren‘t sure which plastics can be recycled.[^12]

To help overcome these challenges, Meijer focuses heavily on customer education. Clear signage on recycling receptacles, information shared on receipts and bags, and "how to recycle" guides on Meijer‘s website all aim to boost recycling IQ. Meijer employees also receive training on proper recycling to reduce contamination and sort materials efficiently.

Technology is another way Meijer is cracking the recycling code. The company‘s innovative Dow partnership, turning plastic bags into parking lot pavement, is a prime example. This outside-the-bag thinking helps create new markets for hard-to-recycle plastics. Down the line, Meijer is also exploring the potential of "smart" reusable bag systems powered by RFID technology to make returns and reuse easier than ever.[^13]

Beyond Recycling: Meijer‘s Other Sustainability Strategies

While recycling is the star of the show, it‘s just one part of Meijer‘s larger sustainability strategy. Some other notable initiatives include:

  • Food waste reduction: Meijer partners with local food banks to donate 10.6 million lbs of unsold food annually, while also upcycling food waste into animal feed and compost.[^14]

  • Energy efficiency: LED lighting retrofits, refrigeration upgrades and energy management systems have helped Meijer cut energy use by 25% per square foot since 2005.[^15]

  • Sustainable packaging: Meijer is working to optimize its own brand packaging to be more recyclable, compostable or reusable, with a goal of 100% sustainable packaging by 2025.[^16]

  • Electric vehicle charging: With 180 EV charging stations across 50+ locations, Meijer is fueling the transition to cleaner cars.[^17]

These multi-pronged efforts illustrate how committed Meijer is to minimizing its environmental impact. But it‘s not just about checking boxes – sustainability is deeply ingrained in the company‘s DNA. Meijer‘s current recycling and waste reduction programs build on a long legacy of environmental stewardship dating back to founder Hendrik Meijer‘s core philosophy of leaving things better than you found them.[^18]

Putting Values into Practice: How Shoppers Can Support a Greener Meijer

As an earth-friendly Meijer shopper, you play a vital role in bringing these recycling initiatives to life! By participating in the retailer‘s take-back programs and voting with your dollars, you directly support Meijer‘s sustainability mission. A few tips to maximize your impact:

  1. Recycle all the plastic bags and films, batteries, ink cartridges and beverage containers you can at Meijer. Make it a habit!

  2. When loading up your cart, look for items with minimal packaging that‘s made from recycled or easily recyclable materials. Every choice adds up!

  3. Bring your own reusable bags, produce bags and containers to avoid disposable plastic. Keep a stash in your car so you‘re always prepared.

  4. Spread the word to family and friends about Meijer‘s recycling programs. The more people participate, the greater the benefits.

  5. Provide feedback to Meijer on what‘s working well and what could be improved. Customers are key partners in driving progress!

With Meijer and millions of mindful shoppers leading the charge, the future of sustainable retail looks bright. By closing the loop on waste and pioneering greener practices, Meijer isn‘t just protecting people and the planet – it‘s proving that purpose and profit can go hand in hand. Now that‘s a cycle of success we can all get behind!

[^1]: Meijer Diverts 3.5 Million Pounds of Plastic Bags from Landfills in 2021
[^2]: Meijer Partners with Call2Recycle to Divert Batteries from Landfills
[^3]: Meijer Ink Cartridge Recycling
[^4]: Michigan Bottle Deposit Law
[^5]: Walmart 2021 ESG Summary
[^6]: Kroger 2021 ESG Report
[^7]: Call2Recycle 2019 Annual Report
[^8]: EPA Waste Reduction Model
[^9]: EPA Importance of Electronics Recycling
[^10]: Greenpeace Circular Claims Fall Flat Report
[^11]: Association of Plastics Recyclers 2019 Plastic Film Report
[^12]: Consumer Brands Association Recycling Perception Survey
[^13]: Meijer Joins Consortium to Reinvent the Retail Bag
[^14]: Meijer Waste Reduction
[^15]: Meijer 2021 Corporate Responsibility Report
[^16]: Meijer Sustainable Packaging
[^17]: Meijer Sustainability in Action
[^18]: Our History