The Future of Hobby Lobby: Navigating Challenges and Opportunities in the Crafting Industry


Hobby Lobby, the largest privately owned arts-and-crafts retailer in the world, has been a fixture in the crafting and home decor industry for nearly half a century. With over 900 stores across the United States and a loyal customer base, the company has weathered numerous challenges and controversies over the years. However, recent rumors and speculation about the company‘s financial health and potential closure have left many wondering about the future of this crafting giant.

In this article, we‘ll take a deep dive into Hobby Lobby‘s business, analyzing its financial performance, competitive position, and customer demographics. We‘ll also examine the broader trends shaping the crafting and home decor industry, and how Hobby Lobby is adapting to these changes. Finally, we‘ll provide insights and recommendations for Hobby Lobby and other retailers looking to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the current market.

Hobby Lobby‘s Financial Performance

Despite being a privately held company, Hobby Lobby‘s financial performance can be assessed through various indicators and estimates. According to Forbes, Hobby Lobby generated revenue of approximately $5 billion in 2020, placing it among the largest retailers in the United States.

While the company does not publicly disclose its profit margins, industry experts estimate that Hobby Lobby‘s margins are higher than those of many of its competitors, thanks to its efficient supply chain, strong vendor relationships, and focus on private-label products. In fact, Hobby Lobby‘s profitability has allowed it to continue expanding its store footprint and investing in its employees, even during challenging economic times.

Year Estimated Revenue Store Count
2018 $4.6 billion 840
2019 $4.8 billion 900
2020 $5.0 billion 900

Sources: Forbes, Hobby Lobby press releases

Industry Trends and Competitive Landscape

The crafting and home decor industry has experienced significant changes in recent years, driven by shifting consumer preferences, the rise of e-commerce, and the growing popularity of DIY culture. According to the Association for Creative Industries (AFCI), the U.S. creative products industry, which includes crafting and hobbies, generated $43.9 billion in sales in 2019, with an annual growth rate of 3.5% between 2014 and 2019.

However, the industry has also faced challenges, particularly for brick-and-mortar retailers. The growth of online marketplaces like Amazon and Etsy has made it easier for consumers to purchase crafting supplies and finished goods from the comfort of their homes, putting pressure on traditional retailers to adapt and innovate.

Hobby Lobby‘s main competitors in the crafting and home decor space include Michaels, JOANN Stores, and online retailers like Amazon and Etsy. While Michaels and JOANN have larger store footprints than Hobby Lobby, with approximately 1,275 and 865 stores, respectively, Hobby Lobby has managed to differentiate itself through its unique product offerings, store experience, and commitment to customer service.

Hobby Lobby‘s Customer Demographics and Loyalty

One of Hobby Lobby‘s key strengths is its loyal customer base, which has helped the company maintain its position in the market despite challenges and controversies. According to a 2019 report by Numerator, a market intelligence firm, Hobby Lobby‘s customers are primarily female (80%), married (60%), and have children (50%). The average Hobby Lobby shopper is 48 years old and has a household income of $75,000.

Hobby Lobby‘s customers are also highly engaged with the brand, with 60% of shoppers visiting the store at least once a month. This loyalty is driven in part by Hobby Lobby‘s unique product selection, which includes a wide range of crafting supplies, home decor items, and seasonal merchandise, as well as its attractive store layouts and customer service.

Adapting to Change: Hobby Lobby‘s Business Strategy

To stay competitive in the changing crafting and home decor market, Hobby Lobby has implemented several strategies to adapt and grow its business. One key area of focus has been expanding its product offerings to appeal to a wider range of customers. In recent years, Hobby Lobby has introduced new product categories, such as home accents, furniture, and party supplies, which have helped attract new shoppers and increase basket sizes.

Another important strategy for Hobby Lobby has been investing in technology and e-commerce capabilities. While the company‘s online presence is still relatively limited compared to some of its competitors, Hobby Lobby has made strides in improving its website and mobile app, offering features like online shopping, in-store pickup, and project inspiration.

Hobby Lobby has also leveraged partnerships and collaborations to expand its reach and appeal to new audiences. For example, in 2020, the company partnered with the home decor brand Magnolia, founded by Chip and Joanna Gaines, to launch an exclusive line of home accents and furniture. This partnership helped Hobby Lobby tap into the popularity of the Magnolia brand and attract younger, design-savvy shoppers.

The Impact of Hobby Lobby‘s Business Practices

While Hobby Lobby‘s business strategies have contributed to its success, the company‘s practices and values have also drawn scrutiny and controversy. Hobby Lobby‘s stance on certain social and political issues, such as its opposition to the Affordable Care Act‘s contraceptive mandate, has alienated some customers and led to calls for boycotts.

Additionally, Hobby Lobby‘s business practices, particularly its sourcing and labor policies, have come under fire. In 2017, the company agreed to pay a $3 million fine and forfeit thousands of ancient artifacts that it had illegally imported from Iraq. This incident, along with concerns about the company‘s use of part-time labor and its stance on unionization, has raised questions about Hobby Lobby‘s commitment to ethical and sustainable business practices.

Despite these challenges, Hobby Lobby has maintained strong relationships with its employees, suppliers, and local communities. The company has consistently raised its minimum wage, with the most recent increase taking it to $18.50 per hour, and has provided generous benefits and support to its workers. Hobby Lobby has also contributed to local charities and causes, donating millions of dollars to organizations focused on education, healthcare, and community development.

The Role of Social Media and Online Communities

In today‘s digital age, social media and online communities play a significant role in shaping public perception and influencing consumer behavior. For Hobby Lobby, social media has been both a blessing and a curse, providing a platform for customers to share their experiences and connect with the brand, but also amplifying criticism and controversy.

On the positive side, Hobby Lobby has a strong presence on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, where it shares project ideas, product promotions, and customer stories. These channels have helped Hobby Lobby engage with its loyal customer base and attract new shoppers through user-generated content and influencer partnerships.

However, social media has also been a double-edged sword for Hobby Lobby, as the company‘s controversial stances and business practices have often been the subject of viral posts and online backlash. The Hobby Lobby closure hoax, which spread rapidly on Facebook, is just one example of how misinformation and negative sentiment can gain traction on social media and impact a company‘s reputation.

To navigate this complex landscape, Hobby Lobby will need to continue investing in its social media presence, while also monitoring and responding to online conversations and feedback. Building a strong, authentic brand identity and fostering positive relationships with customers and influencers will be key to managing the company‘s reputation in the digital age.

Recommendations for Hobby Lobby and Other Retailers

Based on our analysis of Hobby Lobby‘s business and the broader crafting and home decor industry, we offer the following recommendations for the company and other retailers looking to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the current market:

  1. Invest in e-commerce and omnichannel capabilities: As consumer preferences continue to shift toward online shopping and convenience, retailers must prioritize their digital presence and offer seamless, integrated experiences across channels. For Hobby Lobby, this means further developing its website and mobile app, expanding its online product selection, and offering services like in-store pickup and same-day delivery.

  2. Differentiate through unique products and experiences: In a crowded and competitive market, retailers must find ways to stand out and offer value to customers. Hobby Lobby‘s focus on private-label products, exclusive partnerships, and engaging store experiences has helped it differentiate from competitors and build customer loyalty. Other retailers should look for opportunities to create unique, compelling offerings that resonate with their target audiences.

  3. Embrace sustainability and ethical business practices: As consumers become more conscious of the social and environmental impact of their purchases, retailers must prioritize sustainability and ethical business practices. For Hobby Lobby, this means continuing to invest in its employees, suppliers, and communities, while also addressing concerns about its sourcing and labor policies. By demonstrating a commitment to responsible and transparent business practices, retailers can build trust and loyalty with customers.

  4. Leverage data and analytics to drive decision-making: In today‘s data-driven world, retailers must harness the power of analytics to inform their strategies and operations. By collecting and analyzing data on customer behavior, market trends, and competitor performance, Hobby Lobby and other retailers can make more informed decisions about product assortment, pricing, promotions, and store locations. Investing in data capabilities and talent will be critical for staying ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving market.

  5. Foster a strong brand identity and community: Finally, retailers must focus on building strong, authentic brand identities and fostering community among their customers. For Hobby Lobby, this means continuing to engage with its loyal customer base through social media, in-store events, and personalized marketing, while also attracting new shoppers through compelling brand storytelling and influencer partnerships. By creating a sense of belonging and shared values, retailers can build lasting relationships with customers and differentiate themselves in a crowded market.


In conclusion, while Hobby Lobby has faced challenges and controversies in recent years, the company remains a strong and resilient player in the crafting and home decor industry. With a loyal customer base, differentiated product offerings, and a focus on adaptation and innovation, Hobby Lobby is well-positioned to navigate the changes and opportunities of the current market.

However, to ensure long-term success, Hobby Lobby and other retailers must continue to invest in key areas such as e-commerce, sustainability, data analytics, and brand-building. By staying attuned to shifting consumer preferences, industry trends, and competitive dynamics, and by prioritizing the needs and values of their customers and communities, retailers can thrive in an increasingly complex and dynamic market.

As the crafting and home decor industry continues to evolve, it will be critical for companies like Hobby Lobby to remain agile, adaptable, and committed to their core values and strengths. By doing so, they can not only survive but thrive in the face of challenges and uncertainties, and continue to inspire and empower customers to express their creativity and style for years to come.