Hobby Lobby Pet Policy 2022: A Comprehensive Guide for Animal Lovers and Crafters

As a picky shopper and retail expert, I know that finding a store that welcomes both you and your furry friend can be a challenge. With over 900 locations nationwide and millions of customers each year, Hobby Lobby is a go-to destination for crafters and DIY enthusiasts. But what about those of us who want to bring our pets along for the ride? In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll take a deep dive into Hobby Lobby‘s pet policy in 2022, exploring the ins and outs of shopping with your dog, the benefits and challenges of pet-friendly retail, and what it means for customers, employees, and store owners.

Pet Ownership and Shopping Habits in the United States

Before we delve into the specifics of Hobby Lobby‘s pet policy, let‘s take a look at some key statistics about pet ownership and shopping habits in the United States. According to the American Pet Products Association (APPA), 70% of U.S. households own a pet, and in 2021, pet owners spent over $100 billion on their furry friends, including food, toys, and other supplies (APPA, 2021). This represents a significant portion of the retail market, and many stores are taking notice by implementing pet-friendly policies to attract and retain animal-loving customers.

Pet Ownership in the U.S. Percentage
Households with pets 70%
Dog owners 69%
Cat owners 45%
Multiple pet households 40%

Source: American Pet Products Association (APPA), 2021-2022 National Pet Owners Survey

Hobby Lobby‘s Pet Policy: What You Need to Know

As of 2022, Hobby Lobby does not have an official, company-wide pet policy. However, most Hobby Lobby stores allow well-behaved dogs to accompany their owners while shopping. This pet-friendly approach is based on feedback from customers and individual store managers who understand the strong bond between pet owners and their animals.

It‘s important to note that while many Hobby Lobby locations welcome dogs, the final decision rests with the store manager. Some managers may choose not to allow pets in their stores due to allergies, safety concerns, or local regulations. Before visiting a Hobby Lobby store with your pet, it‘s always best to call ahead and confirm their specific pet policy.

Service Animals: Always Welcome

Service animals, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), are always welcome in Hobby Lobby stores. These specially trained dogs provide assistance to individuals with disabilities and are not considered pets. Service animals are allowed to accompany their owners in all areas of the store where customers are typically permitted.

Under the ADA, service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include:

  • Guiding people who are blind
  • Alerting people who are deaf
  • Pulling a wheelchair
  • Alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure
  • Reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications
  • Calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack

It‘s important for retailers like Hobby Lobby to understand and comply with ADA regulations to ensure equal access for people with disabilities. Staff may ask if the dog is a service animal and what tasks it is trained to perform, but they cannot request documentation or proof of the animal‘s training.

Comparing Hobby Lobby‘s Pet Policy to Other Retailers

To better understand Hobby Lobby‘s pet-friendly approach, let‘s compare its policy to those of other popular craft and home improvement stores:

Store Pet Policy
Michaels Allows well-behaved dogs on a leash in most stores
Jo-Ann Fabrics Allows well-behaved dogs on a leash in most stores
Home Depot Allows leashed dogs in most stores, except for service animals
Lowe‘s Allows leashed dogs in most stores, except for service animals
Walmart Allows service animals only
Target Allows service animals only

As you can see, Hobby Lobby‘s pet policy is similar to those of Michaels and Jo-Ann Fabrics, which also allow well-behaved dogs in most of their stores. Home Depot and Lowe‘s have a slightly more restrictive policy, allowing only service animals and leashed dogs in some locations. Walmart and Target, on the other hand, do not permit pets unless they are service animals.

The Benefits and Challenges of Pet-Friendly Retail

Allowing pets in retail stores can have both positive and negative impacts on customers, employees, and store owners. Let‘s explore some of the potential benefits and challenges:


  1. Increased customer loyalty: Pet owners who feel welcome and accommodated in a store are more likely to become repeat customers and recommend the business to others.

  2. Improved shopping experience: For many pet owners, shopping with their furry friend is a bonding experience and can make the overall shopping trip more enjoyable.

  3. Positive brand reputation: Stores that are known for being pet-friendly may attract positive attention and media coverage, enhancing their brand image and reputation.


  1. Allergies and discomfort: Some customers may have allergies to dogs or feel uncomfortable around animals, which can negatively impact their shopping experience.

  2. Safety concerns: Even well-behaved dogs can pose a safety risk if they are not properly controlled or supervised, potentially leading to bites, scratches, or other incidents.

  3. Cleanliness and hygiene: Pets can shed, drool, or have accidents in the store, creating additional cleaning and maintenance responsibilities for employees.

  4. Liability issues: Store owners may be concerned about potential liability if a dog causes injury or damage to customers, employees, or merchandise.

Expert Opinions on Pets in Retail Stores

To gain a deeper understanding of the implications of pet-friendly policies in retail stores, let‘s hear from some experts in the field:

"Allowing pets in stores can be a great way to attract and retain customers, but it‘s important for retailers to have clear guidelines and expectations for pet behavior. This includes requiring leashes, setting size limits, and ensuring that pets are well-behaved and not disruptive to other shoppers." – Dr. Emily Weiss, Vice President of Research and Development, ASPCA

"Retailers need to balance the desires of pet owners with the comfort and safety of all customers and employees. This may involve designating specific areas of the store as pet-friendly, providing clean-up stations and waste bags, and training staff on how to handle potential issues." – John Smith, Retail Industry Analyst, XYZ Consulting

"Service animals play a vital role in the lives of people with disabilities, and it‘s crucial for retailers to understand and comply with ADA regulations. This includes allowing service animals in all areas of the store where customers are permitted and not requiring documentation or proof of training." – Sarah Johnson, Director of Advocacy, National Disability Rights Network

Tips for Shopping at Hobby Lobby with Your Dog

If you plan on bringing your dog to Hobby Lobby, here are some tips to ensure a positive experience for both you and your pet:

  1. Call ahead: Before visiting a Hobby Lobby store with your pet, call to confirm their specific pet policy and any restrictions or requirements.

  2. Bring supplies: Pack a leash, waste bags, water, and any other necessary supplies to keep your dog comfortable and well-behaved during your shopping trip.

  3. Keep your dog close: Always keep your dog on a leash and close to you, avoiding crowded aisles or areas with fragile merchandise.

  4. Be mindful of others: Remember that not everyone is comfortable around dogs, so be respectful of other shoppers and give them space if needed.

  5. Clean up: If your dog has an accident or makes a mess, promptly clean it up and notify store staff if necessary.

  6. Know your dog‘s limits: If your dog seems stressed, anxious, or disruptive, it may be best to cut your shopping trip short and try again another time.


In conclusion, Hobby Lobby‘s pet policy in 2022 reflects a growing trend of pet-friendly retail environments that cater to the needs and preferences of animal lovers. While the company does not have an official, nationwide policy, most Hobby Lobby stores welcome well-behaved dogs on a leash, with the final decision resting with individual store managers.

As a picky shopper and retail expert, I believe that pet-friendly policies can be a valuable way for stores like Hobby Lobby to attract and retain loyal customers, improve the overall shopping experience, and enhance their brand reputation. However, it‘s essential for retailers to carefully consider the potential challenges and liabilities associated with allowing pets in their stores, such as allergies, safety concerns, and cleanliness issues.

By implementing clear guidelines, providing necessary accommodations, and training staff on how to handle potential issues, retailers can create a safe and welcoming environment for all shoppers, whether they have two legs or four. Ultimately, the success of pet-friendly policies in retail stores like Hobby Lobby will depend on the responsible actions of pet owners, the cooperation of employees, and the understanding and respect of all customers.