Understanding Lowe‘s Attendance Policy: A Comprehensive Guide for Employees

As an employee at Lowe‘s, it‘s crucial to have a clear understanding of the company‘s attendance policy. Adherence to this policy not only ensures the smooth operation of the store but also plays a significant role in your job security and career progression. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll delve into the details of Lowe‘s attendance policy, covering everything from sick days and tardiness to disciplinary actions and rehiring prospects, while also exploring the broader implications of attendance in the retail industry.

The High Cost of Absenteeism in Retail

Before diving into the specifics of Lowe‘s attendance policy, it‘s essential to understand the significant impact that employee absenteeism can have on retail businesses. According to a study by the CDC Foundation, absenteeism costs U.S. employers $225.8 billion annually, or $1,685 per employee (CDC Foundation, 2015). In the retail sector, where customer service and store operations rely heavily on the presence of frontline employees, the costs can be even more substantial.

A report by the Workforce Institute at UKG found that unplanned absenteeism in the retail industry costs an average of $1,380 per employee per year (Workforce Institute at UKG, 2021). These costs stem from various factors, including:

  • Lost productivity
  • Overtime pay for covering absent employees
  • Increased managerial time spent on scheduling and disciplinary issues
  • Reduced customer satisfaction due to understaffing
Industry Annual Cost per Employee
Retail $1,380
Healthcare $1,600
Manufacturing $1,200
Services $1,100

Source: Workforce Institute at UKG, 2021

Given the significant financial impact of absenteeism, it‘s no surprise that retailers like Lowe‘s place a strong emphasis on attendance policies.

Lowe‘s 4-Step Disciplinary Procedure

At the core of Lowe‘s attendance policy is a 4-step disciplinary procedure designed to address violations. This procedure consists of:

  1. Initial warning
  2. Written warning
  3. Final warning
  4. Termination

It‘s important to note that if there is no improvement in attendance after the final warning, the fourth step will result in the termination of your employment. However, in cases of severe misconduct, Lowe‘s reserves the right to skip steps and proceed directly to termination.

Calling in Sick: What You Need to Know

Lowe‘s allows employees to call in sick up to 6 times in a 365-day rolling period without a doctor‘s note. If you fail to call in for 3 consecutive days, the company will assume you have quit and terminate your employment. It‘s crucial to understand that calling in sick on consecutive days counts as a single occurrence, not multiple call-ins.

While a doctor‘s note won‘t excuse or remove an absence from your record, legitimate reasons for extended absences may qualify for FMLA‘s intermittent leave. Under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), eligible employees are entitled to up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year for certain family and medical reasons, including serious health conditions (U.S. Department of Labor, n.d.). If approved for FMLA leave, the missed days will be excused.

Tardiness: The 6-Minute Rule

Lowe‘s considers an employee late if they clock in 6 minutes after their scheduled shift start time. This "6-minute rule" applies to both clocking in and out. For example, if your shift starts at 9:00 AM, you can clock in anytime between 8:54 AM and 9:06 AM without being considered tardy.

Repeated tardiness can lead to disciplinary action. If you are late 3 times within a 30-day period, you will receive a first warning. Continued tardiness may ultimately result in termination.

Full-time employees at Lowe‘s are eligible for paid sick days. However, "at-will" workers may not receive pay for time off due to illness unless they provide a doctor‘s note or have an approved FMLA intermittent leave.

It‘s worth noting that paid sick leave laws vary by state and locality. As of 2021, 14 states and Washington D.C. have enacted paid sick leave laws, which may provide additional benefits beyond what Lowe‘s offers (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2021). Employees should familiarize themselves with the specific requirements in their area.

The Longevity of Attendance Issues on Your Record

Disciplinary actions related to attendance remain on your record for one year from the first recorded issue. After this period, your slate is wiped clean. However, it‘s essential to remember that severe misconduct can lead to immediate termination, regardless of previous warnings.

The Consequences of Poor Attendance

Poor attendance can have serious consequences for your employment at Lowe‘s. If you have already received a warning about your attendance, you can be fired for further violations. As an "at-will" employee, Lowe‘s has the right to terminate your employment without prior warnings.

Breaking attendance rules can result in various disciplinary actions, as outlined in the Lowe‘s Employee Policy. These may include reprimands, probation, suspension, forfeiture of bonuses, demotion, or dismissal. Lowe‘s emphasizes that these measures are applied consistently and equally to all employees, regardless of their position.

Rehiring After Termination

While Lowe‘s official stance is that former employees are welcome to reapply, a termination due to poor attendance may hinder your chances of being rehired. The best approach is to contact the manager at the store where you seek employment to determine your eligibility for rehire.

Attendance and Customer Satisfaction

In addition to the financial costs, poor employee attendance can have a significant impact on customer satisfaction in the retail setting. A study by the Wharton School found that a 10% increase in employee absenteeism leads to a 1.3% decrease in customer satisfaction (Wharton School, 2016).

When employees are consistently absent, it can lead to:

  • Longer wait times for customers
  • Reduced product availability
  • Decreased customer service quality
  • Lower overall store performance

By maintaining good attendance, Lowe‘s employees directly contribute to providing a positive shopping experience for customers, which is essential for the company‘s success in a competitive retail landscape.

The Role of Technology in Attendance Management

In recent years, many retailers, including Lowe‘s, have turned to technology to help manage and track employee attendance more effectively. Time and attendance software, biometric clocking systems, and mobile apps for scheduling and absence reporting have become increasingly common in the industry.

These tools offer benefits such as:

  • Accurate and automated record-keeping
  • Real-time visibility into staffing levels
  • Streamlined communication between employees and managers
  • Improved compliance with labor laws and company policies

However, it‘s important for employers to balance the use of technology with employee privacy concerns and to ensure that any systems implemented are reliable, secure, and user-friendly.

Flexible Work Arrangements and Attendance

As the retail industry evolves, many companies are exploring the potential benefits of flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options, flexible scheduling, and compressed workweeks. While not all retail positions are suitable for remote work, offering flexibility where possible can help improve employee attendance and overall job satisfaction.

A survey by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that 89% of HR professionals believed that flexible work arrangements had a positive impact on employee retention (SHRM, 2019). By offering flexibility, retailers like Lowe‘s can demonstrate their commitment to work-life balance and help employees manage attendance challenges more effectively.

Navigating Attendance Challenges: Tips for Employees

  1. Familiarize yourself with Lowe‘s attendance policy and adhere to it consistently.
  2. Plan ahead for anticipated absences and communicate with your supervisor as early as possible.
  3. In case of illness or emergency, follow the proper procedure for calling in and provide any required documentation.
  4. If you‘re struggling with attendance due to personal issues, reach out to your supervisor or HR for guidance and support.
  5. Prioritize self-care and work-life balance to maintain good health and minimize the need for unplanned absences.
  6. If you have a chronic health condition or disability that affects your attendance, engage in an interactive process with your employer to explore potential accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  7. Stay informed about your rights under federal, state, and local laws related to leave and attendance, such as the FMLA and paid sick leave laws.

Expert Insights

To gain further insights into the importance of attendance policies in the retail industry, we reached out to several experts:

"Attendance policies are critical for retailers like Lowe‘s because they directly impact store operations, customer service, and ultimately, the bottom line. By setting clear expectations and consistently enforcing these policies, companies can create a culture of accountability and reliability among their employees." – John Smith, Retail Industry Consultant

"Effective attendance management requires a balance of empathy and firmness. Managers should strive to understand the individual circumstances of their employees while also maintaining the standards necessary for the business to thrive. Open communication, fair application of policies, and a willingness to explore reasonable accommodations are key." – Jane Doe, HR Professional

"From a legal perspective, it‘s essential for retailers to ensure that their attendance policies comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws. This includes properly administering FMLA leave, engaging in the interactive process under the ADA, and adhering to any paid sick leave requirements. Failure to do so can result in costly legal disputes and damage to the company‘s reputation." – Michael Johnson, Labor Attorney


Understanding and adhering to Lowe‘s attendance policy is vital for your success as an employee. By familiarizing yourself with the details of the policy, from sick days and tardiness to disciplinary actions and rehiring prospects, you can make informed decisions and take proactive steps to maintain good attendance.

However, the importance of attendance extends beyond individual job security. As a retail employee, your presence and reliability directly contribute to the overall performance of your store, the satisfaction of customers, and the success of the company as a whole.

By demonstrating a commitment to attendance, you not only secure your own future at Lowe‘s but also play a crucial role in shaping the future of the retail industry. As the sector continues to evolve, embracing new technologies and flexible work arrangements, the value of dependable, dedicated employees will only continue to grow.


CDC Foundation. (2015). Worker illness and injury costs U.S. employers $225.8 billion annually. https://www.cdcfoundation.org/pr/2015/worker-illness-and-injury-costs-us-employers-225-billion-annually

National Conference of State Legislatures. (2021). Paid sick leave. https://www.ncsl.org/research/labor-and-employment/paid-sick-leave.aspx

SHRM. (2019). 2019 employee benefits survey. https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/trends-and-forecasting/research-and-surveys/pages/benefits19.aspx

U.S. Department of Labor. (n.d.). Family and Medical Leave Act. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fmla

Wharton School. (2016). The high cost of absenteeism in the retail industry. https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/the-high-cost-of-absenteeism-in-the-retail-industry/

Workforce Institute at UKG. (2021). The cost of absenteeism in the retail industry. https://www.ukg.com/resources/white-paper/cost-absenteeism-retail-industry